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  1. R


    Thank you 10 tanks, I never thought about a hose for the faucet, I am about to set up another 30 gal so I might invest in that type of set up. Right now I have to run a garden hose through my window, ha. For a new tank, not the one with fish :)
  2. R


    Hi everyone, I just finished the last of my Aqueon de-chlorinator, before I buy more I wanted to see if you guys think it is a good brand, or should I get another? While on this subject I have always wondered, but felt to stupid to ask :) When adding the de - chlorinator to the water, do I add...
  3. R

    Considering buying a 110-gallon used tank, but there's a catch...

    I know that feeling, when my husband bought me a 36 bow front tank it took me a long long time to trust it. As a kid all tanks were a box, seeing that curved front holding water made no sense me, seemed like all the water was pushing forward. I watched tons of videos of bow fronts and they were...
  4. R

    Missed water test.

    Thank you!
  5. R

    Missed water test.

    Thank you all for all the helpful advice and ideals, I really appreciate it. You have all been great! Next question, is there a thread on this site that list all the fish slang and abbreviations, like LSF :)
  6. R

    Missed water test.

    how many fish is okay for a 36 gal? Small fish, tetras.
  7. R

    Missed water test.

    Thank you, I saw it on you tube and thought I would try it, so far so good.
  8. R

    Missed water test.

    Thank you, I was going to add this plant from my betta tank but the it got the dreaded cyanobacteria! So can't put it in there. I treated it with EM but don't know if it is completely gone or not. So I will take your advice and get the water Sprite. I have no ideal what the plant is in the...
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  10. R

    Missed water test.

    I am kinda camera dumb, I was trying to add another and deleted one in the process :)
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  12. R

    Missed water test.

    It is a 36 bowfront, under gravel filter, sponge filter and a diy terracotta filter that might get removed. It is a work in progress so excuse the ugliness. Ha.
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  14. R

    Missed water test.

  15. R

    Missed water test.

    Sorry miss read no, I have not added any plant food.
  16. R

    Missed water test.

    Don't know about the food, it is tetra tropical flakes, the tank was set up April 2nd.
  17. R

    Missed water test.

    Thank you so much! That poor little neon will get some buddies!
  18. R

    Missed water test.

    I keep reading that a tank is cycled when the Nitrite goes up then back down again. What if I missed doing this first test? Is there a way to know if my test reading now is the one I should be going by? Tank was set up April 2nd, it had 4 neons and 4 guppies, only one neon left and doing fine...
  19. R

    Should I or shouldn't I

    Thank you so much, I do have a 10 gallon. And yes I can move some plants to the other tank, I will do that.
  20. R

    Should I or shouldn't I

    He seemed aggressive when I bought him, while I was looking at the bettas he kept charging at me with gills flared, so I bought him and named him Charger. I like the zebras just because I have had them for about a year, Do you think they would be okay with Angel fish? And if I got 8 more Zebras...
  21. R

    Should I or shouldn't I

    I was only thinking of moving him so he could see something new, maybe I will just move his tank :)
  22. R

    Should I or shouldn't I

    This is Charger, he is two years old, lives in a 5 gal tank all alone, has so many plants sometimes I have to shake the food box to get him to move so I can find him! I have a 36 gal bowfront with two pearl zebras in it. Would Charger be safe with them? Should I move him into a new tank or...
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  24. R

    Do I need a second filter?

    I do have some sand but it was washed until my fingers were sore, ha. It is also a very small amount, less then a half inch on about 1/4 of the tank, the rest of the tank is gravel, I do have a lot of gravel though, maybe 4 to 5 inch in some places at the back and corner. Think I should remove...
  25. R

    Do I need a second filter?

    I have a 36 gal tank with a canister filter. It is a pen plex cascade 500 115 gph, the tank has 6 zebras, three guppies one cory cat and three live plants, one lucky bamboo and two sword plants. It has been set up since Dec 23, empty for two weeks then the zebras added and the guppies and cory...
  26. R


    yes my fry looks like these so I guess it is a guppy. It was hanging out at the top of tank when i first saw it but when I could not longer see it there I found it hanging out by the corycat house. It might be old enough to live with the others but I think I will let it get a bit larger. I...
  27. R


    I found the little guy, put him in the breeder tank. I am not sure if it is even a guppy. I will try to get a picture.
  28. R


    I will release her back. Yes they are Danios. The other guppy is pregnant so I am watching her closely so I can put her in the breeder as soon as she shows signs of labor. I did get some fake floating grass just in case I miss the birth maybe they will have a better chance. Thank you for your help.
  29. R


    I do still have the 10 gal but it is not clean, the filter stopped working which is why I bought a new tank. The cory is an albino, he is maybe 3 years old, was with another albino cory for about a year before it died, he has been alone ever since until I moved him to the guppy/zebra tank. He...
  30. R


    I probably did not make it clear, sorry, the female in question is not pregnant, if she was pregnant from the store I did not notice and saw only that one little fry. But I think the fry was in the fish store and was caught in the net with the three fish I bought.
  31. R


    Hello, although I grew up caring for fish and worked in a pet shop have forgotten almost everything I ever knew, I got a 36 gal tank just before Christmas, so far I added 3 zebras and 3 platinum? zebras, a week later I added 3 guppies, one male two females and my cory cat that I have had for...