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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta dying???

    I believe he has passed now.
  2. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta dying???

    Its a 5.5 gallon tank, fliter and heater. Last water change was about 2 weeks ago i think? Nothing else in the tank, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, ph 6.5. I did get him at petco so he might not have been the healthiest...
  3. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta dying???

    My betta is very sick. He hasnt eaten in a week or too, he's been very lethargic. Now he's laying sideways on the bottom, sometimes coming up for air, but he's swiming is weird and vertical and he just sinks back down. Is he dying?? He's only about 2 y o. What do i do???
  4. AfternoonNarwhale

    What's up with my betta?

    I noticed lately my betta, Iggy has laying on the bottom of the tank a lot. He still eats and stuff, so I didn't really think about it. My mistake, because when I went to feed him this morning, I noticed some weird white spots on his head and also back. Now I know he lost some scales over a year...
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  7. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta fish not eating much?

    Last night my betta didn't eat, (Not in front of me at least, he ignored it. the food was gone in the morning but I think it just sunk) and today only eat half of what he usually does. I did water testing but it all came back perfect. He is not lethargic or showing any other signs of illness. I...
  8. AfternoonNarwhale

    tying java fern and Anubis

    OK, thanks! I'll try the fishing line.
  9. AfternoonNarwhale

    Flakes .VS. pellets?

    I'd say flakes! I use the exact flakes you linked for my betta, and he won't eat anything else, including 2 different pellets and blood worms.
  10. AfternoonNarwhale

    tying java fern and Anubis

    Can I use regular sewing thread or plastic thread that seems to be the same as fishing line to tie down plants ? It won't release toxins or anything will it?
  11. AfternoonNarwhale

    20 gallon tank(?)

    So i was pondering the ideas of getting a 20 gallon tank… How much can go into a 20 gal? I was thinking of guppies and corydoras, would a 20 gal be big enough for, say 5 guppies, and 6 corys? If so, could a school of (small) tetras go in there too? (Also what Cory species is your favorite/ would...
  12. AfternoonNarwhale

    Show me your aqua babies (betta photos)!

    My betta iggy:) He's a veiltail i got from petco
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  14. AfternoonNarwhale

    Newbie here!

    Hi! As I am new to both the forum and the hobby, I thought I should introduce myself! I have one tank so far, a 5.5 gallon tank with one male betta named Iggy. I love having him, and so far he has been nicknamed Iggypop and the Iggyminster (thanks mom +dad) and I sometimes refer to him as my...
  15. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta and cherry shrimp

    Sounds like a good setup! Good luck on your tank!
  16. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta and cherry shrimp

    My betta eat all the shrimp i got.. (Well two "disappeared") Wouldn't recommend personally
  17. AfternoonNarwhale

    New to the hobby - few questions

    Before I got my betta, I searched for a long time looking for tank-mates for my 5.5 gallon tank as well. Unfortunately, you can't put any fish in there (I'm not super experienced but thats what everyone told me), and guppies, are though cool fish, too flashy for beta friends (except maybe feeder...
  18. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta lost a fin??

    UPDATE; Never mind, his fin is fine, I swore it is was gone, but it seems fine now. *face palm* He still has a lot of scales missing though:(
  19. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta lost a fin??

    The offending log is most definitely in the trash. He doesn't seem to be struggling swimming at all, but I'll keep an eye on him and see about adding salt? I'm not sure the salt would help him though, it seems as though he rubbed the scales off but he's my first fish so I wouldn't know for...
  20. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta lost a fin??

    A few days ago my poor betta got himself wedged inside of a log with only one entrance, which is no bigger than a dime. Thankfully my family was able to help me get him out and cut open the log.. He's missing scales on his head and under his mouth, and one of his-i don't know what there called...
  21. AfternoonNarwhale

    Cherry Shrimp?

    So I was wondering can shrimp reproduce by themselves or…?? Like if i had one shrimp would I get more shrimp?
  22. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta poop?

    My betta has started pooping long stringy stuff?? Its whitish clear, and appears to be sticking to stuff. Super thin and long. I heard this can mean internal parasites, but maybe he’s constipated because I didn’t notice any poop for a day or so after I got him… He seems very healthy other than...
  23. AfternoonNarwhale

    Help! New betta won't eat!

    So as of yesterday I got my first betta fish ever(yay!!). His name is Iggy and he is very active and seems to be settling in pretty well-except he won't eat! We have tried many times today and yesterday, but although he comes and investigates, he won't eat them. This morning he even took one and...
  24. AfternoonNarwhale

    Marmios in a cup

    So I finally decided upon a betta fish,and went shopping for supplies today. I got a tank, some silk plants and gravel for the bottom, heater filter, food, etc. But, on impulse, I spent 9.99$ on moss balls… ha. Anyways the water testing kit and water conditioner won’t be here for several days...
  25. AfternoonNarwhale

    Snail invasion

    Sorry, but you may have to kill them. Try getting a couple assassin snails, they eat pond/bladder snails!
  26. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta tank size

    So I'm think about getting a betta, and I was wondering what size tank I should look in to? Some sources say minimum 1 gal, and some say 5 gal minimum? I don't want to buy too large of a tank, in case I ever want another betta, but course I want my betta to be very happy and comfortable, so what...
  27. AfternoonNarwhale

    Tank stocking?

    How big of a tank would a school of neon tetras, 2-3 platys, and 5 guppies need?
  28. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta Vs. Other fish

    Thanks! I think I'm going to go for the single Betta. If it's not to much trouble, I'd love a list of live plants!
  29. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta Vs. Other fish

    For a single betta, maybe 5 or ten gallon, probably a 20 gallon for the other fish:)
  30. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta Vs. Other fish

    What would you consider more rewarding/entertaining? A single Betta or a tank with a school of tetras, guppies, and platies?
  31. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta Tank ideas?

    What would be a safe tank mate for bettas? I don't want to take any chances but would like to have tankmates...
  32. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta tank stocking

    Would a betta (Male or female) be OK in an tank with 2-4 cherry shrimp and 6 neon tetras in a planted tank? 10 or 20 gal, what would You say?
  33. AfternoonNarwhale

    Betta fish vs. Community aquarium

    I would really like to get come fish, but I can't decide what.. I love bettas, they have such cute little faces and personalities BUT they aren't super active and I would like to have more than one fish.... I don't get a betta I'm definitely having a community tank. They are probably much more...