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  1. R

    Raising Fry In Separate Tank

    Thats good! I have a 30 gallon tank that is cycled. I usually kept all my adult livebearers in it. Now that I am into this hobby. I purchased one 20 gallon tank and two 10 gallon tanks. I put all my newborn fry in one of the ten gallon tanks. I also had some fry in with the adults. I...
  2. R

    Finally Black-sword Fry

    Congrats! I bought to Three black male and two females, which both females are pregnant. One only had about five fry and she is still fat. Hopefully they both have them soon.
  3. R

    Do You Prefer Mollies Or Swords?

    Mollies are easier to take care of compared to the swordtails...especially the males. One morning I woke up and the male swortails sword was torn off him. Still in shock and don't even know why. Plus they are more aggressive towards the other fish which I also have mollies. Mollies are the BEST!
  4. R

    Just How Aggressive Are Sailfin Mollies?

    Don't worry mollies are like that especially sailfins. They are territorial especially if put with other male sailfin mollies....really matters on the fish too. I have multiple colorations of balloon, sailfin, and just basic mollies which I breed. Male sailfin mollies do best if there are only...
  5. R

    Dying fish!!!

    Well I have two tanks one 30 gallon and one 20 gallon. I have all my adult fish in the 30 gallon tank and all my fry in the 20 gallon tank. About three days ago one of my adult female balloon mollies started to swim funny like it lost control and started swimming in odd ways....she later died...
  6. R

    Color Bias! Need Help!

    I have a 30 gallon tank! Right now I have two mail sailfins (one orange and one green), I have two female green sailfins and two sand dust mollies and one creamsicle. I have six female balloon mollies and one orange balloon male sailfin mollie. I also have two female black mollies and also...
  7. R

    its taking too much time !!

    I have a 20 gallon aquarium where I raise all the fry that I get. Right now I have over 200 guppy, molly, and platy fry. I have some that are growing at a rapid pace especially some of my sunset mollies that were born two weeks ago. My platies are also some that are growing fast, I have been...
  8. R

    Color Bias! Need Help!

    :-( I am fairly new to this forum. Just recently I bought some balloon mollies because they are my favorite tropical liveberaing fish. I also have a green male sailfin mollies and two females. These mollies especially the male and the bigger female love to harass my white balloon mollies. I...
  9. R

    Over 100 Fry

    Well hope this works. I have over 100 fry within four months of me owning my own tank. I keep all my fry in a 20 gallon tank. I have only had one casuelty that I know of but the majority of my fry are doing well. I will either sell or give away most of my fry and keep my favorites once they...
  10. R

    Over 100 Fry

    Well hope this works. I have over 100 fry within four months of me owning my own tank. I keep all my fry in a 20 gallon tank. I have only had one casuelty that I know of but the majority of my fry are doing well. I will either sell or give away most of my fry and keep my favorites once they...
  11. R

    Fantail Mollies

    Well I disagree on tetras if you want them to have fry. Tetras are really agressive and love to eat anything they can fit in their mouth. I had to seperate all my tetras and barbs to a smaller tank. Since then all my livebearing fish have had alot of fry and the majority of the healthy fry...
  12. R

    my 2 new boys

    WEll it is a high fined platy I don't know I have one like it too, but not a high fin one.
  13. R

    New to the Forum

    Hi guys and gals, I am new to the whoe breeding of guppies, platies, and mollies. I have two tanks, a 33 gallon tank and a 20 gallon tank. The smaller tank I keep my fry and in the big one all the adult fish. Right now I am trying to breed ballon mollies because they are my favorite. At the...