Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

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Jun 8, 2016
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I have had my male Betta for 14 months and recently moved him from a 1G to a 5G Aqueon MiniBow.  Eventually I'd prefer a 10G or larger but for now want to make the 5G as comfortable as possible.  In the meantime I was hoping to use the 1G as a plant tank and before doing proper research added 10 ghost shrimp and an albino mystery snail along with a few pieces of anacharis and a large moss ball.  There is also a tiny Spongebob pineapple and a turtle figurine that was previously in Betta's tank.  As you can imagine it is too crowded for that many shrimp (8 now) and a snail that has an approx. 1'' shell.  I am wondering what I can do between the two tanks to keep everyone healthy and happy.  I would like to be able to care for the snail and shrimpies but Betta is #1 priority.  He has a pot on it's side he likes to hide in with an artificial plant blocking the drainage hole, a plastic mangrove root-looking thing taking up most of the right side of his tank, two small amazon swords in the front, 3 moss balls, and two different anacharis plants.  His tank is heated and stays around 78 degrees, the 1G is unheated.  PH in the 5G stays around 7.4, PH in the 1G is slightly lower, ammonia/nitrite levels were 0 in both yesterday.  I am new to this hobby and love it but am still learning- please forgive any aquarium ignorance.  What can I do for all my little water friends to balance these tanks out?  Also betta is very active and has obviously never had any companions due to his too-small tank conditions for most of his life (I feel so guilty now that I know better).  He is extremely interactive, and the live plants are new additions that he seems to like laying/swimming in.  I'm worried he'd eat the shrimp and nip at mister snail when it pops out.  
Personally i've had success keeping betta and snails together. I've briefly kept shrimp and a betta together during a recent move and they stayed together quite peacefully for about a month. Generally if the shrimp have lots of hiding places and the betta is well fed and non-aggressive towards them you should be ok :)
That's good to hear.  Mister betta is well-fed.  I am going to move the snail and a couple shrimp into the 5G today and we'll see how they fare.
Update: I moved my mystery snail into the 5G betta tank.  It floated at the top and curious betta nipped at the shell.  As soon as it stuck its eyes out the betta attacked.  I immediately moved the snail back into the 1G tank.  I hope it's okay.  
 It's little tentacles look nipped at.  I just got it Monday so I'm not sure if that is from prior tank companions or if my shrimp could have done it.  Either way it has not seemed comfortable besides when I first put it in the 1G.  It was quite active.  
Some bettas are great with tank mates while others are not, I have a female who killed a Mystery snail and will not tolerate tank mates, And I have a male who thinks hes a Kuhli loach because he spends so much time with them.
LOL some swapped gender traits, eh? So sad about the snail.  Final verdict: Wesley betta is very aggressive and initially chased the first shrimp I added in a circle around the anacharis but doesn't like to nibble.  I picked the largest most territorial shrimpies (4) and moved them to the 5G.  Wesley thinks he's a shark and chases them but they are being their normal active selves.  My snail is back to reg. behavior and I did some rearranging in both tanks to maximize hiding spots.  3 shrimp + snail in the 1G and Wesley + 4 shrimp in the 5G seems to be an OK balance for now. 
I just added two mystery snails (one around the size of a dime, the other around the size of a quarter) in with my betta in his 6 gallon; luckily Ruth is much less aggressive than Wesley. I hope the shrimp work out!
I tried Golden mystery snails in a ten gallon Betta tank and they were very harassed.
Had to move them to a ten gallon shrimp tank.
Tried Ghost Shrimp with the Betta and I became his BFF. Did not try that experiment again.
Presently have a planted five gallon Betta tank set up with four Nerite snails.
Betta tried to take a swipe or two with no success. They all now go about there own business.
Good luck with your tanks.

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