Search results

  1. P

    Meet Noodles

    They eat small geko's and skinks and pinkies, when they mature they eat small bats and other small reptiles. As for keeping it, its highly illegal to do so even with a reptile licence until they add this species to the list of ones you can keep. You can keep them in NSW and QLD i beleive if you...
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    Meet Noodles

    This litttle guy was perched on the front door fly screen when i got home from the shops yeaterday. He is a Pygmy Python or Ant hill Python found in the Pilbara region of Wetsern Australia they are the smallest in the world growing to a max size of 50-60cm. Ide say hes around 13c long and 4...
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    Id Me Please

    Saved this little guy the other day from the LFS, hes about 4" and starting to colour up already. He was in with a heap of other fish and a female and breeding like crazy, so they gave him to me as he was very agressive towards the other fish with the babies on the move. and any one had...
  4. P

    Reddevil/midas Spawn

    after 11 months and 3 attempts they finally got it right. The Proud Parents, 9" M 5' F And Clumbsy Tiger O from my Six footer and The Tank Enjoy B)
  5. P

    Seventy Two Re-scaped

    6" TO
  6. P

    New Baby Peacock Eel

    I got one about 2 weeks ago and not once has he buried himself into the sand, he just swims around with the oscars and convicts, hes only 4 " and when not crusing he hangs out on the filter. The Os are only 5" or so and they dont bother with him. Is this normal for one to be swimming around all...
  7. P

    Wanted: Pictures Of A Decorated 10gallon Tank.

    Its Scaniochromis Fryeri Electric Blue, hes in my 6 foot tank now, I saved him from the LFS, he was in a tank full of red devils and with no heater bearly alive so I got him for free, now hes kickin ass in with my Oscars.
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    Six Footer Diy Flat Pack Tank

    the real demensions are 72 L x 14 w x 18 H so what ever that is in gallons, I reckon its more than 50 gal. I have personally seen pairs of oscars living happily in the same size tanks all you need is good filtration and water movment with plenty of water changes.
  9. P

    Six Footer Diy Flat Pack Tank

    No Idea how many gallons demensions 72 x 14 x 14" you do the maths, me lazy australian. Glass cost $250 aud, silicon $16 aud, labor 4 cartons of beer.
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    Six Footer Diy Flat Pack Tank

    nope no-one bothers with the Eel, the Os are only 5.5" and wel fed so they probably cant be assed chasing the Eel.
  11. P

    Six Footer Diy Flat Pack Tank

    Before AFTER Another with and additional fluro just for the photo, I prefer the dark ends. 4" Peacock Eel 3 x cons (1 x Pink ) 2 x M 1 x F 2 x Bristlenose M+F 2 x Tiger Os ? 1 x Gourami M 1 x Electric Blue M 1 x Peacock Eel ?
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    Wanted: Pictures Of A Decorated 10gallon Tank.

    Here is mine, actually i think its 8 gal.
  13. P

    New Juvi Tiger O

    Thanx guys. Just picked up another Tiger on Wed nite with completley different colour configurations, they look great together, fingers crossed there F and M, will wait and see.
  14. P

    New Juvi Tiger O

    Heres my very first Oscar 1.2", got another arriving tonite which i traded for 5 convicts, the 2 will end up in my 6' tank when i assemble it.
  15. P

    90lt EB tank set up

    Baldranger, the tank was practically cycled befor the fish went in as I am using media from other tanks, water perameters are nearly stable and all fish are kicking. I used gourami cos he was getting a floggin in another tank and I used C-loach cos all but two where killed by my RD and I had no...
  16. P

    90lt EB tank set up

    I live in the Pilbara, North West Australia, gets hot up here, in summer my tanks vairy in temp from 26 up to 32 deg c, but they dont mind, I crank the water movement and surface adgitation for more oxygen. I just washed the hell out of it and when adding water i placed a plastic container on...
  17. P

    90lt EB tank set up

    Painted back matt black Washed sand and chucked it in + added water, no cloud what so ever Threw in sum local rock Added filters light, heater and MT snails. Finally cycling Cycling now with clown loaches and old man Gourami Tank is outdoors under my RD tank, will post better pic when...
  18. P

    Question on Trumpet snails

    Cool thanx.
  19. P

    Question on Trumpet snails

    will it be OK to throw in a heap of trumpet snails befor the tank is cycled, they will be the only thing in there until it is complete, just wondering if they are hardy enough to servive. Water is rite temp, there is a single powerhead with sponge from another tank in there now for 3 days. :D
  20. P


    Hers my outdoors 80lt ( 2.5' ) for my Electric Blue pair I rescued from the LFS, currntly they are in my 8 gal, until this is cycled. The tank is situated underneath my 55 Red Devil tank. #1. Bare tank. Masked off and spray painted matt black. This is the first time ive painted a tank black and...
  21. P

    Rescue Mission Leci Blue ( pics )

    Thanks all. SARAHBravo>>the background is ARZOO, a foam internal backing...super cheap and super effective I think, 2 x 2 foot peices cost $25 au. Yesterday i scored a 3 foot tank for $40.00 which I will be setting up to house these 2, not too sure which direction to go with it in regards to...
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    Whats In Your Aquaclear?

    I run an AC 300 bottom layer = AC 300 sponge second layer = AC 300 Carbon pouch third layer = AC Mini Amonia sac + AC Mini carbon sac Forth layer = AC 300 sponge + on the intake i run a sponge from the local hardwear used mainley for outdoor ponds.
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    Rescue Mission Leci Blue ( pics )

    Dropped into the LFS the other day to by sum over priced cichlid flake and what do you think i saw....on the lower shelf they have a 3 foot tank with no heater and no light and no cover and it was full of pale Red Devils just sittin on the bottom withering away. When I asked why there was no...
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    July POTM Nominations

    I was mentioned here...THREAD
  25. P

    Poochy Woochy

    Wow, thankyou for all comments positive and or negative, I honestly diddnt realize I was begging for your vote. Would it be more appropriate if i said dont vote for me ?? or would that be read into and analysed also?? anyhoo, the lovely lady in the pic is my wonderful partner of Liz with my 10...
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    Poochy Woochy

    Vote For ME... Jasper Syberian Husky Pup
  27. P

    Pics from Australia

    Pinched my work camera to snap a couple...they aint the best but its as good as I get. RD male @ 5 months_6" and again In his cave...and i mean HIS cave Bit of a tight squeeze 2 x Feamle Red devil Juvies face off Juvie convict @ 2 months old another from same litter The Tank. had to...