my 2 new boys


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
British Columbia - Canada
here they are
the male platy - if anyone could identify what kind it is, i would really appreciate it
I fell in love with his colouring though - he was the only one who looked like that


and my little boy guppy

thanks for looking
I think it is a spotted golden platy.....or perhaps a calico platy :p

Thats an excellent site with HEAPS of pictures of all fish and 28 pages of platies (lots of photos per page too) need to register to view the pics but its easy (ust need to search via scintific name....i.e. Poecilidiiae xiphophorus (left hand side of page)
WEll it is a high fined platy I don't know I have one like it too, but not a high fin one.
Gorgoeus new fishies, Fishykisses! Best of luck with them! :D

Not sure on the coloring on the Platy. Is he actually that color in real life, or did the camera alter him a little? Though I agree, he appears to be a High-fin. Should be interesting to see what kind of fry you get when he breeds with the Platies you have now!
I recently bought some platties that look to be the same colour as yours (minus the high fin) & they were called salt & pepper platties. They actually ranged in colour from orange through to cream. Very pretty.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
I velive your Guppy is a Red Varitail Guppy. Looks exactly like the pic in my book.

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