Advice on breeding guppies fast


New Member
Jun 14, 2003
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Just want to know what temperature i should have to make it breed faster and must i give them more varieties of food? Someone told me i should have a heater to increase the temperature. Is it big and expensive? Cos i don't have a large tank and if it is too expensive my parents might kill me.

Right now i'm only giving them crushed flakes for their meals. Is it encouraged to give them a more variety of food? Please specify any! Thank you!

If there are any tips or advice, please let me know!! Thank you!
I'm new to guppy fry 8 yesterday.....from what Ive read you need the water slightly warmer than normal....around 78.....also I have read that you can use crushed boiled egg yolk to feed them.....but I have brought some "liquid fry " interesting to see how we get on....please read my other post below....thanks
crazy12234 said:

Just want to know what temperature i should have to make it breed faster and must i give them more varieties of food? Someone told me i should have a heater to increase the temperature. Is it big and expensive? Cos i don't have a large tank and if it is too expensive my parents might kill me.

Right now i'm only giving them crushed flakes for their meals. Is it encouraged to give them a more variety of food? Please specify any! Thank you!

If there are any tips or advice, please let me know!! Thank you!
here is a awsome web site for/ about guppy and you will find every thing you need to know about then and how to get them to breed exc......' '

Also a heater is a MUST!
:D Yes I'm a big fan of boiled egg yolk but you need to know how to do it or you will put to much in and kaput. Here goes (For the hundreth time posting this ;) :p :D ) Ok boil a egg. Slice it open. Get about 1 -1.5 rice grains worth of yolk and put it on a spoon...mush it around with a bit of water and put it in the tank. Your fry will love you for it and they will grow faster (Feed once a day only and you can also add crushed flakes Not with the egg)
Get about 1 -1.5 rice grains worth of yolk and put it on a spoon...mush it around with a bit of water and put it in the tank.

Kossy, please elaborate more. I don't really understand what you mean by that.
As in put some yolk on a spoon and mash it then put it in the tank? Don't understand the rice part...

Thanks for the tips and website guys!
I always mixed the egg yolk with water and made a mush,dipped a toothpick in it and got a little on it and swooshed it in the fry tank. Seemed to be less of a 'oops i added too much and gunked up the water' thing. :)
thanks for the advice HeatherSweetness! Oh ya... i fed my fishes some worms that was sold in my local aquarium and only a few males ate them while the rest ddin't eat them, the females and my frys too. Oh ya, my fish gave birth to 20 frys! =)
By the way, does anyone know how long is the mating process?

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