Disease outbreak


New Member
Jul 17, 2020
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The last week 1 Cardinal died, now another cardinal tetra has a massive bubble Infront of his eye that looks like it's going to explode, it's all puffed up. I have a emperor tetra that's bloated not eating an just stays in 1 corner an seems to just lie on the plant leaves and a red fin shark that's lips are swollen an can't eat or even open his mouth. Water parameters are all 0 an 20ppm nitrate.
I Water change weekly
Urgent help


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There are others here way more qualified to help you diagnose the situation.
From all other posts I’ve seen asking for help, they will want to know other parameters such as ph, gh and kh.

also wouldn’t hurt to provide details on your water changes, how much, what de-chlorinator you are using, how you use it. Tank size will play a factor, what your current stocking is.

did you add any fish recently, quarantine any recently added fish? Etc...

edit: large size water change is probably first on the agenda, 50% or more, making sure the water is free of chlorine before adding to tank.

@Colin_T @NCaquatics
Did you have anything on your hands at all and touch the water?

What is the total stock, tank size, GH, KH?
Did you have anything on your hands at all and touch the water?

What is the total stock, tank size, GH, KH?

That’s another thing that’s been killing fish, too much hand sanitizer!

Original poster, we need more information to help...
I need pictures that are clear and in focus, and not white and glary
Update.... Tank is 120litre with 2 red fin shark, 2 Cory, 4 x-ray tetra, 6 cardinal tetra, 4 emperor tetra, 3 guppies,water is changed weekly between 30-40% water change, I use all API stress coat, quick start each week when Indo water changes. ammonia 0. Nitrite 0. nitrate 20ppm GH 5 KH 3
Water temp 26, im now putting melafix in the tank and have done 3 days of dosing so far no improvements. My hands are always thoroughly clean before i put my hands in. I normally use rubber gloves anyway that don't have any contaminants on them.
The Emperor tetra is bleeding badly internally can see it in his tummy his been like this for 4 days. Red fin shark has red wound on his nose an still doesn't eat, hasn't eaten in atleast 4-5 days.


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The emperor tetra has an internal bacterial infection, these are notoriously hard to treat.

Melafix won't do anything to help.

I can't comment on the shark without seeing it.
The Emperor tetra died 2 days ago, the Cardinals eye that was popping out has recovered an looks like it's back to normal, the red fin shark however hasn't made any improvements, the nose has a wound an is still swollen an red, it's still not eating just hiding underneath the rocks all day an night.


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There is a saying that I really like: "Calm seas do not make good sailors." Which means we don't learn without problems. I have had over the course of keeping fish several diseases that I have had to treat, ick, and dropsy to name two. But what you are describing what is killing your fish I have yet to encounter, so I looked up fish diseases and found something that doesn't sound promising for you, if this is the problem.
Here is a quote from this website on fish diseases: 10 common aquarium fish diseases- How to treat your aquarium fish.

Now I don't mean to scare you with this because I really don't know what your fish have, it just sounds like this from your discription of several different problems seen in your fish.

Quote: "

The aquarium fish disease is caused by bacteria, such as Mycobacterium and Nocardia. The fish looks drained, often afflicted by secondary bacterial and fungal infections, the eyes are bulging and ulcers are formed on the body and internal organs. It is believed that the infection of fish occurs through the feed, although other methods are possible. Therefore, one should be especially careful when using fodder fish, since they are often kept in very poor conditions.

The treatment is extremely difficult and requires expensive drugs (containing sulfafurazole, minocycline, etc., so it is best to kill the diseased fish painlessly, if after quarantining to the quarantine aquarium, its condition has not improved. To prevent the disease, acquire new fish only from a healthy aquarium and quarantine them.

A number of bacteria from the Mycobacterium genus can be transmitted to people, causing various skin diseases, etc. Therefore, avoid contact with unprotected skin, especially with open scratches, etc., use gloves. After an outbreak of disease, always disassemble the equipment.

Thanks for the research utar, one part that is very concerning to me is the transmission to people. The last month I've had awfull ithcyness on my legs an arms they are small red bumps that are extremely itchy.It got to the point it was so itchy they started to bleed. I went to the doctors an they told me I have bad dermatitis. I've been using topical creams to help but nothing seems to be working, I've never had this in my life. It never occurred to me that the sick fish an my skin rashes were related, but now it makes sense that it could possibly be as it's very coincidental.
Thanks for the research utar, one part that is very concerning to me is the transmission to people. The last month I've had awfull ithcyness on my legs an arms they are small red bumps that are extremely itchy.It got to the point it was so itchy they started to bleed. I went to the doctors an they told me I have bad dermatitis. I've been using topical creams to help but nothing seems to be working, I've never had this in my life. It never occurred to me that the sick fish an my skin rashes were related, but now it makes sense that it could possibly be as it's very coincidental.
Wow I had no idea that you had this skin condition, but are you sure it is related to what is happening with your fish because you stated earlier that you wore gloves? At any rate you might want to tell you doctor about this coincidence with you fish getting sick.

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