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  1. R

    bumble bee goby Help!!!!!!

    I got a bumble bee goby today. Think I have a serious problem. After thoroughly acclimating him to my tank he freaked out and started floating I thought he was dead but then I noticed his gills moving. Now he doesn’t seem to be able to swim to the bottom he just floats. What is wrong?
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    My tank stand

    Nice looking tank stand. Are you an engineer or something. Looks like a mechanical desktop render. I would be interested in the part prints or the dimensions.
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    bumble bee goby and dwarf puffers

    Pufferpack So it is possible to keep BBG in fW with DwarfPuffers. Do you recommend I find a BBG that is already kept in FW. I am going to the fish store this weekend that is some distance a way but have a good selection of fish. They keep both there BBG and Dwarf puffers in brackish water...
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    bumble bee goby and dwarf puffers

    I was wondering if any one keeps dwarf puffers with bumblebee gobies. I know that bumblebees are brackish but I have heard of some people keep them in fresh water. I have seen them in fresh water and brackish at different lfs. Also my lfs keeps there dwarf puffers in brackish water. Every...
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    Dwarf Puffer Saga

    My fish died tonight. :-( He had been looking bad most of the day. Pufferpack now that you mention it the scab on the side of it looked like a burn the heater may have been what did it. Thanks for the advice. I think this weekend I am going to clean out my tank and figure out what I am...
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    Dwarf Puffer Saga

    Nitrate = 10 ppm Nitrite = 0 PH = 6.8
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    Dwarf Puffer Saga

    Few months back I finally got two dwarf puffers after a lot of research and searching. They were both very healthy and got along extremely well no nipping or anything. One was really fat and the other smaller. So After about two months I got another dwarf puffer for my tank. I was worried...
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    Small 3 gal tank

    I have a three gal eclipse tank with a few dwarf puffers and a couple of live plants. In the past two weeks there has been a bit of algae growing on the plants how do I get rid of this. Also I want to make this tank more interesting with more plants and decorations but since the tank is so...
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    A few questions about Dwarf Puffers

    I posted a few pics go check them out
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    A few pics of my Dwarf Puffers

    Here are a few pics of my dwarf puffers in a 3 gal eclipse tank
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    A few questions about Dwarf Puffers

    I got some frozen blood worms the other day. They love them. They suck all the guts out of the worm and leave the skin. Now I am stuck with a years supply worth of shrimp. Thanks for everyone’s advise. I will post some pictures when I get a chance.
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    A few questions about Dwarf Puffers

    Well I found fish store that had dwarf puffers yesterday, so I got two females. They seam to be adjusting well to there new surroundings. The store had been feeding them live worms. Not sure what kind, they are very small and black. They gave me a week’s supply of them. I also bought a...
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    A few questions about Dwarf Puffers

    By the way happy Birthday Pufferpack
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    A few questions about Dwarf Puffers

    Last night went to the small pet supply store here in town. I haven’t been in for years because of how dirty it was. Apparently new owners run it and it is very nice. They don’t have a large selection of fish but what they do have are very healthy. To my surprise they had a fig 8 and a...
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    A few questions about Dwarf Puffers

    subopposite We are defiantly talking about the same place. I live in southern VT out side Brattleboro. I go to school at Norwich University so I am familiar with the Barre area. There is a nice fish store I like to go to in Burlington when I am in the neighborhood. It is way out on Shelburn...
  21. R

    A few questions about Dwarf Puffers

    Pufferpack Thanks for the helpful information I am pretty sure my lfs will order me a few dwarf puffers. If I had the option do you think getting a male and a female or two males or two female would be better. Also is there another type a puffer that would do well in my small aquarium that...
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    A few questions about Dwarf Puffers

    subopposite I see your from vermont I am also from vermont I am almost willing to bet we are talking about the same fish store.
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    A few questions about Dwarf Puffers

    Got a few questions about dwarf puffer fish I have a three gallon eclipse aquarium with some live plants (click on the link to see a pic.) Currently I only have one Otto in the tank. I was thinking 2 dwarf puffers would do very well in the tank. I would still be following the 1 gallon to 1...
  24. R

    Peacock Gobie

    Does any one have experience with Peacock Gobies? Done some research on the internet heard that they do well in small aquariums and are non aggressive. Curious to know if the Peacock Goby would be a good tank mate with my Betta.
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    New Tank Again

    I have the same tank I am really happy with it. I put a few live plants and some drift wood in mine.
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    bumble bee goby and betta

    Thanks for the info I had a feeling the guy at the store was wrong the only reason i didnt get the fish was b/c the guy couldnt catch the thing. Goes to show that I should do more research before buying. Pufferpack I am interested in the peacock gobies I have never seen one before. Know...
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    bumble bee goby and betta

    Thanks for the welcome That was another question I have had because the lfs definitely didn’t have the bumble bee gobies in a brackish water tank. I am looking for another small fish to add to my small tank that will leave my betta alone but I also want something that will be entertaining...
  28. R

    bumble bee goby and betta

    3 gallon eclipse aquarium, some live plants and driftwood, one betta, ghost shrimp, and dwarf algae eater. Would like to add a bumble bee goby some say that they are kind of aggressive and fin nippers. The lfs keeps them in the birthing tank with guppies and they say that a bumble bee goby...