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  1. C

    Help!!! Guppies fighting??!?!

    Hi I seriously need help ASAP! I have 2 female guppies at first, then about 8 males. Thought it wasn't wise cos was afraid that the females will die from the males' attempts to mate and that there might be competition from the males so bought another 4 females today. But when i got home from...
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    Neon Tetras?!

    thanks loads! guess i was being paranoid. haha thanks!
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    Neon Tetras?!

    Hi Just got 12 neon tetras yesterday. They are placed together with about 11 guppies, 2 goldfishes and another 4 fishes. However, whenever i feed all of them, none of the neon tetras would rise to the surface to eat the food. Instead, they would wait for the food to descend. Is this normal...
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    Advice on breeding guppies fast

    thanks for the advice HeatherSweetness! Oh ya... i fed my fishes some worms that was sold in my local aquarium and only a few males ate them while the rest ddin't eat them, the females and my frys too. Oh ya, my fish gave birth to 20 frys! =) By the way, does anyone know how long is the mating...
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    Totally black eyed guppies

    Hi My two female guppies have totally blacked eyes. A few days ago, only one of them had totally black eyes. Is this due to stress as there are going to give birth any time now. Or could it be a disease or something? Should i be worried? Please help me! I'm quite paranoid cos i don't want them...
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    Advice on breeding guppies fast

    Kossy, please elaborate more. I don't really understand what you mean by that. As in put some yolk on a spoon and mash it then put it in the tank? Don't understand the rice part... Thanks for the tips and website guys!
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    2 guppies not eating well

    Thank you for your advice! I shall do just that now! Haha... :P
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    Advice on breeding guppies fast

    Hello Just want to know what temperature i should have to make it breed faster and must i give them more varieties of food? Someone told me i should have a heater to increase the temperature. Is it big and expensive? Cos i don't have a large tank and if it is too expensive my parents might kill...
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    2 guppies not eating well

    Hello I recently bought 2 more male guppies. However, they have not been eating at all since i bought them. They don't seem to be ill as they are swimming perfectly well and socializing pretty good with my other 2 male guppies in the same tank. But they are not eating. So what should i do...
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    red gravid spot?

    Thanks so much! Oh but how do i increase the temperature? Can i put them in my front yard? Where the sun can increase the temperature naturally or would that be a bad idea? Please let me know! Thank you! Cos i'm pretty worried as it has been overdued for quite some time already..
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    red gravid spot?

    Hello I have two female guppies and they have very red gravid spots? I'm not sure if that's what its called, but there's this red spot near it tail... Pretty orange yesterday, and today its like reddish brown, a much darker colour. Is this an indication that they are going to give birth soon...
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    pregnant guppy, not?

    ya there was a male until i separated them
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    pregnant guppy, not?

    nope, i checked the plants and all. there were none. i do think they are pregnant. they're tummys are bulging. hmm..?
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    pregnant guppy, not?

    Hi, I have 2 female fishes which i bought about 2 months ago. The guy who sold it to me told me that they would give birth within two weeks after i bought it. However, it has been 2 months since i bought them. Someone please help me? Why haven't they given birth yet? I don't have a fish kit so...
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    Hi. How old does it take for a guppy to mate? Thanks.