Missed water test.

Those fish just don't appeal to me so I wouldn't buy them even if I did a fish-in cycle. It's all down to personal taste.

They also need a 3 foot tank, so not every fish keeper can accommodate them.
Hello Captain. As I say, the more water you change and the more often you do, the healthier the fish will be. If I was living in the same water I did all my business in, I'd sure appreciate large, regular water changes. The fish tank is essentially a toilet. And, as we all know, toilets need to be flushed regularly. There is no tank with fish in it, that doesn't require and benefit from at least half the water being removed and replaced weekly. Unless, you're satisfied with keeping fish that aren't their healtiest.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
I'm not disagreeing with you...but not everyone can do massive water changes several times a week as you suggest. 50% once weekly is sufficient enough.
Hello again Captain. If you keep just a few fish, you only need to do one 50 percent water change per week for tanks 30 gallons and larger. Tanks smaller than 30 gallons really require the 50 percent water change done twice weekly. It's not just that the fish are fouling their water, it's the chemical process that also affects water chemistry in a closed environment like a tank.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Those fish just don't appeal to me so I wouldn't buy them even if I did a fish-in cycle. It's all down to personal taste.

They also need a 3 foot tank, so not every fish keeper can accommodate them.
Essjay. I understand you've never kept them And, naturally they may not appeal to some tank keepers. But, these Tetras are at most 2 to 3 inches long and very streamlined. With good tank maintenance, you could easily have six or so in a 30 gallon tank. They're very active swimmers, so 30 gallons would likely be the smallest. I keep to around 10 per tank and don't keep them in less than 50 gallons of water. With large water changes weekly, I never have to test the water, I always know the chemistry is well within healthy parameters.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
The reason I've never kept them is that they get too big for me (I like small fish) and they just don't appeal to me. When I did have tetras, they were fish like ember tetras and green/false neon tetras. Tiny fish.
Essjay. I understand you've never kept them And, naturally they may not appeal to some tank keepers. But, these Tetras are at most 2 to 3 inches long and very streamlined. With good tank maintenance, you could easily have six or so in a 30 gallon tank. They're very active swimmers, so 30 gallons would likely be the smallest. I keep to around 10 per tank and don't keep them in less than 50 gallons of water. With large water changes weekly, I never have to test the water, I always know the chemistry is well within healthy parameters.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
The wonderful thing about humans, is that we're all different with our own ability to think for ourselves and have the freedom to choose! Stop pushing your Buenos Aires Tetras on people 🤣
I'm not a fan of fish in cycling but putting that aside...
BA tetras are not a good choice if you plan on having plants (and I do recommend plants ;) )
hahaha, is that what is happening to my plants? My BA tetras are in big tanks - a 40 long and a 100 gallon, but the plants aren't just exactly thriving, lol.
The wonderful thing about humans, is that we're all different with our own ability to think for ourselves and have the freedom to choose! Stop pushing your Buenos Aires Tetras on people 🤣
Ah, come on Captain. I'm not pushing the fish. It's a free country. What many tank keepers don't understand is that by simply keeping their fishes' tank water clean, they'll be more successful in the hobby. If anything, I'm pushing the need for large, frequent water changes.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Ah, come on Captain. I'm not pushing the fish. It's a free country. What many tank keepers don't understand is that by simply keeping their fishes' tank water clean, they'll be more successful in the hobby. If anything, I'm pushing the need for large, frequent water changes.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
Really? 🤔 never noticed 🤷‍♀️😜
Thank you all for all the helpful advice and ideals, I really appreciate it. You have all been great! Next question, is there a thread on this site that list all the fish slang and abbreviations, like LSF :)
There you go -
There you go -
Thank you!

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