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  1. F

    Are they ok?

    I am a responsible fish keeper but i am learning so all this is new to me. There are alot of things i dont own which i should proberly have but when someone like tttnjfttt gives me good advice, then i can go out and get the stuff i need.
  2. F

    Are they ok?

    Thankyou for the good advice, i think that is definitly the problem, when i have had a look in the tank there is alot of left over food on the bottom that looks rotton but we have removed most of it now but i think it is a bit to late.
  3. F

    Are they ok?

    We did a water change yesterday and used dechlorinator, we did a 40% water change but i really dont think that is the problem, although it is proberly adding to our problems i think that the tanks water is poor and thats whats killing them!
  4. F

    Are they ok?

    The tank has been set up about 4 or 5 months now, We do use dechlorinator on some of the water changes but not all and i dont have a test kit so i wouldnt know what the test results are, I think my problem is that i have over fed them and ive poisioned them, it says on the back of the tin of...
  5. F

    Are they ok?

    well sorry for the late reply, the tank is 30 gallons, it has gravel at the bottom, it has 2 guppys, 5 platies, a sucker fish, we changed the water once a week, but since i last posted we have lost 3 fish and the others still look poorly and this morning we woke up to find that the sucker fish...
  6. F

    Are they ok?

    Hi All Tonight all my fish seem to be sitting on the bottom of the tank, they all seem very lathargic, The temperature of the tank is 26 so thats ok, they have been fed twice today, i really dont know whats wrong with them, oh the fish i have are Guppy's and Platie's. Please Help!
  7. F


    Hi I am having a big problem, with the weather being so hot the temperature keeps rising on the tank, there for we lost a fish this morning as the temperature went up to 30 degrees, we have been out today, we put cold water in the tank to cool it down but we have just arrived home and the...
  8. F

    cleaning my fish tank

    thanks for your reply's, ive cleaned my tank out tonight, ive got an algea scraper but i havent got a fish tank vac, are they good then? They sound like they really help. ive scrapped the glass then stired the bottom of the tank a bit.its looking cleaner already.
  9. F

    cleaning my fish tank

    Hello all Im about to clean my fish tank out for the first time as i have noticed that alot of Algea has grown, Can someone give me advice on where to start from basics as ive never done this before. lol -_-
  10. F

    hi all ,

    Welcome to the forum. :hi:
  11. F

    How long does a pregnancy last !

    Hi Can anyone tell me how long a pregnancy would last in Platy's, Im not sure if my Platy is pregnant but if she is then i would just like to know when i should be expecting babies.
  12. F

    Hello !

    Ok ive just read about cycling your tank and i know what you mean now, Yes i think that was the problem as i only left the tank for about a week before adding the first batch of fish, the fish shop did say it was ok, when i went back to tell them about the fish that had died they said it could...
  13. F

    Hello !

    Hi Thebaldranger Thanks for your reply? Do you mean leave the tank to adjust to everything before adding the fish, I am really new to all this so im going to need a bit of help? LOL :lol:
  14. F

    pregnant Fish

    I was wondering if anyone knows how you can tell if a platy is pregnant, I bought her about 2 weeks ago but she has got quite a belly on her compared to the others.I dont know wether she is just a good eater or is preggers.
  15. F

    Hello !

    Hi I have now bought a tropical fish tank, we have had it about a month now, we had alot of problems with it when we first bought it, 5 of our fish died, 3 died within 3 days, we then waited a week and bought another 3 fish, 2 of them died over 3 days,We left the last one in there to see how he...