Search results

  1. Raven_24

    Possible New Tank

    :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: Whooooooo weeeeee! After much nagging that I need a new tank for my betta...partner has agreed to let me get said tank provided I get a bargain & pay for it myself (plastics fantastic mwuhahahahaaaa) :crazy: Don't know whether to get a small one just for the betta...
  2. Raven_24

    Little Nipper!

    :unsure: really hope the BGK doesn't die... It's so cute, I love its little face! I was going to get 3 of them but ended up only getting the one. I do like the betta though, the colours are truly beautiful when it fans its tail out.... lil buggers! think I'm def. going to have to separate them...
  3. Raven_24

    What Type Of Tank?

    Right...I did wonder how it would look from the photos I've seen they seem to magnify the fish abit...perhaps thats what they meant... How do you mean they seem to cost more than normal tanks? In what way? Its a shame coz there's quite alot I'd go for but unfortunately they are pick...
  4. Raven_24

    What Type Of Tank?

    I need to get all the usual light, heater, pump etc might have some free gravel to pick up if the seller gets back to me on the buy & sell forum... My Budgets £35-40 max & the tanks gotta be glass I hate plastic, it loses heat alot & scratches easily. i've got about 15 tanks I'm watching on...
  5. Raven_24

    What Type Of Tank?

    HI this has been asked on a previous thread in general forum but not had much response. I'm having to remove my betta from the main com.tank as it's harrassing the life out of my BGK. He's currently in a large mesh breeding trap as I only have the one tank now (old one got broken) so have...
  6. Raven_24

    Top Level Swimming Fish

    I currently have a shoal of Penguin Tetras that love hanging around the top - maybe those?
  7. Raven_24

    Little Nipper!

    Not much info but thanks anyway. I'm abit dissapointed that I can't keep the betta in the community tank because my old one & the one before that were no bother at all :sad: but saying that I'm not going to take him back to the LFS, he's too beautiful so at present he's in a large mesh...
  8. Raven_24

    Little Nipper!

    Well it's been yonks since I had any new fish in my tank, they've slowly died off over the years & I had my first baby in 2007 so didn't have much time for them other than making sure they were fed & watered so to speak - you can imagine how it is I'm sure. The only fish left in my community...
  9. Raven_24

    Khuli Only Tank...

    Really I'd thought they would definately need sand with them being loaches...hmm maybe I can put them in my community tank after all, cheers for that Jules :good: The possible setups you suggested sound really nice, I will definately check them out, thankyou :) The tank measurements are...
  10. Raven_24

    Lol Me And My Fish Had A Chinese Last Night

    Oh dear god...... :blink: :lol: rather you than me like, hey when I get a chinese even my dogs don't get the leftovers it's mine all mine!!!! I'm laughing imagining it but please tell me you aren't being serious? what about the oil & all the stuff they've been cooked in...I've never heard...
  11. Raven_24

    Khuli Only Tank...

    :lol: no what I meant was one puffer instead of khulis not both together, god I could just see it now a puffer with a khuli hanging out its mouth...would look like some weird underwater balloon complete with pull along string(!) I was originally going to turn the 2 footer into a small marine...
  12. Raven_24

    Cheesiest Tank Award

    It is pretty cute I have to admit :blush: although I don't think I'd have the ship in it personally but hey each to their own & I'll bet the kids really love it - they could make up their own little adventures about spongebob in the tank & the "invisible" fishes...or is it only me that does...
  13. Raven_24

    Khuli Only Tank...

    I've currently got a 2ft tank that is empty at present & was wondering if it would be possible to turn it into a khuli only tank? I've always loved Khulis but I don't have sand in my C.T just gravel & don't really want to convert it as it's already got fish in it plus it's abit of a palaver. I...
  14. Raven_24

    Khuli Only Tank...

    -_- err what would you suggest?
  15. Raven_24

    Khuli Only Tank...

    ooh quick addition here I've just been reading about african dwarf frogs....could they live happily with khulis???
  16. Raven_24

    Khuli Only Tank...

    :drool: 30 Khulis you say....but would that not overstock the tank? It's only a 14gallon mind. :blink: Not really wanting another gourami though as I have 3 in my CT, any ideas for something different of the same size? I would really like a bright colourful fish to be honest...was going to...
  17. Raven_24

    Khuli Only Tank...

    I've currently got a 2ft tank that is empty at present & was wondering if it would be possible to turn it into a khuli only tank? I've always loved Khulis but I don't have sand in my C.T just gravel & don't really want to convert it as it's already got fish in it plus it's abit of a palaver. I...
  18. Raven_24

    Please Somebody Help

    :/ really sorry to hear about your problem, is there any way you could take a good picture of the fish in question & post it on here via photobucket or imageshack so ppl could get a better idea it? I had a cory die awhile ago which I thought was whitespot at first but it turned out it wasn't I...
  19. Raven_24

    Arrrgg! Snails!

    :crazy: snails in the tank water....eww. We've gotta drink that, are you sure they were coming out the tap??? Cucumber for wool for ticks/fleas I didn't know that worked thanks for that, I'll keep it in mind just in case. Zymol - where do you live?
  20. Raven_24

    I'm A Numpty

    :lol: so I'm not the only numpty on here then - thats so good to know :D I think I'll just stop ebaying for awhile (its too addictive being only a click away!) and go to my local aquatic shop when I have more money :good: