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  1. M

    my amonia is high !!! help !!!

    Removing fishes? To where? At first, check your tap water does it contain more ammonia than your tank water. If it does, don't change water! Is that tank cycled or why would you think there is ammonia? Enough water circulation and oxygen in water? Ammonia is toxic, but when water is basic...
  2. M

    planted tank showoff

    Meaning exactly what? First of all.. I recommend to cycle the tank without plants, because then you can keep your lights off = no algae growing like they usually do during cycling process. When the cycling is almost done, buy a huge load of plants. Plant them, give them nutrients and CO2. Let...
  3. M

    So many gouramis to choose from!

    Liquiorice gourami (Parosphromenus deissneri) is a bit sensitive fish. Soft water and turf addition makes it feel better. pH should be under 7, even 4 is good. It's also a quite shy fish, so lots of plants is what this fish needs. Sparkling gourami (Trichopsis pumila) is much better choice...
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    Poll!!! gallons...UK/US or litres

    Hmm, I thought it is more like in this way: "It takes 15 minutes to go to..." :rofl: Well, how many meters would that be?
  5. M

    Poll!!! gallons...UK/US or litres As things stand, of course, this conversion is embarrassingly incomplete. Americans became painfully aware of this fact in 1999 with the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter. A NASA investigation into the satellite's failure revealed that one team of engineers had...
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    Well, I was more interested in this sentence: "That is where the vast majority of your bacteria colonize." Please, read it still and you understand my question ;)
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    planted tank showoff

    The old jungle in my bedroom: And the soft bushes in livingroom: Close-up:
  8. M

    Anyone see anything wrong with this???

    Quite usual... Nowadays when Im looking some information about fish, I usually skip every homepages - best pages are usually in german. In some countries fishkeeping is something like "Buy as small tank as it is possible and put as big fish as you can find there". It's frustrating and make me...
  9. M

    Which tube light to use?

    22W sounds odd.. Could it still be 18 or 25? You can check the lenght of the tube and look my homapages: (if it's not workin, then click the phrase "Kuinka paljon?" and you see a table where is usual lenght and watts of fluorescent...
  10. M


    Any articles, webpages... to support this? Have you read this one: ?
  11. M

    DIY Sponge Filter

    What about Hamburger Matten Filter (HMF)? It's a sponge filter but most of all, it's a biological filter!
  12. M

    Elephant Nose

    And the answer is "no".
  13. M

    rummy nose

    Hey LL, doing my final lab-work and writing pro-gradu thesis ;) Sure, it sounds easy and it definately looks easy when compairing these 3 together. But try to do that in a store :D
  14. M

    What's a good flake diet?

    The point was that you wrote "incredible results from people." The adverts and claims from the manufacturer made me wonder what are the scientific proofs that they can make a conclusion that their food is the best on the market. Why does their food be better than Tetras, Seras, Hikaris, OSIs...
  15. M

    Pl*cs & sand

    Breeding tanks are usually much, much smaller than tanks in which those fish live rest of their lives. ;)
  16. M

    PH Keeps changing

    White powder is probably phosphates. It would be more helpful if you tell us: - pH in your tank and pH from your tap water - GH - KH Why do you add nitrates more? What is nitrate level in your tank when you use those tablets and when you don't use them? What about nitrates in your tap water...
  17. M

    can a plant ever recover from this?

    Hmm, where has it been said something like that? Okay, 10 mg/l is usually ok for fishes and for plants, but they are also som plants that suffer if there is too much nitrates. But back to the topic... Is there any fish that eat this Amazon sword(?, E. amazonicus). And that's not bad at all...
  18. M

    dutch/nature/jungle styles defined

    I personally don't like the Amano-stylish aquariums - they seem to be more decoration than pieces of nature. Some of them look just like an abstract painting without any reality at all. But, it's only my opinion. Well, I don't mean that my tanks are either copies from the world And...
  19. M

    can too mant tall plants hurt filtration?

    How large is your tank? What kind of filter have you?
  20. M

    Hey its adam, and problem with pleco

    Change water to keep nitrite (NO2-) value low as possible (should be 0 mg/l) and if you live in USA try to find bacteria-product called Bio-Spira. It's only commercial product that contains usefull bacteria. If there aren't no fish at all at this moment, do a normal fishless cycling then. It...
  21. M

    murderous blue rams?????

    Well, I think that neon died for some other reason and like you said, rams started to eat this dead fish. Usually these rams are quite shy and calm fish but they are from time to time found to harrass e.g. tetras - just chasing them, not hunting. 2 males in small tank... hmm... Keep your eyes...
  22. M

    rummy nose

    10gallons is quite small tank for this lively fish, which loves to be in a large shoal. It's definitely a shoaling fish. 20gallons is much better, still alittle bit small for a shoal. Why don't you keep them with the gourami (Trichogaster or Colisa sp.?) and buy those rummy noses at least 20...
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    Crypt rot

    Yep, this is true. Although Cryptocorynes are easy plants to keep, they still appreciate stable water values. When you do water changes, do not throw new water over Cryptocorynes. And if leaves melt away, don't touch to the root. Normally it starts to grow new leaves.
  24. M

    plant pruning questions

    Echinodorus amazonicus? If it is, then it's ok. Just remember not to root it too slow in substrate. Plant base should be left on the substrate. I didn't recognize the rest of the plants. Hopefully, someone else have some kind of answer for you ;)
  25. M

    What's a good flake diet?

    Yep, Im sure it is the best :rolleyes: At least they did convince me to believe everything what is said on their adverts :rofl:
  26. M

    Polystyrene under tank

    I would ask it from the manufacturer why they say that "don't use". I use foamed plastic sheets under my tanks. I think that Juwel has said (at least) that you may not use any sheets under the tank, but.. I haven't ask from them "why?". If you ask, I would like to know what they said for...
  27. M

    What's your DIY Carbon Dioxide recipe?

    I think that (NH4)2HPO4 would be better because tank water contain bacteria too. It will probably start to grow lots of stuff in the flask, if you take tank water. Good to know that. Edit, (NH4)2HPO4 should be (NH4)2HPO4 :lol:
  28. M

    whats you KH and GH?

    You could think about saving for RO-unit.
  29. M

    How often do you do water changes?

    At least once a week (1/3 - 1/2). I just made water change couple days ago (1/3) and couple hours ago (1/3). But basically once a week. Somethimes I do 3/4 water changes to get rid of old water.
  30. M

    What's your DIY Carbon Dioxide recipe?

    Gelatin is used to get that sugar-water mixture to become as jelly. It slower down fermentation(?) and you can control/watch how much time you have left before you need to change the bottle. Yeast "eats" that jelly stuff and barrier layer lowers all the time. When it reach the bottom of the...
  31. M

    What's your DIY Carbon Dioxide recipe?

    Yep! I didn't remember that wine yeast at all because of I do drink alcohol so little - meaning... almost never :) OT: [Off topic=LateralLine]Nice to see you back MrV[/Off topic]. Thanks! Autumn was quite busy time in laboratory. I didn't have much time to do anything else than school stuff...
  32. M

    What's your DIY Carbon Dioxide recipe?

    1) Large plastic bottle 2) hole through the cork (for airhose with safety valve) 3) 2/3 water and sugar (about 2dl) 4) enough gelatine to make sugar-jelly stuff 5) let it be in cool place (fridge) to form that jelly stuff 6) let the flask be in room temperature so that jelly isn't cold 7) put...
  33. M


    Do you guys get it in UK? I was only wondering, if you can buy it from your pharmacies/fishstores etc. and are willing to send it here B) (Of course, need to check up customs / laws first.)
  34. M

    whats you KH and GH?

    GH could be lower for soft water fishes... But you have quite high nitrate level (Nitrates 80ppm).
  35. M

    Making a moonlight effect

    Why? In freshwater real "moonshine" isn't needed like e.g. in reef tank. But I don't know which nm is right for corals - i have no sw tanks ;) And be careful with the tranformer. LEDs burn easily!
  36. M

    White algae

    Already said: it's soft and I can rub it off Which minerals are soft?? And if you have CaCO3 in your glass, you just can't rub it awya. You need some brush or vineger/citric acid (smells better :D) to remove it. It's hard and insoluble to water. Hey, now I realized it... It is of course...
  37. M

    What's your favourite aquarium plant?

    I think... I like water lillies and some Echinodorus sp. look nice:
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    The REAL Comet!

    blue-eye :lol:
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    A To Z Of Tropical Fish Diseases

    There can't be any result or treatment without information where they are based on ;) Same thing when you're writing scientific journals, articals or anything like - every references has to be mentioned, unless they are your own studies (meaning lot of work and proofs etc.).
  40. M

    Is peat needed?

    If carbonate hardness is high, then peat won't work as well as in soft water. E.g. if i use too much peat, the pH will drop down. I keep it only about 1-2 handfuls in external filter. My water is very soft (KH ~ 2 °dH, GH ~ 3 °dH)