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    Is This Any Good?---> Co2 Diffuser

    calaqua labs sells an inline glass diffuser that looks great and is outside the tank also. its pricey though
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    My First Planted Tank (pics)

    i would say you may need alot more stems and fast growers to keep algae away..dan
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    should be cories loved it..digging around on the bottom was no problem for them..
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    Tons Of Thread Algae In New Tank

    definately cut the light back..clean out your water changes and maybe cut back on the ferts a little till things settle down..can you remove any of it? that might help also so it doesnt over run the tank.. dan
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    Aquarium Water In Drop Checker?

    i like messing around to get it right or chemistry...just fill the checker up and add 3 drops of ph soultion
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    Problem With Plants.

    im not a handyman by ant sort so i just purchased a coralife freshwater aqualight with 6700k bulbs...
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    Problem With Plants.

    maybe you dont have enough light for the plants..i run 85watts over my 29gallon..
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    Sand Substrate.

    alot of aquascapers also use sand where it will be seen by dividing it from the planted area and using a good plant substrate for the planted area for max results. however i think its okay to go 100% sand also,just might have some pockets where the sand needs to stay stirred to prevent other...
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    Lightning Question On A Planted 29g

    i run 85watts over my 29gal and can grow plants well.
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    I Know This Sound Silly But..

    just wonderin,since im sure it would be loads cheaper,plus i have no real need to hide my pipes..or maye it will just stick out way too much in plastic to make it the right mold and shape hah?
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    How Many Days Do You Fertilize?

    wow thats alot of different routines..i thought for so long that there was a general rule for dosing E.I but i guess not. thanks for the replies.
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    How Many Days Do You Fertilize?

    i was wonderin how many days you fert according to your E.I routine? the plan im using adds ferts 6 days a week so i was wonderin what others are doin.. dan wierd..i cant believe ive been here 2 yrs already..i better get my act together and start gettin better at scaping.
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    Cant Get It Right!

    i would try runnin it with the two h.o lights.that is if you get enough light much macros are you dosing? what E.I routine are you following? the one i use only doses sun,mon,tue,wed,thur,fri,SAT no dosing with a reset on sun..maybe too many ferts could cause this. if you say...
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    Todays Tank Pic

    hey..thanks. i already have a couple clown loaches-some rummy nose tetras-a couple kuhli loaches-and a bout 6-8 ottos. i can never count um all.
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    Todays Tank Pic

    heres a pic i took today..remember i dare not try and aquascape..just love tryin to grow plants and makin a happy home for my fish.i do however run a decent amount of gadgets lights-E.I-eco-com-drop checker-pressurized-glass diffuser-external filter-powerhead-etc..i suppose when i...
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    Planted Tank Conversion

    i agree with Sam..for that amount you can easily go pressurized,and it will probably be better.consider E.I with high lighting..if you run one light its close to 2wpg if you get good light penetration..i dont know how deep your tank is.Eco will work just will need about 3in.consider...
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    Using Ro Water - Macro/micro Nutrients

    i think im wrong but are you saying you do your water changes with RO water..if so isnt that expensive.and are you using it to help with the algae issues.if so maybe theres something else wrong besides the water your putting in.what type of alge are you getting.
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    Desperately Seeking Lights...

    you could buy a pressurized set-up with a splitter to run to all you tank..that would provude much more stable co2
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    Bicarb Of Soda-what Ph To Add

    have you read this
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    Fully Automated Co2 Set-up Troubleshooting

    good to thing. let your tank get to room temp when replacing it or dont touch the needle valve if things seem to flow less than before because most tanks are stored outdoors in the cold so it will flow slower till hitting room temp. lots of people have cranked up the co2 after a new...
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    Fully Automated Co2 Set-up Troubleshooting

    no i dont have an azoo regulater but from the looks of it yes that brass screw is the needle it open? because if you open the valve on the tank and the regulator has no where for the co2 to go it may be blowing off for safety..if everything is connected to the tank right and it still...
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    Glass/ceramic Diffuser

    i use the little glass coiled one off ebay.
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    Fully Automated Co2 Set-up Troubleshooting

    is the bubble counter coming off of the needle valve on the regulator.. maybe try it without all the gadgets first... can you get co2 to come out of that needle valve once its on the tank? looks like all you need to do is connect to the bottle run the co2 line off the needle valve to a...
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    Fully Automated Co2 Set-up Troubleshooting

    how bout these looking for the regulator to see if i can fig this out...but i read some of these posts here is there a washer between the tank and regulator?
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    Help! Help! Algae

    from the looks of it you need way more plants,particularly fast growers to help fight off algae..many people here think they have enough plants to keep things going good when in fact they might wanna look into EI and make sure your co2 is stable..but i would get lots of plants..cover a...
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    Aquaglo And Life Glo2

    id go with the lif glo 2...use the better spectrum..imo...dan
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    Help! Help! Algae

    thats alot of light...whats fairly well stocked with plants? any pics...and exactly how many hours are you running your lights?..
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    What Type Of Lighting System Do U Use

    ditto to the tee....dan
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    Latest Tank Picture

    thanks for the comments guys.. aaronc--i really love those qualities in clowns also...such clowns arent they.. neo-my diffuser sits right under an aquaclear power head..helps push the water and co2 chops it up even smaller. the draw back is you will see tons of small bubbles shooting...
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    Latest Tank Picture

    i have 3 rummy nose tetras,1 glowlight tetra,8 ottos,2 kuhli loaches,1 small clown loach and 1 3inch clown loach. now before its mentioned my clown has been with me from the start and is very happy especially with his new cousin..i realize it will soon outgrow my tank but till then i will keep...
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    Latest Tank Picture

    thanks to you both..dan
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    Latest Tank Picture

    took these today..i havent posted in a while..i really need a better camera though...dan
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    Weighing Powders For Ei Mix?

    i prefer to dose it dry..much easier..dan
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    Question About

    aquadise...i havent used them but i do remember reading some negative comments on them..has the service improved much..i see they only have a 97% rating with 16 negative posts..i dont think i would order from them at this time but just wondering..
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    Tank Picture

    Thanks quite a ways to go before i get to your level but hopefully soon. you dont know how many times i wanted to give up,but ive got too much invested now so i keep at it.
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    Not Sure What To Do

    i agree with Sam...probably the test kits.. those are notorious for false do the live stock look?
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    Tank Picture

    i still cant take pictures for crap..anyway a recent pic(today)of my algae lab. im barely getting things back in balance after removing that aquaclear hob i was running with my fluval for over a year. risky move. the last of the long thread/hair algae is hanging on and the bba is finally...
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    Drop Checker Question

    okay..thanks..i also found another good article over on Tom Barrs site...dan
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    Drop Checker Question

    ok. i dont wanna sound too lazy.i suppose with a little guidance i could mix up a batch. are there some common instructions on doing this?thanks. p.s where can you buy this stuff anyway..just in case i really cant figure out how to do it. :rolleyes: dan