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  1. B

    Lights on 24/7?

    That was one of the benefits originally to the 24/7 idea when I was wanting to toy with it as a sump. No worries about the plants outcompeting the fish for oxygen in the dark, no fluctuating ph from CO2 bouncing, continual removal of ammonia, etc as it's produced lowering nitrates, etc..... I...
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    Lights on 24/7?

    So I set up 3 plastic tubs, in the 10-12 gallon water capacity range. I hung 1 twin tube 48" fixture overtop. I was thinking, speed grow some cultures of live plants fast enough to be able to sell them in the store since the truck delivery wholesaler doesn't offer live plants. I split an order...
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    No power

    Small amounts of hydrogen peroxide. It breaks down into water with an extra oxygen molecule released. H2O2 becomes H2O with an O released for the fish. One of my first experiences was walking in a local Walmart after a hurricane outage to see all their tanks in disaster and full of dead fish...
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    New Tank Advice

    I'm on the set up a 10 gallon as well and only introduce your fish one type at a time after a decent qt period of a couple weeks or more. That keeps them safe from the plants crashing while you get your learn on, gives the plants more time to get established before you're forced to start...
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    Nitrite does not need to be zero to test Nitrate accurately

    And as stated, apparently this doesn't apply to Fritz and AP test kits. It also sounds stupid. If it was like that with the regular kits, then there would be no need to sell two kits. Just use bottle #2 by itself to test for Nitrite.
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    Nitrite does not need to be zero to test Nitrate accurately

    Someone made a fuss about it last week in another message. Never had a problem with AP kits going back to the early 90's, never seen a warning or disclaimer on any of their literature but in internet land it's random internet comment versus random internet comment so I figure lets just ask...
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    Nitrite does not need to be zero to test Nitrate accurately

    This is not the brand test kit I used but it looks an awful lot like the API, just higher priced. I was checking it out today when I saw a Q&A box that screamed to get a question since someone here is shovelling false info my experiences and their tech response disagrees with
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    Cycled tank but fish dying

    Back in the old days there was a simple phrase that summed it up, Daily Ten's. Change 10% a day. Obviously people nowadays are not as willing to put in the time to do smaller safer changes but the longer you wait and the larger the percentage, the more drastic it becomes increasing the potential...
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    Cycled tank but fish dying

    How do you know all the fiddlin and bouncing around water parameters trying to change what comes out of the tap to your perceived goal isn't doing the exact same thing? It's not rocket science. Fish adapt to survive. Each generation born is more used to what they're in than anything their...
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    Cycled tank but fish dying

    The most beautiful platies I ever raised were in a front pond in the store with live plants, no heat and water that started at about neutral PH with little hardness. I don't chase book numbers for what fish were found in in the wild. They adapt and are frequently already raised in conditions you...
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    Filter that removes nitrate

    Pringles can coil denitrator. Get about 50 feet of standard airline tubing. Drill a hole near the bottom and in the lid about the size of the airline. Run enough thru the bottom hole to reach up to the tank from where you place it. Coil the rest up inside the can leaving enough to come out the...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    Two more tanks from the same stand showing the exact same test results for the 3rd time since last night pictured. On the left we have nitrite but no nitrate. On the right higher nitrite and a hint of nitrate. I don't care about the numbers or how exact they are for this purpose. What I'm...
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  15. B

    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    That's not true for AP test kits. My AP test kits show every tank has or had nitrite except two and many had no testable nitrate at all with the test showing yellow and no color change for weeks. The results for which tank is showing what has been consistent for weeks on end. The AP kits showed...
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  17. B

    Goldfish turning black!

    I used to buy bags filled with 4 to 6" orange comets and drop them in my pond in the store and every time a few would turn a blue black and become almost impossible to find/catch against the black liner. I don't trust any goldfish or koi's colors until they're a couple years old.
  18. B

    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    One 20 and two of the 10's crossed the finish line with Monday's tests. Two of the 20's had the nitrite drop off to low levels and should be gone any day. The last four 20's I set up with partially preaged sponges had their HOB's added last Wednesday and got dosed with full dose Dr Tim's. It...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    If I remember the line correctly from 25 years ago, the american association of feed control officials definition of by products say they can include tissue from dead, dying diseased and disabled animals and can also contain hair, hyde, beaks, feathers urine and fecal waste. I don't trust anyone...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    Call back from the Hikari rep just now. Apparently I was double strength dosing their dechlor product. Roughly 1/4 teaspoon does 10 gallons. I was using the half so basically I can reduce my usage cutting my costs in half. He also said it's the only product with FDA approval unlike other...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    Sounds like someone like me that just wanted to try some more than Marineland itself restarting their entire bacteria business based on a competitor's product. I've sold and shipped comics to people at publishers the comics were produced from or other business names an employee wants to have...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    Good stuff, thanks for all the tech talk. I've got to recycle my fish knowledge as well. I just got a call from the Hikari rep after about 2 months and after a long talk, it appears I may be using waaay too much of their dechlor product. He said it shouldn't have mattered since it converts...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    "I have been using Dr. Time's for years. I even corresponded some with him by email many years ago. My best guess is you either failed to use it properly or else it was mishandled before it arrived to you. Freezing will kill the bacteria and archaea in the bottle (Dr. Tim now includes Ammonia...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    Have you done any head to head direct comparisons of this Fritzme to tanks without it or other products? I'm at the point now that I keep expecting to reach the finish line any day now and not actually need anything myself but I'm a big fan of confirming products functionality before selling...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    I'm trying Aquatops out since they appear to be about as basic as you can get and on the low end of the pricing spectrum from what I've seen currently. They don't offer extensions directly so I had to special order additional extensions for each...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    "Of course those with well water don't have chlorine or chloramine; it would be interesting to know how long a fishless cycle using just ammonia would take for those members who have well water." I closed the store in 2001 to go to work full time for my parents as a well driller, licensed and...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    "I have done fishless cycles using nothing but ammonia. Yes it does take a few weeks for the few bacteria in my tap water to multiply to make sufficient numbers but the tanks still cycle. Don't forget most water has chlorine or chloramine added to kill bacteria so we add dechlorinator to remove...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    "A few things you can do to help speed up the cycling process. Have the tank water at 28-30C. It speeds up the bacteria so they reproduce faster. *NB* don't increase the temperature if you have coldwater fish in the tank." No heaters, all the tanks are room temp with the room temp at 77. "Have...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    Back in the 90's it felt like every 6 months or so, Dr Tim would have another article published identifying or explaining another development in the quest to identify who converts nitrite into nitrate in aquariums. I was hoping by now there something more on where #1 comes from. I'd always...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    Plants are not an option yet. The wholesaler with the fish doesn't have any available they said. I also asked for aged/old filter media a month+ back and couldn't get any either. I used Dr Tim's original bacterial supplement back in 2002 and did a number of cycling experiments online for people...
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    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    Exactly, the right ones. How do the right ones finally show up? It's obvious they aren't just sitting there waiting to reproduce or we could dose nothing but ammonia and nitrite and have tanks cycled in days or a couple weeks. The first thing to start showing nitrite here was the one thing I...
  32. B

    Have they discovered where bacteria magically appear from yet?

    Basically you have a sterile aquarium. You fill it with brand new everything and clean treated water. Add fish and about 30 days later you have a cycled tank that bacteria magically showed up from out of nowhere. Have they solved the riddle in the last 30 years about how this bacteria arrives...
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    Why do manufacturers feel the need to change their products?

    Omega was purchased by another company and even though we helped get the company off the ground in the 1990's, they now refuse to sell to anyone who isn't exclusively pets only. I suspect small changes to some of their products over time as well since at the time they bought their first pellet...
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    Silencing air pumps

    Problem solved I expect. I used scrap pieces of 2 by 4 from the stand build to build a box about the same size as the refrigerator and about 2 feet tall. I used those double thick cardboard shipping boxes I have stacks of from incoming deliveries of toys and collectibles to cut out basically...
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    Silencing air pumps

    They're on a towel. I'll be adding at least one more big one and maybe 3 big ones so I'll have to size the box accordingly. Still waiting on tanks to arrive for the stand so no need for the additional 3 pumps yet. I did get the new lighting hung this morning so at least somethings working nicely...
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