pregnant guppy, not?


New Member
Jun 14, 2003
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I have 2 female fishes which i bought about 2 months ago.
The guy who sold it to me told me that they would give birth within two weeks after i bought it.
However, it has been 2 months since i bought them.
Someone please help me?
Why haven't they given birth yet?
I don't have a fish kit so i can't give any water details.
Please help me someone!

they might just not have been pregnant....eventhough that is very hard to believe that they werent pregnant
Like Steve-O said its not very likely they werent pregnant, they could have giving birth and then decided to munch on them...I breed guppies and I had a batch born last night and was fighting the heck out of the mom to save the babies, as soon as she had one she would turn around an try to get it.. I managed to save 12 little darlings lol :rolleyes:
Are you sure that they didnt have babies, and then ate them? Could any babies be hiding in any plants, rocks, other decorations?

I too find it hard to believe that they werent pregnant

nope, i checked the plants and all.
there were none.
i do think they are pregnant.
they're tummys are bulging.
If the females tummy looks like they are going to explode then they are about to give birth...

Sometimes on my guppies when they are big, I look real close at their bellies and sometimes I can see the little frys eyes, but you have to look hard lol and if the mom will be still long enough LOL

If you plan on keeping the fry, then I suggest you get a breeding net or a small tank for the fry, cause all the other fish will eat them
tummys bulging is one sign, do the females have a gravid spot? it will be a little black spot by their anal fin. if so they are definatly pregnant. also many of the people in the lfs' really have no idea what they are talking about I've been asked to leave 3 in my area for contradicting what the sales clerk sadi so that a new fishkeeper didn't make newbie errors such as massive overstocking. It is reqally a shame that they would rather make money then have happy customers that will come back for more fish as the tank matures!!!
I think we are overlooking one thing. If it has been 2 months with no babies, it sounds like you are missing an important half of the equation. Do you have a male guppy? You would need a male to fertilize the female. Try getting a single male and throw it in there.
i don't think u should seperate the fish no matter what....... let nature take it's course, who cares about the frys, if it really is preg then wait for another month then u try to save it, anyway, it's just my oppinion

Kev :D

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