Flowerhorn In 180 With Oscars


Oct 8, 2009
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Hey I just recently setup my 180 gallon and currently house an Oscar 4 Jewels, convict blood parrot and upside down catfish.

I also have an Albino Oscar in my 75 that's gonna move to the 180.

I'm thinking of adding a flowerhorn to the 180 is there a good chance this will work? I'm mainly concerned about it getting along with Oscars since theyre the only fish I can't really move back to 75 gallon the rest I can transfer to the 75 if things don't go so well.

I also have a spare 40 breeder but dont really want to get that running.
Thoughts? Thnx in advance
Im not familiar enough with flower horns to give any advice on them, but i can offer some information you probably already know. 180 gallons is good for 2 oscars because most people recommend 75 gallons per oscar, but if your flowerhorn gets territorial with them i dont think they would like it.
Thanks Sawickib always nice to hear your thoughts ☺

Been researching online some have success with tank smaller than mine. I guess it might depend on individual fish. I was never a fan of their nauchal hump but I guess they kinda grew on me with their personality haha

I'm thinking of maybe adding a young flowerhorn when my Oscars are near adult so he can grow up and get used to them. I might try it if there's a great chance that it will work
I think if you're going to try that, you'd need to look at an overstocking setup to dilute fish aggression. Flowerhorns are very aggressive and strong fish.
Thanks for your input Tunagirl I might add a Jack Dempsey if it will help.

I have an aggressive pair of Jewels that breed every 3 weeks but my Blood parrot, convict and hap keeps them in check when they get too aggressive. Parrot & Convict gang up on the male n the hap can just handle himself. The Oscars, parrot & Jack might do that too against flowerhorn.

I'm still debating on getting a flowerhorn cause I like how my tank have that sort of balance right now. Adding the Flowerhorn might become a disaster but I have a spare 40 breeder just in case

So I ended up getting a very young Flowerhorn. So far almost all the fish in the 75 kinda picks on him. I hope it works out in the 180 when he's ready to be transfered. Don't want to have to separated him from everyone.

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