Should I or shouldn't I


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Jan 6, 2021
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This is Charger, he is two years old, lives in a 5 gal tank all alone, has so many plants sometimes I have to shake the food box to get him to move so I can find him!
I have a 36 gal bowfront with two pearl zebras in it. Would Charger be safe with them? Should I move him into a new tank or leave him in a home he knows? Do bettas like to swim to new places or stay close to their safe zone?


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I’ve had Betta that would play nicely and nose up curiously to new things. I’ve also had Betta that were brutal. I think you might get this response a lot - it depends on the Betta… and how much of a risk you’re prepared to take with your zebras.
Why are you thinking about moving him?
No, definitely not. He will be less stressed and thus healthier in a planted 5 gallon which is closer to the inherent habitat. Provide what the fish inherently expects and it will be safer for the fish and you.

There are two issues at risk doing this. First is the betta may not want anyone in "his" space which the tank now is, or which any new tank would be. This is a territorial species, regardless of how much individual fish may exhibit this. But there is also the fact that small shoaling fish frequently see the waving fins of a sedate fish like a betta as fun to nip. You actually stand to have this issue more than the other, because the pearl zebra danios is a shoaling/schooling species and it should have 10 or more. It is fact that with fewer the fish will be more aggressive, which is only making things even worse. If you like the zebra danios you should get another 8+ ASAP. It does not take long for this aggressive behaviour to work its way out, and it is not reversible. This is an issue involving the genetic makeup of the species.
can you find a larger tank, say 10 gallons, for him, or lose some of the plants? most stories I hear of bettas kept with other fish have sad endings. I would never take the risk.

you have a very beautiful fish!
I’ve had Betta that would play nicely and nose up curiously to new things. I’ve also had Betta that were brutal. I think you might get this response a lot - it depends on the Betta… and how much of a risk you’re prepared to take with your zebras.
Why are you thinking about moving him?
I was only thinking of moving him so he could see something new, maybe I will just move his tank :)
No, definitely not. He will be less stressed and thus healthier in a planted 5 gallon which is closer to the inherent habitat. Provide what the fish inherently expects and it will be safer for the fish and you.

There are two issues at risk doing this. First is the betta may not want anyone in "his" space which the tank now is, or which any new tank would be. This is a territorial species, regardless of how much individual fish may exhibit this. But there is also the fact that small shoaling fish frequently see the waving fins of a sedate fish like a betta as fun to nip. You actually stand to have this issue more than the other, because the pearl zebra danios is a shoaling/schooling species and it should have 10 or more. It is fact that with fewer the fish will be more aggressive, which is only making things even worse. If you like the zebra danios you should get another 8+ ASAP. It does not take long for this aggressive behaviour to work its way out, and it is not reversible. This is an issue involving the genetic makeup of the species.
He seemed aggressive when I bought him, while I was looking at the bettas he kept charging at me with gills flared, so I bought him and named him Charger. I like the zebras just because I have had them for about a year, Do you think they would be okay with Angel fish? And if I got 8 more Zebras will they gobble up all the food before the Angels or other fish can get any? Thank you for your help. I will leave Charger in his 5gal.
I like the zebras just because I have had them for about a year, Do you think they would be okay with Angel fish?

No, this is the same problem...shoaling fish that are rather feisty to begin with (all danios and barbs, speaking of the common species here, are) and with only two of them, asking for trouble. Even a full group of say 10 or more shouldnot be combined with any sedate fish--angelfish, gourami, etc. These sedate fishlike calm water and a calm environment.

As for their appetite, this is a characteristic of feisty active fish--ravenous eaters. And yes, a group of danios or barbs would be inclined to eat faster than the sedate fish.
can you find a larger tank, say 10 gallons, for him, or lose some of the plants? most stories I hear of bettas kept with other fish have sad endings. I would never take the risk.

you have a very beautiful fish!
Thank you so much, I do have a 10 gallon. And yes I can move some plants to the other tank, I will do that.
Danios, be they zebras or pearls, have a curious nature linked to an appetite for novelties.

Betta fins are novelties to them.
I was only thinking of moving him so he could see something new, maybe I will just move his tank :)
You can see if you can find some Glass markers and draw on his tank. It could be visual enrichment for him, just change the drawings on occasion. When we had pea puffers we used to do that as puffers are highly intelligent and can get bored easily in their tanks.
Holiday window clings would work as well, gives them something different to look at.

I have a saltwater tank near the TV and my clownfish loves to watch TV when the TV's on, lol.

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