Hello !


New Member
Apr 27, 2005
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I have now bought a tropical fish tank, we have had it about a month now, we had alot of problems with it when we first bought it, 5 of our fish died, 3 died within 3 days, we then waited a week and bought another 3 fish, 2 of them died over 3 days,We left the last one in there to see how he would get on, he is still here 3 weeks on, we have now added 4 more fish and they are really happy in there.
We are still in the stages of building our tank up, we have been told we can have upto 12 fish in there but we are taking it slowly.
Hi Flower :) ,

:hi: to the forums.

Am sorry to hear about your fish :/ but you do not appear to have cycled your tank :no: .

Have a good read through all the pinned topics at the top of the beginners section and you will understand your how your problems have arisen alot better.

Hi Thebaldranger

Thanks for your reply? Do you mean leave the tank to adjust to everything before adding the fish, I am really new to all this so im going to need a bit of help? LOL :lol:
Ok ive just read about cycling your tank and i know what you mean now,
Yes i think that was the problem as i only left the tank for about a week before adding the first batch of fish, the fish shop did say it was ok, when i went back to tell them about the fish that had died they said it could be Fish floo or something and gave me some medication for the tank. i dont know if it coincident but the tank and the fish are absolutly fine, the fish look and are acting very healthy.
:hi: Welcome Flower!! I think the first thing you should do is find a new fish store. Fish flu is a new one on me, just sounds like they either didn't know about cycling, or didn't care enough to help with the problem. Either way, I'd find a more knowledgeable place to get my fish, and of course, the great folks at TFF are always glad to help out if they can. :D
Welcome to the forums! Sorry to hear your initial experience hasn't been too successful, but many of us have been there. Hopefully you'll find lots of helpful people and information on this forum. And I agree, "fish flu" is a little sketchy. That just goes to show you that with many places that sell fish, you have to take their advice with a grain of salt.......and do a little research yourself.

Hope you enjoy your new fishy hobby! :)

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