Gravel And Fish Problem


New Member
Oct 9, 2005
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To the left of the bogwood under the amazon sword
Tank details:

AquaOne 980 (205ltr), planted with gravel substrate to about 1.5 inches

In habitants

3 Clown loaches
3 Bronze Cory's
1 Plec
1 Twig Catfish
2 Siamese Flying foxes
9 Harlequins
1 Guppy

The tank has been up and running for about 3 months

Since the day I have purchased the clown loaches I have always noticed them have the occassional flick against objects, when I purchased the Cory's and flying foxes they also done the same with the same frequency as the clown loaches. I have not seen this behaviour in the other inhabitants of the tank. I have looked closely at these fish I have not seen any indication of ill health, they are all active and feed when food is put in the tank.

About 3 week ago I decided to try using Tetra Aqua Balance (currently 4 weeks without a waterchange), my test levels have stayed steady, PH 7.5, Ammonnia 0, NitrIte 0, NitrAte 20mg\l (tested with Interpet test kit). But since starting to use Tetra Aqua Balance I have noticed that the group of flicking fish have started flicking a lot more.

Their more, at the front of the tank I have two area of gravel that is full of anarobic bactreia (the gravel is black under the top layer), I used to give the gravel a good hoover with a syphoning tube when I changed the water (it was also black at this time as well), but now as I don't change the water I use a small air powered hoover to clean the off the gravel. I am led to beleive that Anarobic bactreia will form if there is insufficent water movement through the gravel.

So now for my questions

What could be the problem with my flicking fish?
Is my (flicking group of) fishs behaviour down to the anarobic bactreia in the gravel??
How do I improve the movement of water through the gravel without moving to undergravel filtration??

Sorry for the long post and all the questions


Let's see if we can help you out here.
The flicking is most probably due to gill flukes and if the fish flick more when you use the tetra aqua balance, then stop using it.
I don't understand why you're not doing regular water changes. 4 weeks without changing the water is far too long. All fish, especially your clown loaches, appreciate and benefit from regular water changes.
Anaerobic patches are dangerous to fish, the gas given off is poisonous. The reason they appear is lack of oxygen to the deeper levels of the substrate and the way to get rid of them is to aeriate the gravel by moving it around with a gravel cleaner. Start deep cleaning the gravel and do regular weekly water changes and I'm sure your fish will be happier.
Are the gills red and inflamed, any laboured breathing, any salt like spots on them, or a gold to yellowish gold dusting on them, i wouldn't leave it 4 weeks for a water change, you have clown loaches there and they really need to be in a larger tank of 90gals.
Are the gills red and inflamed, any laboured breathing, any salt like spots on them, or a gold to yellowish gold dusting on them, i wouldn't leave it 4 weeks for a water change, you have clown loaches there and they really need to be in a larger tank of 90gals.

The reason I had not done a water change is because I am trying Tetra Aqua Balance. It is a new product that is supposed to remove the need for water changes for upto 6 months, I have only been using it for 3 weeks and it is 4 weeks since the last water change. Up until this point I was doing a weekly water changes. When I did the water changes I used a large syphon gravel cleaners that would remove gravel right down to the bottom of the tank. Even with the weekly changes of water and cleaning the areas of anorobic bacteria it still remained. My water test results have remained steady (as posted in my first post)

The fish are showing no signs of white spots or discolourations of there colour. It is only some of my fish (mainly bottom feeders) that have been affected not the entire tank, this is why I was wondering if the if the gravel problem was causing the problem.

My gravel is 1.5" deep, is this to deep?

I have decided to stop the test of the Tetra product

What do you suggest that I treat the fish with I am unable to see there gills and would not wish to remove them from the tank at this stage to check the prognosis. I was thinking of using Methylene Blue?

Regarding the clown loaches and tank size, all three are currently around the 2" mark. I am aware that they can grow in captivity upto 12" and in the wild upto 18", when mine grow larger I will ensure that they have suitable accomodation.

Apart from cleaning are there any other suggestions to resolve the areas on anorobic bactreia ??

I am unsure on the gill flukes, will leave someone else to sort that for you!
Regarding the anearobic bacteria, I'd suggest a good clean up by siphoning, if you add live plants their roots should help a lot, couild also consider a gravel heater cable device - the water it heats at substrate level rises, drawing cooler, oxygenated water down into the gravel. Tricky to fit in an established tank though. Also, you could remove some of the gravel to leave a thinner layer.
All i can say is dont use Methylene Blue. The clown loaches are scaleless and Methylene Blue will kill them.


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