Please Help Me!

Ian M

New Member
Aug 28, 2005
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Hey there,

I have a 22l nano reef marine tank, i do a water change of 5 l every week. It houses
2 true clowns
one hermit crab
star fish
orange spotted goby
it has has 3 Xenia several small polyps and 5 smal mushroom corals.

Ph is 8.3, nitrate is below 15ppm and salinity is 1.023 specific gravity.

i have not recently added any new tank mates.

So here is are my problems:

Firstly it looks like my star fish has been burned from my heater, we think it has bee non it when it has clicked on. it was fine at 12.30am on thurs fri 14th morning and at 9am it was losing skin and defated. i phined are local fish shop and they also suggested that it has been burned and to do a water change and put in the anti bac myxazin. I have been treating the tank with 1.5ml per day and it looks loke it will lose 3 legs but the other 2 look health. I know that star fish have amazing powers of regeneration but what i would like to know is the damage too much? any advice would be greatly appricated.

Secondly and hopefully lastly, when feeding my orange spotted goby with live brine shrimp i noticed that on one side just behind the pectoral fin is a small white worm that looks like it is attached as there is a small blood ''hole'' that it on my gody just at the ''head'' of this ''worm''. i know a little about parasitic worms as i am in my 3 year at uni studing zoology, but i really need help with this one and the treatment to apply if any, any advice will be fantasic.

thanks in advance

a worried trainee zoologist (Ian M partner!)
Oops wrong section :blink: this section is for Freshwater Tropical Emergencies. You'll get loads more help in the Salt Water Section than we can give you here.
Ask a mod to move your post across there, or just copy and paste your post into the chit chat sections - seeing that this is rather urgent.

Good luck :thumbs:
woops sorry, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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