Khuli Only Tank...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2005
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I've currently got a 2ft tank that is empty at present & was wondering if it would be possible to turn it into a khuli only tank? I've always loved Khulis but I don't have sand in my C.T just gravel & don't really want to convert it as it's already got fish in it plus it's abit of a palaver. I don't mind putting khulis in it or maybe 1 puffer has anybody got any advice on this matter?

*this was posted in another bit for info but I just wondered if anybody else here has any ideas?*
I think Khuli's and puffers sounds like a very bad mix, a fish that nips fins and bites scales and eats worms with a very thin skinned fish that looks like a worm, Or did you mean puffer instead of Khulis?

Anyways, if it were just khulis it would seem a bit barse to me, sure they look good when you see them and with just khulis I'm sure you would have enought in there that you would always see one, but they don't really occupy the water column to its fullest extent
:lol: no what I meant was one puffer instead of khulis not both together, god I could just see it now a puffer with a khuli hanging out its mouth...would look like some weird underwater balloon complete with pull along string(!)

I was originally going to turn the 2 footer into a small marine tank or a cichlid tank before I read that it's really too small for anything of either kind so that idea went out the window. I just don't know what to put in it, I'm realllly indecisive at the moment :rolleyes: I have also been told by my other half that I can in no way put any fish in my latest purchase (96gallon tank) :-( because and I quote "with my crappy council floorboards & living in a top floor flat, if I fill it with water the weight of it means it's going to go through the floor & possibly take out all my neighbours underneath me and no he cannot reinforce the floor before I's too big a job!!!" :grr:

He thinks it's a good idea to convert it & get a snake :shout: ...he would(!)

Any other ideas for the 2 footer?
A tank of just khulis would be dull as a tank of dishwater most of the time I'd think as they are so secretive.

Options for me might be:

1. 3 corys, 3 dwarf gourami, 6 khuli loaches
2. 1M & 1F Kribensis, 6 khuli, 1 dwarf gourami
3. 3 zebra loaches, 8 neons, 3 amano shrimp

Just off the top of my head. Keep the fish small and you could have a nice little setup.

Ps. Khulis are fine with gravel. They'll hide in caves, under wood, and in plants, no problem.
Ps. Khulis are fine with gravel. They'll hide in caves, under wood, and in plants, no problem.

Really I'd thought they would definately need sand with them being loaches...hmm maybe I can put them in my community tank after all, cheers for that Jules :good:

The possible setups you suggested sound really nice, I will definately check them out, thankyou :)

The tank measurements are length 2ft, height is 1'2" and width is 1ft (rubbish pic but you get the idea)

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