cleaning my fish tank


New Member
Apr 27, 2005
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Hello all

Im about to clean my fish tank out for the first time as i have noticed that alot of Algea has grown, Can someone give me advice on where to start from basics as ive never done this before. lol -_-
this is what i do
get my alge scraper and clean the glass
then i use a gravel vac to get the dirt off the bottom
then i do a 10-15% water change
Same as Germanshepherd. It's amazing how much poo you get in the bucket with the gravel vac. I do/will be doing light gravel vac + water change once a week (only had fish in my new tanks a couple of weeks) and scrape algae as needed.
thanks for your reply's, ive cleaned my tank out tonight, ive got an algea scraper but i havent got a fish tank vac, are they good then? They sound like they really help. ive scrapped the glass then stired the bottom of the tank a bit.its looking cleaner already.

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