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  1. Fancyfins12

    Poop or parasite?

    Thank you so much!
  2. Fancyfins12

    Poop or parasite?

    What sort of background? I have about 15 1 inch mix of platty, Molly, guppy. They've been happy and healthy as far as I can tell for a year. I do regular water changes. I did just add a couple BSTs and some from bit from someone else's tank so very possible there was a transmission in there
  3. Fancyfins12

    Poop or parasite?

    Oh 😳 how do I do that
  4. Fancyfins12

    Poop or parasite?

    They've been picking at the frog bit I added so could it be milky colored like the bottom of the plants..? Or does it look wormy?
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  6. Fancyfins12

    BST Sick??

    I'm a horrible mother. Thank you. Any idea why his nose is whack?
  7. Fancyfins12

    BST Sick??

    I treated this dude for Ich a bit a ago and I thought he had been hiding out for a while after the stress of quarantine, but I just a glimpse of him super skinny and scraggly looking. He's always had funky nostril bumps but now I'm not sure that's normal since none of my other BSTs have it...
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  10. Fancyfins12

    Heater sizeq

    Is a 300 watt heater to much for a 50 gallon tank? Tank has lots of rocks and substrate, decorations, and plants so true water volume is closer to 40-45
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  12. Fancyfins12

    Fancy Guppy Sinking

    Does the fact that he stayed sunk when he passed mean he had a parasite weighing him down? I want to make sure I don't need to worry about the community tank.
  13. Fancyfins12

    Fancy Guppy Sinking

    No they weren't. He didn't make it :( it was so weird though, he didn't even float when he died. He was on his side at the bottom.
  14. Fancyfins12

    Fancy Guppy Sinking

    He isn't getting off the bottom at all :(
  15. Fancyfins12

    Fancy Guppy Sinking

    Not yet! It needs to be boiled and skinned, right? Will it sink down where he can get to it?
  16. Fancyfins12

    Fancy Guppy Sinking

    Hello everyone. I adopted a couple of fancy guppies about 2 months ago from a previous owner and added them to my community of Mollie and platties. One of them always had an engorged stomach that I thought might have been pregnancy until I learned to identify that it's a male. On a previous post...
  17. Fancyfins12

    Weird Stuff on Mystery Snail Shell

    Thanks for the input!
  18. Fancyfins12

    Weird Stuff on Mystery Snail Shell

    Does anyone know what those squiggly white lines are? I haven't noticed them before but he's been very good at hiding since I brought him home about a month ago. So I don't know if they're new or what...
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  20. Fancyfins12

    Enough space for Corys?

    Hi, yes. Both are 20 gal tanks but one is high and one is long. The long footprint is 12.5"x30"
  21. Fancyfins12

    Synodontis Catfish

    He is rehomed with a very experienced fishkeeper in a 75 gal with a friend like him!
  22. Fancyfins12

    Guppies, platies, and catfish gasping

    Great news, I was able to rehome Sylvester the Catfish to a very experienced fish keepr with a 75gal and he was happier right away, swimming and exploring and latching on to everything. He has a buddy now too.
  23. Fancyfins12

    Enough space for Corys?

    I appreciate everyone's input! I decided not to add any corys to either of my communities. But someday if I have more space I'd love to have a school of them :)
  24. Fancyfins12

    Enough space for Corys?

    Hi Hi yes it is a 20 US gal, but a high tank (20h). As I understand footprint is more important for keeping bottom feeders than volume. The general op seems to be that my tank is too small
  25. Fancyfins12

    Plant ID?

    The fuzzy one in the back
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  27. Fancyfins12

    elephant fish and female guppie sick i think

    Check out this similar post with answers
  28. Fancyfins12

    Enough space for Corys?

    Okay, thank you. How much space do you think that would be? I also have a 20 long
  29. Fancyfins12

    Enough space for Corys?

    Can I keep 2 dwarf corys in a 20h with a 10"x20" footprint? I'd have driftwood and caves up to mid tank, but I want to make sure they'd have enough bottom space to thrive.
  30. Fancyfins12

    A Question for the Pros

    I did not expect to get to attached to them either! ! haven't heard of soaking decorations! Do you do that before you add them or when you clean the tank? How often? for sharing!
  31. Fancyfins12

    A Question for the Pros

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Keep the pup away from fish food. Got it!
  32. Fancyfins12

    A Question for the Pros

    Thank you for sharing!
  33. Fancyfins12

    A Question for the Pros

    Too early? As in the tank wasn't well established enough to keep them fed? Thanks for your reply!
  34. Fancyfins12

    A Question for the Pros

    I keep smooth gravel in my tanks. Sand is better? Why? Thanks!
  35. Fancyfins12

    Guppies, platies, and catfish gasping

    Thank you everyone for your advice. I took the wood out a few hours ago and the little guys are swimming down around mid tank again. I'm a little worried about my catfish but from the sounds of it he needs a bubbler
  36. Fancyfins12

    Guppies, platies, and catfish gasping

    I don't have a bubbler. I'm going to pick one up this week!
  37. Fancyfins12

    Guppies, platies, and catfish gasping

    I have another 20 gal long that gets the same tap and everyone in that tank is fine. Do you still think it's still the water? Or the surface needs more aggitation?
  38. Fancyfins12

    A Question for the Pros

    What do you wish you had known before you got into the hobby? What's been your greatest mistake? What did you do the hard way until you learned better?