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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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    2014 Fish Of The Year Voting Poll

    Its almost impossible to pick one, they all should win!
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    New 10 Gallon Tank [Fish Choice]

    Hey,   I'm starting a new 10 gallon tank, And I'd like to base it around bottom feeding fish, and only really have 2-4 of them in my tank. I need some help choosing some which would be a good fish to have, one fairly active and that looks nice. The tank has a base of a small substrate, a little...
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    Bronze Cory's Not Showing Good Signs

    Isnt it strange how they have been fine since end of August, but now i get my first issue? I just need to save up for a better tank, shouldnt take long :P
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    Bronze Cory's Not Showing Good Signs

    Thanks, I already have a heater and filter fairly oversized for my tank because i always wanted to expand, so i got the stuff i needed first, i pretty much just need a bigger tank, thats the issue, everything is in packs!
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    Bronze Cory's Not Showing Good Signs

    Well thanks for the advice. I love these fish way too much to give them up. So I will order a bigger tank. What size would I need for everything?
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    Bronze Cory's Not Showing Good Signs

    . Well I got screwed over by pets at home
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    Bronze Cory's Not Showing Good Signs

        30L tank, 8 harlequins, 2 cory's, 1 Assassins Snail, they have all been in since August, i cant get any exact results since i dont have the water tests. The Cory's have been fine up until a few days ago, when they where just at the top, after a water change, i thought it fixed them both, but...
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    Bronze Cory's Not Showing Good Signs

    i got a video of the fish which seems worse, would appreciate it if anyone could help me out!
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    Bronze Cory's Not Showing Good Signs

    After the water change the cory's still sometimes go to the top to just float around, i dont think they a gulping air, but they are at the top, one was hovering over one place at the bottom, moving all its fins, is that normal?
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    My 30 Litre Tank.

      Yea, i have a 30 litre, although, i did see a cheap 120L, but its just space!!! there is not enough of it!
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    Bronze Cory's Not Showing Good Signs

    That does make me feel better, it was strange seeing em like that, i have had them for months and they have never been gulping that much, me thinking there were going to die, but then they would go to the bottom and search for food! strange world!
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    Bronze Cory's Not Showing Good Signs

    I use the paper test strips, most reliable ones i could find, and matched my LFS check of my water quality, so i believe their pretty good, i tested with them, and everything came back in the right colour, i did a water change and they arent at the top as much, and i went out today to get some...
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    Snail Infestation - Need Input

    Yea, That Assassin snail is 100% doing the job, seen a decrease in the population already, and i actually got mine from an ebay seller, cant remember the name.
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    Bronze Cory's Not Showing Good Signs

    My 2 Bronze Corydoras in my tank have started showing signs which have worried me, i have done water changes as normal, and i took a water test today, and everything was normal and good, there is nothing in the tank which can harm then fish, as its just them and 8 Harlequins, and an Assassin...
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    My Snails havent had time to react since he has just got in, and yea, i like the look of them, hopefully my snails arent too small, have you seen your guy kill anything yet?
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    My First Tank

    Nice Pics!! That Assassin looks ready to strike! You got a very nice looking tank as well!
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    My 30 Litre Tank.

    My Assassin Snail has came!! he is settling in and getting ready to kill, here is a pic:            
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    Snail Infestation - Need Input

    My Assassin Snail came today!! here is a pic!    
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    1 Just got him today! will post some pics in my thread, he is settling in atm, already lost him though
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    Sounds great! cant wait to see some photos!
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    My 30 Litre Tank.

    Got very luck with the photo, one of the cory's just moved into the sand bit!     Also Been looking at a 120L tank, only issue is space!!
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    Hardy Tropical Fish?

    Harlequins are amazing little guys, got 8 of them myself, could watch em for ages! recommend them!
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    My 30 Litre Tank.

    Good Idea! i also added a little sand section, lol
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    An Old Gouramis Disaster

      Yea, thats a big reason why i joined here!
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    Red Top Dwarf Afra

    really good looking tank there man!
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    20Gal Long Planted Community Shrimp Tank

    I have Harlequins myself, and i recommend them, they are full of character and do look nice when swimming in a group.   Also, Feeding Harlequins bloodworm will really get their rosy color to come out!! (This had worked for me anyway)
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    Yea, Looking forward to seeing some pics of them! 
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    What To Do To The Tank

    The Tank Looks really nice! and yea, maybe some ornaments.
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    An Old Gouramis Disaster

    I had a Golden Gourami(Only Small) along with 6 Harlequins and 2 bronze corydoras. I was instructed by my local pet store they would all be fine in my 6/7 Gallon (30 litre) Tank, everything was fine for 3 months and then i noticed the Gourami starting to take interest in the little harlequins, i...
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    My 30 Litre Tank.

    Hey Guys,   Thought i would start some updates of my tank, this is the first tropical tank i have set up, so any advice or ideas would be appreciated, i also think it would be cool in the future for me to look back on this, when i first started dealing with tropical fish.   So, some basic info...
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    Which Corys Do You Have?

    My Favs Have to be these guys, have had them for a little bit of time, and man, what characters! (sorry for the bad quality)        
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    Hey All!

    Thanks for the welcomes, i will try and upload some pics of my gang later, of course if i can get some decent ones!
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    Snail Infestation - Need Input

    I think Assassin snails will be happy with them yea, i think they will also east bloodworm, i ordered one, pretty cheap, will let you guys know how it goes!
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    Mystery Snail - Need Help To Know What Specie It Is.

    Thanks Betta, Good to know what they finally are!