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  1. sawickib

    Jen's Forgotten Forest

    Looks incredible! Good work!
  2. sawickib

    Bare tank VS Decorations

    Also wanted to add, the tank is currently pretty densely decorated with driftwood and a castle in the middle, that my eel is commonly in. But there is also plenty of open space on the sand bed and in the water column. Sorry I messed up on the original post, I don't want bare bottom at all, what...
  3. sawickib

    Bare tank VS Decorations

    Thanks all for the replies! I'm not so worried about the sand as I have around 10 geophagus and a large L25 that seems to not keep any sand in one place haha. Its also quite deep so it's been helping with bacteria growth I hope, the tank is more than 3 years old as well. Ill give some more...
  4. sawickib

    Bare tank VS Decorations

    Hey guys. Long time since Ive been on here haha. I was just wondering what you guys think of having no decorations VS just having sand. Ive seen it on a lot of monster tanks, and I have pretty similar fish. Was just wondering if that's better for cleaning, or if it is to stressful for the fish...
  5. sawickib

    Zuchinni In Tank

  6. sawickib

    How "serious" Of A R/o Unit Do I Need For Well Water?

    Alright i assume you live in Florida because I have the same water. I would recommend if you do use RO water then why not do 100%? If you only do 50/50, whenever you do water changes the Ph and hardness will fluctuate as you won't be able to do exact water changes.   Also most of those fish (if...
  7. sawickib

    What Is This Fish?

    Very large growing fish, my severums are larger than my hand.
  8. sawickib

    Flowerhorn In 180 With Oscars

    Im not familiar enough with flower horns to give any advice on them, but i can offer some information you probably already know. 180 gallons is good for 2 oscars because most people recommend 75 gallons per oscar, but if your flowerhorn gets territorial with them i dont think they would like it.
  9. sawickib

    Brackish Itch

    Theres one that the pet store i work at uses, ill have to get the name for you but it does a good job, and has a spray bar on it to. Its about the size of a soda can.
  10. sawickib

    Brackish Itch

    Im sensing a lot of "salt"   here haha   Alright guys we can just chill with Baylor now, no reason to be rude to him, his information is wrong but thats no reason to hate him for it, we can all just try to politely tell him otherwise. Everyones just here to help right? And baylor please read...
  11. sawickib

    180 Gallon Tank

    Ive just grown on fond of em, they hide all the time and really arent all that interesting, also prevent me from having some of the fish i want to have. So my plan is to get rid of all my predators and have a lot more smaller fish. I honestly just want to have a much more vibrant tank now. One...
  12. sawickib

    Finally Got My Baes!

    Getting a new african fat tail, it has an under bite but i think he will still be cute. Its a white out african fat tail. 
  13. sawickib

    180 Gallon Tank

    No photos yet, but just a little update.   I have 2 new eletric blue acara, plan on getting 2-6 more haha, beautiful fish. Also got some HY511 tetras but those are in my 75 gallon so a bit unrelated   Ive been trying to get rid of all my predators, ive sold 3 of my polypterus, just need to sell...
  14. sawickib

    African Dwarf Frog Has Dropsy :(

     I did read it all, and im sorry to say i dont know much on how to help you. It seems youve tried everything I would have tried. Hopefully byron or fluttermouth can have a peak and might be able to help.
  15. sawickib

    Larger Fish For Community Tank

    Love pearl gouramis myself, Ive got 4 and they mind theyre own business at all times, however all the fish are bigger than them but they never fight with eachother. 
  16. sawickib

    What Do You Feed And When?

    I feed so many different foods its not even funny. I usually only feed once a day, sometimes skipping days intentionally.   So my staple food is hikari sinking carnivore pellets, but i also having 2 types of sinking catfish pellets, a homemade earthworm/blackworm pellet, 3 types of flakes, new...
  17. sawickib

    Severum Question

    How large is the severum, and how long have you had it as well?
  18. sawickib

    Which Fish Can I Keep With Ornate Bichir

    Loving the tank, looks really nice and clean!   Although i have one thing to add, and your welcome to do what youd like with the info, but everything in your tank is terrified of your catfish, it looks like he harasses your other fish pretty regularly to see such drastic behavior of the fish...
  19. sawickib

    Which Fish Can I Keep With Ornate Bichir

    np :D Yep everyones doing good
  20. sawickib

    Which Fish Can I Keep With Ornate Bichir

    All those fish should do fine with a fully grown ornatipinnis.  :)
  21. sawickib

    Crust Issue

    The best and safest thing for cleaning off mineral build ups in and around the tank is white vinegar. Just remove the piece you need to clean and use white vinegar and a rag, should do the trick, may have to soak it for best results though.
  22. sawickib

    Caption This

    Yip yip
  23. sawickib

    6 X 2.5 X 2 Tank And Cabinet

    that tank is cheap if it were available tho haha (US)
  24. sawickib

    180 Gallon Tank

    Thanks!    The freshwater morays are called Gmynothorax Polyurandon, beautiful fish.   I still have one of the gars, had four but one got eaten by my eels, two jumped out... The last one eats cut up shrimp though.   I still have the L25, as well as L114, L095, LDA007, and L200 and some other...
  25. sawickib

    Old Pics Of Old Plecs

    saw em all i just find it really funny how similar our tastes are, its just you have more flexibility than i do :/ 
  26. sawickib

    Empty Snail Shells

    A quick google search would show you :)
  27. sawickib

    Old Pics Of Old Plecs

    Its really funny how we keep almost the same fish, theres only about 5 or 10 that i havent also had that you have O.o
  28. sawickib

    Old Albino Oscars

    Did you raise em from when they were small?
  29. sawickib

    My Old Brackish Fish

    They are actually mostly vegetarians :)
  30. sawickib

    The Gold Sev

    Its all pretty expensive when it gets down to it, I also spend hundreds of dollars on food -.-
  31. sawickib

    Empty Snail Shells

    MTS are asexual breeders and live bearers as alasse stated. If they are small and have strong cone like shells then they are Malaysian trumpet snails.   If they are delicate shells that look like Gary from spongebob then they are ramshorn.   If they are super small with little grayish shells...
  32. sawickib

    The Gold Sev

    I buy fish for 300$ still in the US haha but they are the more rarer fish available here. Discus are pretty expensive her too if youre getting nice ones. 
  33. sawickib

    Old Albino Oscars

    Yea thats nice, i have 6x2x2 atm i just want bigger XD   Did your fire eel eat food you fed? ATM i got an already adult fire eel that only eats live ghost shrimp which annoying and expensive haha
  34. sawickib

    My Old Brackish Fish

    dead serious though i like all your fish
  35. sawickib

    My Old Uaru Pair

    Do they do well with fish though? Did you feed worms or did yours eat pellets some how? 
  36. sawickib

    My Old Brackish Fish

    Seriously though we might as well have the same brain... Same tastes in fish haha
  37. sawickib

    My Old Uaru Pair

    I think we have very similar tastes in animals! LOL   The amphida or whatever its called looks cool haha does it do well with fish?
  38. sawickib

    Old Albino Oscars

    Love the tank and everything in it! How big is that tank? And do you need a license to keep rays over in the UK?
  39. sawickib

    The Gold Sev

    Forgot youre in aussie haha my bad -.-   But i also got it at wholesale cost so it made it a bit easier
  40. sawickib

    The Gold Sev

    Beautiful, yea ive been looking for a large pair of red severums forever and just recently found an adult pair, wasnt cheap though aha 80$ each :P