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  1. M

    shark vs octopus

    click here crazy octopuses :no:
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    looking after fry

    thanks a heap :) gonna go feed them now
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    looking after fry

    hi my sunset platie had a bunch of fry last night and im wondering how im supposed to look after them? i have them atm in a breeder box, but was wondering what they ate, any specefic conditions that i must keep them in etc\ thanks!
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    this might seem really silly...

    thanks for all the replies guys :) im going on the hunt tomorrow for some snail pellets for fish tanks loal (btw good thing you guys warned me about the salt, it did sound pretty silly but still these snails are so irratating i was willing to give anything a try) and if that doesnt work, well...
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    this might seem really silly...

    thanks :) its a 100L tank i have neons, platies, a red shark, a clown loach, bristlenose, rummy noses and 2 gouramis oh and a mystery snail that im going to move to my other tank
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    this might seem really silly...

    how much salt can tropical fish handle? i have a crazy snail infested tank (yet again) ive tried the lettuce feeding them less etc and today i pulled out a monster snail (about 1.5cm diametre) and decided to shove salt down its hole. It immidiately started to bubble and then some red stuff...
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    stressed and pregnant platy

    fair enough thanks for the info :)
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    stressed and pregnant platy

    ok i got a sunset platy and she is pregnant and just about to have fry, i have isolated her by getting a breeder box, (taking her out every 12 hours for 2 hours) and ive had her in there for the last day and ive noticed that she seems to be extremely stressed and banging on the side of the wall...
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    my catfish... likes air

    thanks for the replies, ive been away from my comp for a while so i couldnt get back but yeah i put in one of thoes air rock things and the fish seems fine ty
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    do chicks dig your fish tank?

    my gf and her friends love my tank, so much that she got one herself and now most of her friends have one too lol
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    my catfish... likes air

    ive recently noticed that my bristlenose after being latched onto the side of the tank, will release a big bubble of air then scoot up to the surface jumping out of the water and landing back in. This will happen like once every 15 mins or so for a few hours a day and im wondering if there was...
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    one other question, if i was to get the loaches, will they go eat my mystery snail?
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    yah id need a reasonably big tank for them. thats why im reconsidering getting them atm but i was thinking of bagging all my fish and leaving them with a friend and then letting my friends axototly (sp?) (you know those creatures that look like under water dragons?) go nuts in my fish tank...
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    thanks jolly sue :D think ima go head to the lfs this afternoon and grab a couple
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    the marks on the shell arent algae, thats just the patterns that come on the shell with the snail :P thanks for the feed back, im gonna chuck in a lettuce leaf in a sec one other question, other than puffers, are there ne other fish that might kill them off if this doesnt work?
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    i have recently found a snail habitat in my tank by this i mean that a couple days ago there were 2 or 3 of these guys and now there are like 15 roaming around my tank i was wondering if they were in any way harmful to my set up and if there were any fish that like to chow down on snails as i...
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    Air Tattoo 2005

    lol that phone cam is better than my digi cam i got rofl
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    Need suggestions on a good fish for me...

    nah dont get a fish with teeth lol i suggest if you have the $$, buy a freshwater ray there is one at our lfs and its selling for a "reasonable" $1200 :fun:
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    Neon Tetras

    i think you have fed them too much, i got tetras and they are bloody greedy fish and dunno when to stop eating rofl thats what i did when i first got my fish tank and they looked like stomachs with fins lol srsly they get this huge ( for their size) lump on they underbellies. Mine...
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    Rogues Gallery

    thats me and my gf ealier this year um we look short cause the photo was taken from above :X
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    If i was to buy a Freshwater Cherry crab for my tropical tank, will it go all preditor like and eat my fish? if not, what would i feed it? atm in my tank i have angels, tetras, glass catfish, rainbow sharks and guppies will it cause any conflict with these fish? thanks
  22. M


    :D lol you make it sound so ez neway cool thanks ima try that now and thanks for the filter too
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    thanks for the reply. and ill look into those filters asap. one question how long will the boiling method take? not like to a specific minute or anything but like, 1 or 2 hours? or are you talking like a day of boiling? the log is slightly under 1 kg ( around 3 pounds) so yah ne help would...
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    ok omg wtf sorry im a newbie and ive had my tank for a few months now, and ive decided to put in a log ( piece of wood that i bought from the local aquarium) and after soaking it for a day i put it in, and to my suprise the next morning my water was brown.... :*) Ive been told that it isnt bad...