My Blue ram has wound on side of the head


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Jul 17, 2020
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I bought 2 Blue rams a few weeks ago both seemed fine, then about 1 week ago I noticed a small white patch on the side of his head. I continued to monitor it for the next few days it became bigger little by little. Until yesterday it became large I also noticed the other ram pecking at it everynow an then.
The ram with the wound was the dominant one at the start then things changed after his wound. I decided to put him in the quarintine tank with my betta, but I have him contained within a plastic bag so my betta doesn't attack him.
The tank is currently treating my betta with tri sulpha as he has fin rot, also heard it can treat fungus,wounds an diseases. I was worried about the other ram consistanly biting his wound. I always hear about HITH disease do you think it started out as that or it was just the other ram nibbling at his head?
Thoughts guys an gals ?


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It's not hole in the head disease.

It looks like a bacterial infection/ ulcer. The triple/ tri sulpha might help. Use the ti sulpha at maximum strength for 2 weeks. If there's no improvement after a week, then the tri sulpha isn't helping.
Is it ok to keep the ram in a zip lock bag overnight, then empty the water into the tank an put new tank water in next day? The bag is submerged in the tank with the heater on, have a small amount of food in the bag also, incase he gets hungry, it's a 2.5litre zip lock back in a 30litre tank. The ram doesn't seem to be reacting at all just swimming in one spot.
It's not hole in the head disease.

It looks like a bacterial infection/ ulcer. The triple/ tri sulpha might help. Use the ti sulpha at maximum strength for 2 weeks. If there's no improvement after a week, then the tri sulpha isn't helping.
I’m gonna agree that it looks like an open sore that got a bacterial infection..
Bettas don't stay at the top if there's something of interest at the bottom. Or maybe I've had unusual bettas :lol:

Yeah I think it depends on the betta's personality but I've never had a betta that wouldn't be at least curious about new things on the bottom of the tank. And some honestly can be outright mean and would attack an injured fish.

But I think it might be best to just add a few more hiding places in the betta's tank and hope the betta leaves him alone. The ammonia in the bag would build up quickly especially since you put food in it (which I wouldn't do, fish can easily go multiple days without eating).

Would you be able to use a water change bucket as a temp set up perhaps?
Yeah, I'd take my chances with the betta over leaving him in a bag, he's likely to run out of oxygen as well as the ammonia dangers.

But another container with an airstone running in it would be the best solution.

This is why hospital tanks are important, folks! People get bored of us pro-quarantine folks going on about having a quarantine tank, but you need something you can put a fish in in an emergency, and back up emergency equipment like airstones and/or a sponge filter.

ETA: Just re-read and realised you do have a quarantine tank, but it has a betta in it right now. Can the ram go in the bettas usual tank?
Betta live at surface, rams lives on bottom.
No, my bettas lay on the bottom a lot of the time to rest. They do go up for air but definitely not top level fish. They swim all levels.
My betta was very curious an tried to peck the ram through the bag many times, but unfortunately the ram passed away this morning, I had the top of the bag just under the outlet so it flowed inside the bag, did a water test in the bag this morning had little to no ammonia inside the bag.
There's just 1 ram in the community tank now, want to get another ram today to accompany the other ram, got 2x red fin shark yesterday also.
Thanx alot for the help everyone appreciated
My betta was very curious an tried to peck the ram through the bag many times, but unfortunately the ram passed away this morning, I had the top of the bag just under the outlet so it flowed inside the bag, did a water test in the bag this morning had little to no ammonia inside the bag.
There's just 1 ram in the community tank now, want to get another ram today to accompany the other ram, got 2x red fin shark yesterday also.
Thanx alot for the help everyone appreciated
I wouldn't get another ram, they are solitary species. Also with 2 rainbows in the tank it would be best to limit the amount of bottom dwellers, the sharks are hyper aggressive.
Rams do need to choose their own mates. Getting another one doesn't mean they'll get on and you could end up with a dead fish.

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