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  1. Endlersendlers

    What are these weird things in my tank?

    It’s hard to see from those pictures but could they be snails?
  2. Endlersendlers

    Fish Wanted!

    If you go with ann acrylic tank next time, your dad would appreciate you.
  3. Endlersendlers

    Experimental picture

    Do you get that eerie feeling someone is watching you sleep?
  4. Endlersendlers

    Fluval uv steriliser

    They help for the microscopic algae that causes green water.
  5. Endlersendlers

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    If you do something without having to think about it, that might be instinct. The more you think about it, unless you ultimately go with your “gut” anyway, it is probably intelligence. Even going with your gut might be intelligence. Your brain can subconsciously figure out a lot of variables...
  6. Endlersendlers

    Cleaning substrate

    Beneficial bacteria grows in places oxygen can get to. That’s another reason for vacuuming the gravel. It stirs up the gravel as well as removing muck so you don’t have unoxygenated areas that grow gram negative (bad) bacteria. Enough bacteria sticks to the sand or gravel to keep the cycle...
  7. Endlersendlers

    Cleaning substrate

    In plain English, I vacuum gravel to the glass and swirl just over sand to get detritus on the surface. Things fall in between the gravel and get to the bottom. Some stuff they sell as sand is large like small gravel and not like beach sand. I vacuum that to the glass bottom. If it is fine sand...
  8. Endlersendlers

    Cleaning substrate

    Terrific analogy!
  9. Endlersendlers

    Virtual friends

    Yea, that sounds pretty accurate, actually.
  10. Endlersendlers

    Metalhead multicolor guppy

    You may definitely say so.
  11. Endlersendlers

    New Tank Joy/Relief!

    I agree with 10 Tanks. It is very nicely done!
  12. Endlersendlers

    Are these guppy’s just a mixture or are either a strain

    They look like endler/guppy mutts to me. The one on the right looks like it has some tiger endler and maybe Japanese blue endler(?). The one on the left has some guppy but might be crossed with endlers too. Editing to add that @emeraldking is the expert on these, so I am just giving my opinion...
  13. Endlersendlers

    Word Association Game

  14. Endlersendlers

    Reed/Rope fish - eating the others??

    That’s some solid evidence.
  15. Endlersendlers

    sorry... a non fish or forum rant...

    That T in a box allows you to add text. Then you click any where on the page and start typing, hit enter when you want it to drop down to the next line. Then you can move the box where you want it, too.
  16. Endlersendlers

    What are you using for caves???

    I use Schedule 40 PVC where no one will see it. It’s supposed to not leach.
  17. Endlersendlers

    sorry... a non fish or forum rant...

    Do you have the option to “add text” to the PDFs? I think there are 3 places with “…” and one of these, at the top (left?) allows you to add text. I might be confused with Adobe acrobat though.
  18. Endlersendlers

    Crack in new tank- please answer ASAP

    Now that we know it didn’t work, we also know it wasn’t negativity so much as realism.
  19. Endlersendlers

    Julii cory dying...

    I’m sorry about your loss.
  20. Endlersendlers

    Well, now I have a cat-Please help!!

    Hi @Ellie Potts, came back to see how you’re doing. I would love to see a life and cat update, if you feel so inclined. In any case, I hope school, life, your mom and grandparents are doing well.
  21. Endlersendlers

    Never mind

    As I was reading that thread, for a while there I was sad that two of our lovable regulars seemed to be hitting each others buttons. I’m so glad you two worked it out and am wishing you both the best, as well as for those in your care. It certainly makes for long days and little sleep.
  22. Endlersendlers

    How long can electric blue Acara stay in a 15 gallon

    I guess there’s a school of thought to start them out with the tank their adult size will need, probably inspired by the fact some people never get around to upgrading as intended. This forum tends to side on the happiness of the fish. I can appreciate that since their whole world is the box...
  23. Endlersendlers

    Planted 40g Aquarium Journal

    Has Mr. Bingley showed up? I’m sorry about Firecracker.
  24. Endlersendlers

    Silicone air lines... did I do wrong???

    Update- the zip ties did not work in the long run.
  25. Endlersendlers

    Gourami got stuck!

    I’m curious- can scales grow back?
  26. Endlersendlers

    Silicone air lines... did I do wrong???

    I dip the ends in a cup of hot (almost boiling out of the microwave) water so I can slide them on further. I don’t have to do this with black outdoor air tubing because it just doesn’t pop off. I just don’t want to throw out all that silicone tubing I bought.
  27. Endlersendlers

    Thread for sharing art

    How about silver with some color highlights? Our bright silver highlights over pewter?
  28. Endlersendlers

    Neon Tetra died!

    I noticed in an earlier post the OP found a source that overlapped water temps and stated plecos and tetras can live together since they occupy different parts of the water column. Of course they liked that source because it said what they wanted to hear, and then used it to decide all was good...
  29. Endlersendlers

    New emoji idea - "Thank you"

    😁🙄🗣️🧌🧜‍♀️🐸🐌 🪿🦆🐌🐒🐬🐟🦩🦢 🦢🥖🥐🥨🦨🍑🦜🌾 🥋🎽🚰🌊🩳👔🧦
  30. Endlersendlers

    Kribensis and electric blue acara in same aquarium?

    Just one, and maybe that’s why.
  31. Endlersendlers

    Let's Talk About Feeding Our Fish

    Sometimes we get fixated on the numbers of times feeding instead of amounts. You don’t know that the person feeding daily is over feeding, even if that is more common than under feeding, to then tell them to feed every other day. Maybe the less aggressive fish already don’t get anything and...
  32. Endlersendlers

    Diver holds, kisses fish and yeets it in the water

    Either it’s disoriented or didn’t mind at all.
  33. Endlersendlers

    Stunted / runt fish... why???

    There is variation in every batch. That is why Lakeway Tilapia grades them and the runts are sold as pond grade because they stay small and keep eating algae. Food grade grow at the fastest and most consistent rate but they are separated out of each batch for fastest growth and maturity traits...
  34. Endlersendlers

    Kribensis and electric blue acara in same aquarium?

    I expect the kribensis will beat up on and terrorize the gourami and cherry barbs. The acara will keep growing and go after those smaller than it as it ages.
  35. Endlersendlers

    Ready to pop...

    Todays the day.
  36. Endlersendlers

    Amazon community aquarium

    Nice tank! We have gotten into a subculture here of heavily planted tanks. I’m not an expert on what the fish prefer but I think it’s refreshing to see something different.