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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. W

    Video Betta Being A Betta.

    Nice of you to rescue...he is doing great now!  Lol love to watch them chase the shrimp.  Mine is very interactive as well...loves begging for food!    Also loves following us from one side of his tank to the other in the morning waiting for breakfast
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    Too Much Duckweed.

    That is awesome for you!  You could post to aquabid or something?  I'm in TN so if I had a bigger tank I'd love it...sadly no space for another tank right now 
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    Using Root Tabs In Betta Tank

    I recently planted my 5G betta tank this summer after being a meticulous cleaner.  Now, I've stopped cleaning the gravel.  However the plants that really need the nutrients from the root level like my swords are showing signs of deficiency.  Water levels and lighting are kosher.  I've read not...
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    Cycling A Tank With Urine (Yes This Is Serious)

    Hmm gonna keep my eye on this thread
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    Rex The Flowerhorn

    D'aw I'm in love! Those colors 
  6. W

    Parrot Fish -240 Litre Tank

    Ooh can't wait for pics!  Snorkled with these in Freeport this summer...very beautiful and calm compared to the other fishies we saw
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    Can A Rcs Live In A 1G?

      A few would be even better, wasn't sure if their smaller size than the ghosties mattered Tank has been going for 4-5 months w/o any spikes really. Hopefully I can check the ph of the water they're in wherever I get them
  8. W

    Can A Rcs Live In A 1G?

    I have a 1G Aqueon MiniBow that is cycled and I can plant using species from my planted 5G.  I tried a couple ghost shrimp before I realized how territorial they were.  Also tried a mystery snail before I moved it to the betta's tank and he killed it.  I would want a snail that is larger than...
  9. W

    Betta Fish Possibly Injured/went Without Air

    Thank you, I appreciate that.  I was freaked all night.  This morning he is being his normal self!  He ate and is very interactive.  I can see a couple of tiny scrapes- one on his lip and one near his gills.  The top of his body looks that way a little as well.  My poor little guy.  Lesson...
  10. W

    Betta Fish Possibly Injured/went Without Air

    Tank size: 5G pH: 7.4 ammonia: 0ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 0ppm tank temp: 76.4 F (usually 78-80 F) Hard Water 20% water change today prior to incident/20% weekly water changes This is more of a possible injury concern than sickness that has come upon my betta.  He is the sole inhabitant of his...
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    New Fish. Unknown.

    Picture picture!  If it's a RSEE they are beautiful fishies
  12. W

    My Little Fluval Edge 6 Gallon

    Beautiful tank and creatures!  Love watching your little cleaners.  Very clean and natural looking setup!  :D 
  13. W

    Rebuilding A 20Gal After A Move

    Wow!  Great job on the move and thanks for sharing...can't wait for pics of the new tank 
  14. W

    Intriguing Anacharis Activity

    Your anacharis is rooting much better than my strain lol sounds cool to observe
  15. W

    How Much Substrate Should I Buy For A 75 Gallon Aquarium?

    As far as how deep you want your substrate for rooting, I agree that 2" or even less is sufficient for anchoring plants.  With that depth it will also capture plenty of waste to fertilize your greens.    Aesthetically I prefer less substrate as well.     Agreed!  
  16. W

    Fishless Cycle Help!

     I applaud your details and interest in the health of your tank!  As far as cycling goes, you are still in the very early stages.  From how I read your post, I understood it that you added the untreated water directly to your tank.  If you have live plants/fish in the future you will want to add...
  17. W

    Critique My Aquascape!

    I like what you've done with the driftwood. Everything looks very natural.  Can't wait to see it with some life!  As far as aquascaping goes, it looks very balanced so far.  Is it in a corner right now?
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    Algae Problem

    What kind of lighting does the tank have?
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    Houdini, The Escaping Shrimp.

    This is making me want to breed cherries! 
  20. W

    Rex The Flowerhorn

    Wow!  He is beautiful!  Can't wait for more pics 
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    My Newest Shrimp

    Beautiful shrimp! They are so interesting to observe.  Congratulations  
  22. W

    Hello :)

     Beautiful bettas!  I am relatively new to the tropical freshwater aquarium life.  I have had a veil tail betta similar to Velvet for a little over a year.  Your tank's colors are great also!  Very bright.  I recently invested in marimo moss balls, amazon swords, and anacharis.  They are all...
  23. W

    Java Moss Fertilizer

    I've been searching forums and haven't quite found an answer to my question and this thread is of similar topic.  I have a betta, mystery snail, ghost shrimp, anacharis, marimo moss, and amazon swords between my two tanks.  The LFS suggested I buy Aqueon's Aquarium Plant Food but I'm concerned...
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    Greetings From Wesley The Veil Tail Betta

    That is very low maintenance.  Over time I hope to get my cycle there, too.     How big is your tank?  I would love for Wesley to be a part of a massive community tank but with his behavior today I'll keep it at shrimp alone.  Are the MTS the pest snails?
  25. W

    Hello All

    I am new as well.  Welcome!!  I would love to have a 30+G tank 
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    Greetings From Wesley The Veil Tail Betta

    Wow great setup.  I really like the natural look of the pea gravel and easy to clean. 
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    Greetings From Wesley The Veil Tail Betta

    Thank you.  Good to know about the substrate.  I was wondering about the vacuuming and maintenance.  So far I've only had a couple pesty snails that tagged along on an anacharis bag from Pet Supermarket (highly advise to NEVER make a purchase from their live tanks!).  I've read going without...
  28. W

    Greetings From Wesley The Veil Tail Betta

    I am new to the site and joined with a question about my two small tanks that I have since resolved!  I have a 1G snail/shrimp tank and a 5G betta/shrimp tank.  Both are Aqueons and have the filters the setup came with.  I have had Wesley the veil tail betta for 14 months and am new to the...
  29. W

    Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

    LOL some swapped gender traits, eh? So sad about the snail.  Final verdict: Wesley betta is very aggressive and initially chased the first shrimp I added in a circle around the anacharis but doesn't like to nibble.  I picked the largest most territorial shrimpies (4) and moved them to the 5G...
  30. W

    Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

    Update: I moved my mystery snail into the 5G betta tank.  It floated at the top and curious betta nipped at the shell.  As soon as it stuck its eyes out the betta attacked.  I immediately moved the snail back into the 1G tank.  I hope it's okay.   It's little tentacles look nipped at.  I just...
  31. W

    Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

    That's good to hear.  Mister betta is well-fed.  I am going to move the snail and a couple shrimp into the 5G today and we'll see how they fare.
  32. W

    Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

    I have had my male Betta for 14 months and recently moved him from a 1G to a 5G Aqueon MiniBow.  Eventually I'd prefer a 10G or larger but for now want to make the 5G as comfortable as possible.  In the meantime I was hoping to use the 1G as a plant tank and before doing proper research added 10...