New Baby Peacock Eel


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I went on a trip to Canton, TX last weekend with my mother and we stopped in a Walmart to pick up a couple of items. Of course, I had to look in the fish section.

There was a tank full of around 75 guppies, plus around 20 CAEs and 3 poor little peacock eels, one of which was already dead... man, I'm such a sucker. The eels were only $6, so against my better judgement, I bought one. I don't know why. It was a 3 hour drive home the next day, he would have to spend the night in a bag, and I've never even really wanted an eel in the first place, but I bought him anyway.

I ended up having to rebag him as well, since the person who bagged him for me obviously was never trained how to do so properly and filled with bag with nearly a gallon of water (literally, it weighed a ton) and only as much air as they accidentally trapped in there when rubberbanding it closed. Glad to say Mr. Eel made the trip just fine despite it all, and has made himself quite at home in my Betta imbellis 10 gallon :thumbs:
Later he'll be moved to the 29 gallon and eventually the 80, but for now a 10 is perfect, as he's only about 4" :wub:

Right at home in his burrow

Waiting patiently for bloodworms to be dropped on his head

Out and about
I've read they get about 10-12", or 15" if it's Macrognathus aculeatus... either way, it ought to be good in the 80 gallon ^_^
I got one about 2 weeks ago and not once has he buried himself into the sand, he just swims around with the oscars and convicts, hes only 4 " and when not crusing he hangs out on the filter. The Os are only 5" or so and they dont bother with him. Is this normal for one to be swimming around all day ?

I have a zig zag eel (not tire track) in my 10G. I had it for almost a year and it has never grown. It is around 4 or 5 inches and only comes out at night and I feed it like every 4-5 days. I would move it but it seems happy in its tank. Glad your got yours to start eating. Its a hard thing to do
lol he's giving that shrimp evil eye like, "One day... I'll eat you..." :p
Very nice eel...I want an eel. My friend actually had one in her 10gallon tank, It's a small eel though. I have no idea what kind of eel it was but it was black...I could've sworn that the eel wanted to bite my hand. :lol: ...

-Arrowhead. :)
...and I feed it like every 4-5 days.
That would probably be why he hasn't grown any! Small fish need a good diet to reach their full potential!! BTW, zig zags and tire tracks are both Mastacembelus armatus and are supposed to reach a max size of around 36" :huh:

lol he's giving that shrimp evil eye like, "One day... I'll eat you..." :p
Haha, yeah. The shrimp is evil, I'm telling you. He killed and ate the three smaller shrimps I had and likes to hog the bloodworms all to himself.

Great pics! :thumbs:

Will he only eat frozen or live food?
Frozen and live are all that tank usually gets in the first place (picky wild-caught Betta imbellis,) so I have no idea if he'd eat anything else. I guess I should try some sinking wafers or something on him one day.
I have a zig zag eel (not tire track) in my 10G. I had it for almost a year and it has never grown. It is around 4 or 5 inches and only comes out at night and I feed it like every 4-5 days. I would move it but it seems happy in its tank. Glad your got yours to start eating. Its a hard thing to do

:no: If you gave him a larger tank, Even a 30 Gallon, and fed your Eel everyday you would find your eel would grown quite consistently. They dont grow at alarming speeds, but they are just like ordinary fish who do grow, and require consistent feeding. :nod:

GREAT little guy though Synirr, m guy buried himself for the first couple days. Then once he took some frozen food he was out and about! :) Good save too. :thumbs:

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