Khuli Only Tank...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2005
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I've currently got a 2ft tank that is empty at present & was wondering if it would be possible to turn it into a khuli only tank? I've always loved Khulis but I don't have sand in my C.T just gravel & don't really want to convert it as it's already got fish in it plus it's abit of a palaver. I don't mind putting khulis in it or maybe 1 puffer has anybody got any advice on this matter?
I would put maybe like a gourami or some fish that swims near the top of the tank just to fill in the space but otherwise it sounds good. I would get black sand as i think that khulis look better against black sand than white sand. If you want to see your khulis more (especially when they are small) than put a hiding spot where you can see in it like half of a cocunut cave against the glass.
Kuhlis are great in large numbers, not counting the cories and the 4 misfit mid dwellers, my 2ft is all kuhlis. Numberwise, I'd say go for one biggish (4,5") mid/top dweller, and, say, 30 kuhlis. You'd have to be a bit careful with the filter you use, so as to advoid minced loaches. This would be a chance for you to help with the kuhli studies a lot of the fans do, mainly observing the patterns and species in each batch. All they really need is a sand substrate and lots of hiding places- I thouroghly reccomend the sort of real or fake plants (probably fake is better) that sit on the bottom and give them space to hide- Rootscaper ones are good, as is the palstic pygmy chain sword you can get.
Kuhlis are great in large numbers, not counting the cories and the 4 misfit mid dwellers, my 2ft is all kuhlis. Numberwise, I'd say go for one biggish (4,5") mid/top dweller, and, say, 30 kuhlis. You'd have to be a bit careful with the filter you use, so as to advoid minced loaches. This would be a chance for you to help with the kuhli studies a lot of the fans do, mainly observing the patterns and species in each batch. All they really need is a sand substrate and lots of hiding places- I thouroghly reccomend the sort of real or fake plants (probably fake is better) that sit on the bottom and give them space to hide- Rootscaper ones are good, as is the palstic pygmy chain sword you can get.
:drool: 30 Khulis you say....but would that not overstock the tank? It's only a 14gallon mind. :blink:

Not really wanting another gourami though as I have 3 in my CT, any ideas for something different of the same size?
I would really like a bright colourful fish to be honest...was going to turn the 2footer into a small marine tank or a cichlid tank before I got told that it's really too small for anything of either kind so that idea went out the window :sad: & I have just been told by my other half that I can in no way put any fish in my latest purchase (96gallon tank) because and I quote "with my crappy council floorboards & living in a top floor flat, if I fill it with water the weight of it means it's going to go through the floor & possibly take out all my neighbours underneath me and no he cannot reinforce the floor before I's too big a job!!!" :-( :grr:
He thinks it's a good idea to get a snake :shout: ...he would(!)

I feel abit mean only having one mid/top dweller, I usually prefer to have a pair if not more of a kind (hah could always stick a betta in with them :angel: )

I usually go for Java Fern in my tanks now as they're pretty hardy are they ok?
Sheesh! I never thought about the filter I think the one thats in the tank at the mo is a Fluval 1 or maybe its a 2... :unsure: can't quite remember but it's one of those anyway - would that be suitable for them? & has anyone got any other useful dos & don'ts on keeping khulis, just so I'm abit more informed about them than at present. Ta muchy.
14 gallons won't stock to many khulis as there will be space and overstocking problems that will pop up very fast.
I have been told a couple of things by people who keep kuhlis. One said you can count kuhlis as one inch each (because they are so thin), another said 1.5 inch. So with no dither you could keep 10-15 kuhlis in your tank. You'll want dither, though, so I'd go with 6-8, and a little school of something small for the mid/top.
They might be skinney, but when they are 5 or six inches long it still adds up very fast and they get thickered bodied as theey grow older.
They might be skinney, but when they are 5 or six inches long it still adds up very fast and they get thickered bodied as theey grow older.

Most kuhlis will never grow to 5 or 6 inches. Females of any type will get thicker, and the Pangio myersii has a thicker body (and does reach 4 inches), but most, including the actual Pangio kuhli, do not get either large or very thick. They are all very low waste producers.
Assuming, as I said, there are no other bottomdwellers, and a couple of very low waste mid/to dwellers (*note dithers are unneeded they are just something else to look at), 30 kuhlis is perfectly fine. Ignore whatever 'inch per gallon' or whatever, they are extremely low waste, don't get big, are very skinny and have no problems with space (they'll hapilly lay in piles).

Filterwise, I have a Fluval 2+ in my 2fter, does a good job, just check the gap betwwen the intake slots and the diameter of the kuhlis, if you think they could fit in, wrap some ladies tights around the filter.

There are plenty of fish that would do fine on their own or in pairs in such a tank, some examples are dwarf cichlids such as rams, kribs (in which case you wouldn't want a pair as they can get narky to bottomdwellers when breeding), large livebearers such as big mollies, and suchlike.

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