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  1. M

    Crypto Question

    Thanks Byron. Think your right about the Nerites. So far have not seen any eggs, but they are still young. It'll be interesting to see what this lil' bugger grows up to be. I'll have to remove him if its a species with long feelers. That would be too much of an enticement for the Betta. Got to...
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    Crypto Question

    Thanks Ch4rlie. I had read that Crypts were delicate and didn't like to be moved etc. So, I treated them very carefully and didn't rinse them before putting them in the tank. This may have been a mistake. Seems I got a hitchhiker. Spotted a very tiny snail making its way across the glass this...
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    Crypto Question

    Many thanks Byron. Always very informative. Thought I would be conservative with my first placement of the Flourish tabs. Split a couple of them with a steak knife. They are hard, so you really have to give them a whack. Sunk 1/2 in three spots at the back of the tank, near the roots. Yesterday...
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    Crypto Question

    Roger: "the big pinch of salt". I have Flourish Comprehensive root tabs and will place a couple. I tried the "Osmocote" thing. What a disaster. Froze about 20 balls each in two ice cubes. Planted in two spots. Next day my Ammonia and Nitrates were much too high. Thought it was because I had...
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    Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

    I tried Golden mystery snails in a ten gallon Betta tank and they were very harassed. Had to move them to a ten gallon shrimp tank. Tried Ghost Shrimp with the Betta and I became his BFF. Did not try that experiment again. Presently have a planted five gallon Betta tank set up with four Nerite...
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    Crypto Question

    Many thanks Ch4lie. The same part time LFS employee that told me that you cannot keep more than one Otocinclus, because they are very territorial, and would wind up killing each other, also said that fertilizer shouldn't be used for Crypts and that it would probably kill them. Guess where I no...
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    Crypto Question

    Here's the tank.
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  9. M

    Crypto Question

    So two days ago re-did my aquascape by pulling out some plants that were not doing well. Put in a nice bunch of Crypyocoryne Petcii. This I split at the roots and put it toward the back of the tank. So far I havn't used any ferts. I thought it best to come here and ask your advice first. I have...
  10. M

    Otto Fact or Fiction

    The LFS employee that I mentioned, is there on a part time basis and may not be as experienced as the owners. So I think it is much as you say Baccus. So, after I read Ch4lies last post I called there and spoke with one of the partners. He claimed that the Otto's in his tank were farm raised and...
  11. M

    Otto Fact or Fiction

    Thank you Ch4rlie. I was obviously typing out my reply to nic1 when you posted. Thank you for the link. I'll be sure to educate myself on these little critters. So, if your information is correct, and I'm sure it is, this little guy is doomed. I'm in a rural area so it would be impractical to...
  12. M

    Otto Fact or Fiction

    Thank you very much for your information. The tank is now three months old. Planted with Water Sprite and recently with Cryptocoryne. Water parameters have been good and stable for some time. Plenty of hidey places, in stone caves, but it seems he's happier hanging out on the face of the tank or...
  13. M

    Otto Fact or Fiction

    So I went to the LFS to buy a plant or two and wound up with a Crypt and an Otocinclus. Cute little bugger. These for my 5 gallon Beta tank. I was informed by the LFS employee that Oto's were very territorial, and he claimed that he had problems when he tried to keep more than one in a tank...
  14. M

    what happened...?

    I'm also getting the same with IE.
  15. M

    55 gallon tank starting to expand when filled

    Hi - First I wouldn't try to fill the tank more than one half, if at all. You may wind up with a broken tank and the resulting clean up. If you search the web, I'm sure you will be able to find some DIY fixes. Off the top of my head I believe it would be simple enough to construct an acrylic...
  16. M

    Where do you get your shrimp from?

    Will follow with interest. Also a future shrimp keeper.
  17. M

    Heater Help

    Many thanks. Really appreciate your input. Have to make a decision soon. Its not getting any warmer.
  18. M

    Pothos Plant

    I like the idea of the Pothos plant helping with your Nitrates. But, not for me. Just checked the net and find that the plant is toxic for cats. March...
  19. M

    Heaters and winter...

    I've always had heaters in my small tanks, 10 to 5 gallons. Even when I lived in Florida. Ambient temps in my S.C home are generally 77f summer, 70f winter. I feel that my body (old as it is) can tolerate temperature swings better than my small critters. Like to think of it as insurance. In that...
  20. M

    TDS Meter

    Thanks very much for your definitive information, Stephen. I like the fact that the Hanna can be calibrated. I don't mind paying a little extra for a good tool, but I do continue to look for cost effective solutions. For PH I have a Milwaukee that has worked well for the past year and a half...
  21. M

    TDS Meter

    Looking at getting a TDS meter to help keep track of my water parameters. The on line store has them for sixteen to twenty two dollars, and then on up. Would it be worth while getting one of the inexpensive meters, but does one have to go for the big bucks in order to be comfortable with its...
  22. M

    Lazy Snails

    Many thanks for your information and advice. Well, this AM the little guys decided to get back to work. Actually, I think I'd like another snail or two for the added interest they bring to the tank. I plan to go to the LFS on Saturday and see if I can't score a Striped Nerite and one other...
  23. M

    Lazy Snails

    So I went and got four Nerite snails for my 5.5 gallon Betta dwelling. Three Horned, one Olive. All less than 1/2 inch. The first day they were all over the tank chomping up algae. I do have a small algae problem. The next day they were down to very slow activity, which is where they are at...
  24. M

    My Bacopa Caroliniana Won't Grow.

    Hy Cooledwhip. Sorry about your plant troubles. Perhaps if your able to post your water parameters: Ammonia, PH, Nitrites, Nitrates, GH and KH, (anything you have a test for) someone more knowledgeable than myself will be able to suggest remedies. I'm also a beginner.
  25. M

    Time For Some Shrimp

    Good luck with the 10 Julie. Looks like it will be a great home for shrimps. T...
  26. M

    Which Fertilizer ?

    Ok... Forget the above. Found four very nice Nerites at PetSmart. One Olive Nerite, three Horned Nerite. Presently acclimating them to my water and will introduce them to the tank in about an hour. Thank you for your kind help and advice. T...
  27. M

    Which Fertilizer ?

    So... Decided to go with Nerite snails. Reasons: MTS would do best with a sand substrate. I have gravel in this tank. Next tank will have sand. My most trusted LFS does not have Nerites, so I'll have to check around town to see what I can find. Going to have to get them as my algae is getting...
  28. M

    Heater Help

    Thanks very much Sue. The Eheim is a bit too long to be put standing up in my tank. Some reviewers claim that they are able to do a horizontal installation. After a bit more investigation I think that I may have found one that I like. Cobalt Aquatics make a submersible heater that will fit my...
  29. M

    Heater Help

    "cutest picture" Thank you, and I like your avatar. Reminds me of Sophie when she was a kitty. Both rescues. Both recovered nicely and are in firm control of my home. They are much calmer with the aquarium now.
  30. M

    Return To The Hobby

    Greetings, and welcome back.
  31. M

    Heater Help

    Checking my usual "amazing" supplier, I find the reviews for aquarium heaters a bit disturbing. 20- 25% of reviewers for most brands show malfunctions. My old Eheim Jagers always seemed to work pretty well, but now I'm seeking a submersible for my 5.5 gallon Betta tank. I have to use a full hood...
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  33. M

    Which Fertilizer ?

    [sharedmedia=core:attachments:81246] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:81247]   So if I did this right it should show a before and after of my 5.5 gallon Betta tank. The improved light is from a DIY hood with a 5K CFS.. The old one had three poor LED's. Wow, 8 tanks. I hope to have three going in...
  34. M

    Which Fertilizer ?

    My shipment came in yesterday. I dosed with .6 ml of the Flourish, which is approximate to the directions on the bottle. (5ml for a 60 gallon tank) And dropped in 1/2 cup of CaribSea Aragonite. That's a bit more than Stephen suggested, But I'll keep an eye on things and pull some if KH/PH start...
  35. M

    Rogue Pet Gallery

    Thought I might try to post a pic of my beasties.    
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  37. M

    Which Fertilizer ?

    Thanks Stephen. This weeks tests show that my Nitrates have dropped to 20. I thought they might, due to the addition of the Water Sprite. For the first time, I'm showing algae growth at the front of the tank. Obviously as a result of the light increase. Snails are a difficult decision. My last...
  38. M

    Which Fertilizer ?

    Gentlemen: Thank you so much for coming to the aid of my small tank. Just came back from placing an order for Flourish Comprehensive, Flourish Root Tabs, and Carib Sea Crushed Coral. Should get here by Monday. Tank water values should pretty well compare to my well water parameters which test 0...
  39. M

    Which Fertilizer ?

    Need a little help in picking out a fertilizer. Prefer something that won't impact on my pet Betta. Water parameters are 0 Ammonia and Nitrites. Nitrates = 40ppm. PH is 6.6 with KH at 1 and GH at 3. Plants are doing Ok but I feel they could use a little help, especially the Cabomba. Fish appears...
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    Live Food Options?

    Following this thread with great interest. When I was raising fish some years ago, some forums had a separate category for raising live foods. They detailed the process and what was needed to be successful. Doesn't seem to be popular any longer. Please post your success if you find the info or...