Is My Tank Over Stocked?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 7, 2006
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Hi there, i just wanted to check, as you can see in my sig; i have a 10 Gal tank, and am moving my 8 neon Tetras and the Dwarf Gourami into it, after a few suggestions, i am also moving the phantoms into it as well... is this overstocked, or do i still have room for a few shrimp? i was looking at mabye 5 cherry shrimp...? thanks in advance
If I recall correctly, black phantoms are (Like near every other tetra) schooling fish. Should you really be keeping only 2?
Otherwise, in a 10 gallon, I probably wouldn't put anything more in. Personally, I'd think it was overstocked, even if only just, so keeping up on water changes should balance it out.

Other note - I'm not entirely sure of this, but is there a chance that a dwarf gourami would attack shrimp under the right circumstances? Just throwing that out there for the sake of it.
You are a little overstocked. I would return the black phantom tetras back to the LFS. I agree with ArcticLancer, 2 isn't a proper school for them and you don't have room for a school of them anyway.

I haven't kept shrimp, so I can't say. But 5 cherry shrimps is a lot for a 10 gallon with 10+ fish already -- even if people don't count shrimp in the inch-per-gallon rule.

Black phantoms are deep bodied tetras and so should be left alone by the angels, you could leave them in the 180 and get more to create a shoal. Cherry shrimp are surprisingly small so i'd go for one of the bigger shrimp if you plan to keep the gourami with them.

Emma :)
right, i understand what your all saying, i was going to get more black phantoms when they were staying in the rio 180, but then i was told i should move them away from angels, i can't remember if it was becasue they may get eaten or because they may nip at the angels???... anway, if it is ok to keep them in with angels.... then i will buy them some friends... then the tanks should be balanced...? also if anyone thinks that black phantoms should not got with angels please say! lol, thanks everyone.
My black phantoms were fin nippers and they were kept in an understocked tank with Angels. I eventually had to return them to the LFS. I found they were fine at first but started nipping fins as they got older.

ok.... thats a bit of a blow... i am either going to return the phantoms, or if anyone here is intersted... or more likely as i hate getting rid of fish, i will buy another smalish tank... and put 6 of them in there... yes that is what i might do... criky fish keeping is expensive... lol
shrimps have a very low waste load so u cud quite a few shrimps and only contribute a small waste load

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