Any Easy Way To Remove Nerite Eggs?

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2014
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I have a 20 gallon freshwater planted aquarium with 2 nerite snails.  I decided to go for the nerites because I was told they do great with the algae and don't breed in freshwater which was a major plus for me.  However, nobody mentioned that they would deposit eggs all over my driftwood.
Is there any easy way to get rid of these eggs?
i went for a toothbrush with my apple snail eggs and used the fish net to catch eggs
I have never found a way so I leave them there. You can scrape them off things like the filter casing and ornaments because they have hard surfaces, but with soft things like wood, I've never found anything that doesn't also take the surface off the wood.
You do get used to them after a while. They make the wood look quite interesting......,
yeah I leave them on the wood and coconut shells I just don't want them on my glass
Darn! I was hoping there would be some easy fix!  Thankfully my snails seem to think the driftwood is the only suitable place to lay eggs and don't really leave any on the glass, they do put them on the heater a lot too, though. 
so are these eggs single white 'dots'? I have them everywhere, but mostly on my driftwood. I tried using a brush to get them off but there're stuck fast!
If your white dots look like someone has stuck sesame seeds all over the wood, that's nerite eggs. I've never been able to get them off wood because the surface is softish. It is possible to scrub them off really hard things like glass, but not wood in my experience.
Well my puffer better have a voracious appetite or we're BOTH in trouble.....
It's very Monty Python-esque the way they wander along, dropping eggs as a by-the-by... Ooops, there goes another one.... 

Well, double darn with knobs on....  I just read this :
Sometimes nerites lay eggs in the aquarium which wont hatch, but are incredibly difficult to remove.
And to think I bought these to give my puffer a mobile snack box. And the lfs knew that and still they didn't tell me they don't breed in freshwater.
Pah!  Serves me right for not doing my homework :-(

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