Please Somebody Help


New Member
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Tas, Australia
I'm really quite distressed but I'll tell you eveything that's happened in the hopes that somebody can help.

About 2 weeks ago I noticed my clown loach flicking off rocks and when I noticed 3 small white specks last week I put in methylene blue which did nothing but ruin the tank so the pet store suggested ickaway which I put in yesterday morning after a 25% water change. No more white specks but more fish are flicking and now I have a shark that is hovering, near the bottom, at the back of the tank with his head down, tail up and swims all skittish bumping into things when other fish go near him. At one stage I noticed orange on his fins whether it's inflamed cause he keeps bumping into things or what I don't know but he hasn't eaten the last 2 days either and I've only had the fish a month so it's really quite upsetting.

I can't test the PH levels because the tank is still a blue colour from the methylene dye

awww. sounds like me my 3 catfish dunt know wat their called but fish shop dude said they have a poisonous fin all died some how they had white fluff growing on them i was like wtf next morning dead. i know how u feel.

try puting fungus ade might helpp i duno :D

cause 2 weeks ago my gold severum and oscars had white spots i was tooo lazy to by ickaway i left it like that for a week and then i noticed there were cuts in the severums and were really red i was like holy crap and they were lying flat floating on ground even wen i touched em they wouldnt move . so the i quicklywent to fish store to buy ickaway and fungus ade put into tank then 3 days after fish looked a little beter a week later they were back to normal lip locking and fighting (severums). i was like so stressed wen i saw cuts all over severums body and them lying flat.
You have roughly a 40 gallon tank which is too small for those fish im afraid. Have you got any water tests for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and what filter are you using? How often do you do water changes?

Water quality is really important and when adding meds you must raise the oxygen level in the tank with airstones.
Any fish that headstands is in trouble so do water changes to take the MB out the water. Stick only yo one med at a time and keep using the ick treatment until the loaches stop flicking, but it might be water quality thats causing them to flick as well.
:/ really sorry to hear about your problem, is there any way you could take a good picture of the fish in question & post it on here via photobucket or imageshack so ppl could get a better idea it?

I had a cory die awhile ago which I thought was whitespot at first but it turned out it wasn't I got the correct treatment Myxazin by waterlife (it's used to treat fin-rot, body rot, ulcers & other bacterial infections & it also reduces stress when introducing/moving new fish) but it was too late by that point to save the wee guy. Have you got a small Q/T~hospital tank you could move the affected fish to? even something like a small plastic animal carrier would do for now provided its cleaned properly & has adequate filtration/heating in it.

Hope they get better but as ppl are saying the tank is abit on the small side so you'd be best getting a larger one asap or relocating some fish...

Good luck :good:
Alright I did a 50% water change this morning and the water is not so blue anymore which is good. The shark is still doing a head stand and rolling slightly to the side so I'm consolling myself to the fact that he ain't going to make it. At least the tank won't be as crowded anymore even though all of them are still babies and the tank looks bare.

I'm gonna go out today and buy an air stone, a carbon filter to replace the side one and a small quarantine tank. Might even get a nitrate test kit too as these things will come in handy now and in the future.

Thankyou all for your prompt reply. It really is nice to have people trying to help.

By the way what other fish do you think I should remove so the tank won't be over crowded?
Sadly no the shark isn' going to make it, head standing and laying to one side is a bacterial infecion, plus when they show this behavour they are dying, sorry.

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