Do You Prefer Mollies Or Swords?

Do you prefer mollies or swords?

  • Mollies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Swordtails

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Like them both just the same

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I honestly cant choose between them
Ive kept swordtails from the start and only bought my first mollies a little while back but I like them so much I cant see me ever not having them--badly worded but you get my drift! :)
Hmm, I tihnk I like mollies a little better. Just there looks and varieties make them better to me.
Mollies are easier to take care of compared to the swordtails...especially the males. One morning I woke up and the male swortails sword was torn off him. Still in shock and don't even know why. Plus they are more aggressive towards the other fish which I also have mollies. Mollies are the BEST!
I like mollies because they are easier to breed in my experience.
I prefer Mollies, because of variety, and they are generally more active & healthy in my area. ;)
Swordtails to me are just like big platys, apart from their looks they are just like platys, and if you had to ask me wether i prefer platys or mollys i'd go for mollys- swordtails are pretty, but mollys have more personality and character to me :) .

But only since I have not had mollies since I was young.

Back then I never had luck with them.

Could have been the small tank (20 gal.) and my lack of experience with water quality.

I always found swordtails hardier.

I know better than to even purchase mollies now given my space constraints.


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