Are they ok?

When you do water changes, do you have a gravel vacume that you use? If not, add that to your shopping list. It will clean your gravel while doing water changes.

Another option is the Python, this hooks up to your sink, is a gravel vac, removes water, and refills your tank. Biggest advantage is no lugging buckets around.
tttnjfttt said:
It could be part of the reason. For the next several days, do daily partial water changes with dechlorinator. Tomorrow (or today, depending on where you are), go to your pet store or fish store and take a water sample with you. Most stores will test your water for free. If you can afford it, buy a master test kit. You want to find one where you add drops of liquid to test tubes. These are more expensive, but last longer and are more accurate.

Ok, look at your fish, do you see any white spots? if you shine a flashlight on them, do you see a gold dusting?
I don't think I'd say "if you can afford it"
Anyone who can afford the expense of setting up a tank can budget a bit for a test kit. They only cost $20-$25 for an API master kit. I can't imagine a responsible fishkeeper not having a test kit at home.
There are some pinned topics you should read about fishkeeping. Have a look at the top sections of each board on the forums. You have been given good advice so advice is to do some more research.
Good luck. :)
Well, three days ago, I couldn't afford to buy anything. If my fish needed meds or something, I'd be begging. But payday came, so things are alot easier. Some peole need to plan for what they buy, or wait for payday to come around.
I am a responsible fish keeper but i am learning so all this is new to me. There are alot of things i dont own which i should proberly have but when someone like tttnjfttt gives me good advice, then i can go out and get the stuff i need.
thats why forums like this exist flower. To get the help and advice you need.
tttnjfttt said:
Well, three days ago, I couldn't afford to buy anything. If my fish needed meds or something, I'd be begging. But payday came, so things are alot easier. Some peole need to plan for what they buy, or wait for payday to come around.
I agree. I know the feeling in fact been there plenty of times where I had no spare money for anything. I was refering more to a test kit being something you purchase before fish are even purchased during the setup phase of a tank.
I agree that a test kit is something that should be on everyone's shopping list when they are getting their first setup, but honestly, how many people know about ammonia, nitrite, etc. when getting their first tank?

The common belief that combining rocks, plants, water, and fish equals a thriving aquarium is way too prevalent. I was there. Even after I knew the basics of cycling, I was told throw some zebra danios in your tank and bring a sample of your water back in a month.

I did edit the first post that Sky quoted, mainly strongly recomending people buy their own, and that they are useful for times like this.

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