How Many Days Do You Fertilize?


May 8, 2005
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i was wonderin how many days you fert according to your E.I routine?
the plan im using adds ferts 6 days a week so i was wonderin what others are doin..

wierd..i cant believe ive been here 2 yrs already..i better get my act together and start gettin better at scaping.
6days as well. 5 days during week, saturday nothing and then sunday after water change i do the ferts again
None!! I have these fertilizer tablets that you put beside the roots in the substrate and they're good for months so no need to add anything for that time. Plants are doing well so I'm not worried about having to add in anything.

They're made by nutrafen.
Well, I just fert thrice weekly.

When I change water (on a Sunday) I dose macros (½ measures coz my tap has quite a bit of P&N) and traces.

Then dose again on Tuesday and Thursday (macros & traces).

That's it!
None!! I have these fertilizer tablets that you put beside the roots in the substrate and they're good for months so no need to add anything for that time. Plants are doing well so I'm not worried about having to add in anything.

They're made by nutrafen.

Is your tank high tech?
wow thats alot of different routines..i thought for so long that there was a general rule for dosing E.I but i guess not. thanks for the replies.
Is your tank high tech?

Nope, standard Juwel with a single 15W bulb. All my plants are jumping out of the substrate so these tablets are working a treat. I made a mistake in my first post with the name of those tablets. They are actually made by Tropica. You put them under the substrate near to the roots, depending on the plant size you put two or more etc...They are very much like the small yellow balls that you add to garden plant substrate to keep them alive and healthy. Its working a treat as I said...and I've never had to add in any other type of fertilizer.

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