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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. peegee617

    Any Easy Way To Remove Nerite Eggs?

    And to think I bought these to give my puffer a mobile snack box. And the lfs knew that and still they didn't tell me they don't breed in freshwater.   Pah!  Serves me right for not doing my homework :-(
  2. peegee617

    Any Easy Way To Remove Nerite Eggs?

    Well my puffer better have a voracious appetite or we're BOTH in trouble.....   It's very Monty Python-esque the way they wander along, dropping eggs as a by-the-by... Ooops, there goes another one....  Well, double darn with knobs on....  I just read this :   Sometimes nerites lay eggs in the...
  3. peegee617

    Any Easy Way To Remove Nerite Eggs?

    so are these eggs single white 'dots'? I have them everywhere, but mostly on my driftwood. I tried using a brush to get them off but there're stuck fast!
  4. peegee617

    Bored Green Spotted Puffer

    I don't really think there's "being lonely" either for non-shoaling fish.  I timid fish might be more comfortable with dither fish in the tank, but this is for security, not company.   The tank my baby GSP is in is small. It's temporary, until I get a much larger tank. Then I have to decide...
  5. peegee617

    Creative Aquascaping

    Well, she doesn't claim to be an expert and we all know anyone can post pretty much anything on YouTube (and they do) Yeah, the filter cleaning video could mislead some beginners into thinking it's ok to clean a filter that way, but the aquascaping video is pure gold!  I just hope those...
  6. peegee617

    Bored Green Spotted Puffer

    You found frozen snails? Dang.... I could do with them for my GSP.      I have a juvenile on his own in a tank with a lot of hiding places etc, and thought it might be a good idea to give him a companion, i.e. another similar-sized juvi GSP.  WRONG! My Charlie went for him relentlessly, so I had...
  7. peegee617

    Introducing Female German Blue Ram

    I have totally seen that too. I had two females on their own in a tank and they got along just fine until I introduced a couple of males. Now they can barely stand the sight of each other and they go at it full tilt while the boys just look on.   Why does that seem vaguely familiar??   Here are...
  8. Montagues.jpg


  9. peegee617

    My Planted 54G Bow Front

    It's still pretty new. I set the tank up on New Year's day, and did a planted cycle. Hence the fast-growing and hungry Anacharis and Bacopa, a few guppies to 'seed' the tank and frequent water changes. I've put more fish in since then, but have never registered more than 0.1ppm ammonia (usually...
  10. peegee617

    My Planted 54G Bow Front

    Rak - now that you've had your dad's tank for a while have you changed your mind regarding the bow-front? I always thought they distorted the view too much, but your pictures seem to suggest otherwise. The biggest bonus of that tank as far as I can see is the extra aquascaping the corner tank...
  11. peegee617

    Planted Tank Pictures Please! :d

    Because you have broad leaf plants in there now I would recommend contrasting with a bunch plant like Anacharis (it's on the back left of my tank)  I know it's a very common-or-garden plant, but it's cheap, super easy and a great filler. Even better than that it's a good oxygenator and because...
  12. Bign Jan18.JPG

    Bign Jan18.JPG

  13. peegee617

    Ich Treatment In A Planted Tank

    Yes, I typically do 50% water changes every two-three days, but I am away for ten days and like I said in my first post it's all I can do to get my bf to feed the fish...   The meds actually say not to do a water change during treatment oddly enough, so I have to let fate take a hand and do a...
  14. peegee617

    Ich Treatment In A Planted Tank

    I upped the temp to 86f and dosed with Kordon Ich Attack (from Petsmart). If I wasn't going away I would have just tried the temp hike but I'll not be there to monitor what's going on. According to the manufacturer Ich Attack is organic, will not harm plants or stain anything and is safe for...
  15. peegee617

    Ich Treatment In A Planted Tank

    I set up a 29 gal planted tank about six weeks ago and it is looking awesome. The plants are all growing really well, and the fish all look good, but today I noticed one of my cardinal tetras has a few ich spots. Disaster!! I would prefer to do the heat/salt route to treat the tank, but is that...
  16. Bign Jan12.jpeg

    Bign Jan12.jpeg

  17. peegee617

    Male Apistogramma Cacatuoides

    Stockings and suspenders?
  18. peegee617


      That is so funny! I wish I had a story to match but I can't even come close...  The only thing I can think of, and it's more tragic than funny really, was a few years back when I had some particularly lovely Koi in a pond in MI. I decided the poor little darlings shouldn't spend the winter...
  19. peegee617

    Prep For Going Away....

    This is too late for Shelster, but I thought I would post the DIY drip system that I have set up for my upcoming ten days away.  I give credit to Maehlice since he gave me the idea of a drip feed, but I have yet to test it properly - that'll happen this week before I go away. If any of y'all...
  20. Drip system.JPG

    Drip system.JPG

  21. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    My big(er) tank is ready, so I have moved all the fish from the Edge to that one, and put my crown tail betta in this small tank, lowering the water just enough so he can gulp air easily.  I think this is a better arrangement all round.     So - a couple of reviews of the Edge's shortcomings...
  22. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    Well, I guess puffers are going to have to wait then, since I can't afford a marine set-up and definitely want it heavily planted. I suspected it wasn't really possible since the choice of brackish water plants is severely limited, so thanks for confirming it ech0o . As for plastic plants...
  23. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    I have replaced the Hemigraphis on the rhs with some artificial plants for now (the little LED's on that side of the light fixture are out, so the light is terrible in that corner), and put a new red plant (already forgot the name of it) in the middle. I think the tank looks really nice now...
  24. 12:23.jpeg


  25. peegee617

    10 Gallon Setup - Suggestions?

    I agree that a natural tank looks great and way less cheesy than sunken ruins or gimmicky junk. I have an even tinier tank (Fluval Edge, 6 gals) and it looks nice, but it seems to me it's way too small for anything interesting (it's even too small for neons. Geez ), so I'll probably just put one...
  26. Tank Day 7.jpeg

    Tank Day 7.jpeg

  27. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    I hear you Ech0o, and I am doing as much reading as I can get my hands on....  I'm not strictly speaking a beginner, I used to keep fish a long while ago, so just very rusty, plus the knowledge base within the hobby has grown considerably. Access to the wealth on information on the web is...
  28. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    And I'm thinking the 'fluffy' plant might be Myriophyllum rather than Cabomba
  29. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    Lillefishy- I just googled it and this is exactly what my plant looks like, so I think you're bang on. Thanks !!   I can understand the likes of Petsmart doing it but why would a LFS sell me a plant as an aquatic when it clearly isn't? Grrr....   I think I'll take it out before it rots, but I do...
  30. Top view day 2-2.JPG

    Top view day 2-2.JPG

  31. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    Awesome. I would rather not deal with the salt issue but I am really keen on those little critters, and I'm happy to deal with a crunchy diet - I think it's worth it for fish with such personalities....   I got ammonia from Ace (thanks N), dosed and tested tank - now at about 4ppm.  The water...
  32. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    Or hook up with someone who has a snail problem ;-) Seriously, I wouldn't want to run the risk of introducing another problem along with someone else's snails, so I could probably manage a snail colony somewhere.     They typically have a number of puffers in the store - F8's and green spotted...
  33. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    Oh Cheers Ninj !   I had to look up pigmy rasboras - they are really cute fish, and I seem to have accidentally created the perfect biosphere for them, other than I have a suspicion my water is hard.   I have to confess to having a hankering for an F8 puffer. Three actually, but I guess that's...
  34. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    I thought it might be cabomba. That will do ok then. And yes, I know red-leaved plants are tricky 'cos they need more light, but the one bunch wasn't expensive (one of the very few advantages of a small tank - it doesn't take much to fill it with stuff...) and I figured some of the leaves are...
  35. Test 1.jpg

    Test 1.jpg

  36. peegee617

    They Look Cool But Are They Practical In The Long Run?

    Well, the fishy life is full of ups and downs isn't it?  My super-swollen Betta Alpha passed away today. I guess he must have read the same article I did    So.....after posthumously thanking him for all the pleasure he had given me I sterilized his bowl and put Beelzebubbles in there next to my...
  37. Top view.JPG

    Top view.JPG

  38. Tank Day 2.JPG

    Tank Day 2.JPG

  39. Day 2.JPG

    Day 2.JPG
