my amonia is high !!! help !!!


New Member
Jul 8, 2005
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my ammonia is between 2.0 and 4.0 i did a 25% water change.....still at the same level what do i do ?
remove the fish if possible (esspecially the valuable ones), and do another 25% water change, maybe more you you feel its nessisary. go down to you lfs and see what u can find in the way of ammonia meds, they do sell meds that will remove ammonia from the water. or atleats change it into something harmless.
Ammonia meds are bad because they mess with the bacterial cycle.
For your ammonia levels, a 60% water change would be much better followed by a 30% one tommorrow and another one the day after that until ammonia has dropped to 0.
I agree that water changes are one of the best things you can do now. If I were you, I would begin by doing a 25% water change immediately, then continue to do a 15% water change every hour or two. This way, your fish will slowly be aclimated to your tap water, while removing what is really toxic to them.

Over the couple of weeks, you will probably need to keep doing daily water changes, to keep the ammonia in check.

How big is your tank and what fish do you have in it?
tttnjfttt said:
How big is your tank and what fish do you have in it?

I ask that, you'll go pale when you hear it, but least to say if his words true he is doing things about his situation.
I agree try and remove the fish, do about 40% water changes daily until it starts to drop. You can put in some live bacteria into your tank aswell... How long has your tank been running??? what do your have in it?
benny0505 said:
my ammonia is between 2.0 and 4.0 i did a 25% water change.....still at the same level what do i do ?

One thing to consider is how low your Ph and temperature is, according to the manual that comes with the Ammonia test kit. at 77 degrees at a PH of 6-6.8 a 2.0 ammonia level is still considered safe. and ammonia toxicity lowers with salinity levels.

if your using the mardel test kit its on page 14
my bad the following page states that it is reccommemded to keep ammonia levels at zero to ensure the safety of your fish.
i just did a 50 % water change !!!!!! STILL AT THE SAME level..,.i got 2 irridescent sharks ....1 bala 2 blue whales ....

i cant believe its still at 2.0

what to do ?
benny0505 said:
i just did a 50 % water change !!!!!! STILL AT THE SAME level..,.i got 2 irridescent sharks ....1 bala 2 blue whales ....

i cant believe its still at 2.0

what to do ?

The only other advice is what i used to get my water normal a few months ago when it was cycling, i used amquel plus, which is a water conditioner, it helped to pring my nitrites down by half in 24 hours , it also works to remove ammonia, nitrates and clorine.
Do it again, and again, and again, but with a little time between. Sometimes I've found that when the levels get higher, it is harder to see a difference on the test kit. Be patient, it will come down.

How are the plans coming on getting these fish decent long term home?
what do you mean ?
30 gal is good for now...ill get a bigger one later ...
Removing fishes? To where?

At first, check your tap water does it contain more ammonia than your tank water. If it does, don't change water!

Is that tank cycled or why would you think there is ammonia? Enough water circulation and oxygen in water?

"tttttttttttttttttt" said:
In general, ammonia at any level is toxic to fish. Without getting into the chemistry of what makes ammonia "less toxic" based on the pH and temp, ammonia is never safe.

Ammonia is toxic, but when water is basic there is free ammonia more in water. When water is neutral, less free ammonia in water and when water is acidic all most every molecules of ammonia is in a new form -> ammonium-ioni (NH4+) which is not as toxic as ammonia (NH3).

i got 2 irridescent sharks ....1 bala 2 blue whales ....

Exactly, what kind of fish have you?

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