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    Netrites died reasoning???

    API test kit. Washed the gravel with tap water an no chemicals, wasn't concerned about the clorine as I was treating that with stress coat when I added the water.
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    Netrites died reasoning???

    I had the old cycled noodles in the tank filter, ammonia was 0
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    Netrites died reasoning???

    Both snails were upright moving around yesterday, I used API Stress Coat and API quickstart, water is from the tap, I treated it an cycled it for a few hours before putting them in. Both were upside down this morning an dead never seen that happen in the 4 months I've had them. Strangely I've...
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    Netrites died reasoning???

    Hi all a quick run down of what happend lately. Ive had my Nerite snails for about 4months, they live with a single Betta in a 30litre tank everything was fine they were moving around eating all the algae until recently.50% of water is changed every 10 days an all water parameters seem decent PH...
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    No to blood worms?

    Interesting thread, I have a Betta which is roughly 8months old the 1st month I was trialing so many types of foods with him, fluval tropical flakes,API Betta flakes,frozen brine shrimp, spirulina flakes, frozen krill, API pellets, he didn't eat any of them at all. The only thing he eats is...
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    Fish tank leaking water overnight

    No problem with the food dye idea, another quick question, does there need to be a certain silicone that needs to be used for fish tanks. I have bathroom an shower water proof sealent, the chemicals in the silicone won't kill the fish? Sanitary grade silicone Watertight seal Acetic cure...
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    Fish tank leaking water overnight

    You can see the water damage, the top lid of the cabinet is swollen.
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    Fish tank leaking water overnight

    Water was all over the bottom of the tank an the cabinet timber was all swollen because of moisture, currently filled the bottom part of the tank with food die an seeing if it's leaking at the bottom silicone joints, I will silicone all the joints again to be safe anyway, but curious to see...
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    Fish tank leaking water overnight

    I don't have my filter or pump running in the tank just the noodle media, I just put the airstone in the middle of the tank to get some sort of flow in there, still ok?
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    Fish tank leaking water overnight

    Woke up today an water dropped about an inch overnight 130 litre tank,water is leaking from somewhere maybe the silicone sealant around the edges somewhere. I moved my fish into a big plastic tub 100litres with the water from the tank into the tub, but only used half the water as it's only a...
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    Disease outbreak

    Thanks for the research utar, one part that is very concerning to me is the transmission to people. The last month I've had awfull ithcyness on my legs an arms they are small red bumps that are extremely itchy.It got to the point it was so itchy they started to bleed. I went to the doctors an...
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    Disease outbreak

    The Emperor tetra died 2 days ago, the Cardinals eye that was popping out has recovered an looks like it's back to normal, the red fin shark however hasn't made any improvements, the nose has a wound an is still swollen an red, it's still not eating just hiding underneath the rocks all day an night.
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    Disease outbreak

    Update.... Tank is 120litre with 2 red fin shark, 2 Cory, 4 x-ray tetra, 6 cardinal tetra, 4 emperor tetra, 3 guppies,water is changed weekly between 30-40% water change, I use all API stress coat, quick start each week when Indo water changes. ammonia 0. Nitrite 0. nitrate 20ppm GH 5 KH 3 Water...
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    Disease outbreak

    The last week 1 Cardinal died, now another cardinal tetra has a massive bubble Infront of his eye that looks like it's going to explode, it's all puffed up. I have a emperor tetra that's bloated not eating an just stays in 1 corner an seems to just lie on the plant leaves and a red fin shark...
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    Betta problems fin rot see last post!!

    Hello everyone rather than me start a new thread I've just used my old thread an re-named the title with a new problem. I have a Betta that I believe has fin rot, I have been treating him with tri sulpha for the last 2 weeks an dosing every 3 days as recommended. I haven't been seeing any...
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    My Blue ram has wound on side of the head

    My betta was very curious an tried to peck the ram through the bag many times, but unfortunately the ram passed away this morning, I had the top of the bag just under the outlet so it flowed inside the bag, did a water test in the bag this morning had little to no ammonia inside the bag. There's...
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    My Blue ram has wound on side of the head

    Is it ok to keep the ram in a zip lock bag overnight, then empty the water into the tank an put new tank water in next day? The bag is submerged in the tank with the heater on, have a small amount of food in the bag also, incase he gets hungry, it's a 2.5litre zip lock back in a 30litre tank...
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    My Blue ram has wound on side of the head

    I bought 2 Blue rams a few weeks ago both seemed fine, then about 1 week ago I noticed a small white patch on the side of his head. I continued to monitor it for the next few days it became bigger little by little. Until yesterday it became large I also noticed the other ram pecking at it...
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    Betta problems fin rot see last post!!

    It went away, checked this morning wasn't there, put the bubbles on for a few hours then came back an he had it again, it's clear an see through it's like he has a Balloon on the end of his fin underneath. Is it the air bubbles that are getting trapped under his fins or something? I harly ever...
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    Betta problems fin rot see last post!!

    his in a large tank with other fish, the salt wont effect the other fish will it? or should i get another tank to put him in to just treat him? i went to the fish shop today an was told to take him to a vet clinic, but the prices were 5x the amount of what the betta cost was so expensive.
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    Betta problems fin rot see last post!!

    Doesn't look like it's coming out of his anus, looks like it's on the side of his bottom fin , it's not stringy, it's just a big bubble, that's all tangled up in his fins. How do I fix this?
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