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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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    Algae Id In Need

    I've been struggling with this algae for some time now and first thought it was hair algae, but I researched it some more and now think it's staghorn algae. My fish tank parameters are nitrites:0 ammonia:0 and ph:7, fresh water community tank, 20 gallons, no co2 and mediumly planted. I still...
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    Red Hair Algae In Freshwater? If Not What Is It Then?

    My tank is a 29 gallon stocked with 2 dwarf gouramis, 3 platys and like five, 4cm fry, and 8 dwarf corydoras. Also a amazon sword, java fern, java moss, a bunch of anacharis and this reddish purple plant.
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    Red Hair Algae In Freshwater? If Not What Is It Then?

    I heard that those only eat algae when they're young. Is this true? I also wanted to buy otos but theres no sign of them on aquabid :(
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    Red Hair Algae In Freshwater? If Not What Is It Then?

    Nitrites:0 Ammonoa:0 Nitrate:10
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    Red Hair Algae In Freshwater? If Not What Is It Then?

    also my water's my nitrate and nitrite levels are around normal parameters.
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    Red Hair Algae In Freshwater? If Not What Is It Then?

    It started off a brownish color and now its red. But I always thought red hair algae was a reef tank only problem? Any tips on removing it? It looked cool at first but now it's starting to take over my tank...
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    What Tank Size To Raise Platy Fry In?

    I'm gonna put them in my 5 gallon tank then but would putting them in a bigger tank affect their feeding habits? I mean it seems like they have to swim so far for food.
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    What Tank Size To Raise Platy Fry In?

    So I've had about 30 fry for maybe a little over 4 months now and they are still only about 1-1.5cm in length. I've been raising them in a 1 gallon betta tank and I'm not sure if they're at the appropriate size for their age. they seem to have plenty of room but am I stunting their growth? would...
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    Will Filters Get Quiter Over Time?

    well the sound isn't too big of a deal, it actually super quite but my penguin 100 is just dead silent and you actually have to try and listen to hear it. It's most likely because the fluval c has a higher flow rate then my penguin. I was just hoping It would become soundless somehow.
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    Will Filters Get Quiter Over Time?

    I just bought a new filter (a fluval c) and it is a bit loud compared to my penguin 100 but I had my penguin 100 for maybe 7 years? I even tried the Vaseline on the propeller thing and it helped but still louder then my penguin. I was just wondering if time was a factor in quite filters.
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    What Is This In My Tank? Its in my quarantine tank and they seem like they're grouping together. They look like they have a longish body almost worm like but move like little bugs.
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    How Does The Flow Work In An Aquaclear Hob?

    So I know it's suppose to go bottom to top but from pictures it looks like water enters from the middle where the carbon is. So how does the water curculate into the sponge?
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    Aquaclear Vs Fluval C Series.

    Wow thank you very much for the indept reveiw. The pricing of the two filters don't differ much only about by $3
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    Aquaclear Vs Fluval C Series.

    Well I have a 20 gallon long might upgrade to 30 breeder and I'm looking at the fluval c3 and aquaclear 50 so i can't really go wrong with neither. I just kind of want the best bank for my buck. I'm kind of leaning towards the fluval c because it's newer and that interests me.
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    Aquaclear Vs Fluval C Series.

    So I'm going to buy a new filter and I come across these two filters aquaclears and fluval c series.and I'm having trouble deciding between the two. I've read that the fluval is suppose to be like a updated aquaclear but I've also read that a lot of people prefer the aquaclear over the fluval...
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    Help With Buying A New Filter.

    So I'm going to buy a new filter for a 20 long and have been looking at the aquaclear 50 rated for 10 to 50 gallons it goes for around $37. But I noticed that other filters like the penguin 350 and tetra whisper 60 are also in the $30 range and are rated for 60 gallons and up so which is the...
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    What's The Difference In Filters? Can Adding Some Stuff Make Them

    So what is the difference really? like I was thinking about buying a new aquaclear filter but then I noticed that my marineland penguin has a small slot in front of the cartridge. Can't I just jam a bag of media in there and it will be just as or almost as effective as the aquaclear's media? or...
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    How Do I Tell If I Have A Recalled Model?

    So I recently bought a marineland stealth pro heater and just read that a few years ago it had a recall because of bad wiring. Is there a way to tell if mine is a recall model or the new model?
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    Is It Possible To Have Too Much Wattage On A Heater?

    so I'm thinking about buying a new heater for my 20 long and was looking at the 100-150w heaters but then I found a 250w heater for the same price. Would more wattage be better or would it heat the water too fast? or get the water to hot? is it an advantage or disadvantage?
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    Is This Wood Safe For My Aquarium?

    well I don't think a picture would help because I debarked a lot of it and cut it to my liking. but it has features that makes it look like deer antlers.
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    Heater Quickly :(

    Jager, aqueon and fluval are pretty nice brands. is having a sale on heaters. might wanna check that out.
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    Is This Wood Safe For My Aquarium?

    I'm not exactly sure what type of wood it is but it's a decorative piece of wood from my sisters backyard. its also been there for several years.
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    Best Choice For Substrate?

    I'd suggest a flourite type of substrate like Eco complete or seahem, they also sell it as sand if you want sand. It costs about $20 USD for a 20 pound bag and requires a lot of rinsing even if it's not sand and It will provide most of the nutrients plants need.
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    Sexing Gouramis

    they usually but not always spend most of their time at the top and love floating plants, but it's usually normal for all fish to wander around the tank like that. being new may have some part in it to. I haven't had any timid dwarf gouramis, but that might be because I probably have enough...
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    Amazon Frogbit

    There's dwarf water lettuce which is kind of like frogbit but with a thicker root system. There's also duckweed and something that started with an S I forgot the name. It was something like Salvinia or something.
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    General Planting Question

    Frog bit and water lettuce should thrive weather or not you add fertz and they don't need too much light. And water current from filters might push them around a bit which isn't that good for them.
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    Silly Question

    well being form the land of 10000 lakes I think fluttermoth is right and also I think alittle travels through the soil and gets to the Mississippi River somehow. there are also some man made structures that take in water but that's more of an anti flooding thing from our harsh winters.
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    General Planting Question

    the floating plants will be ok and they can take over the surface of the tank but only if you let them. Floating plants may also block light from getting to your other plants to so watch out.
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    Java Moss

    hmm everything seems normal to me.
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    Help! Unknown Creature In My Tank

    possibly a planarian? they're harmless and if cut Into pieces they all grow into a whole nother planarian.
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    Just Started Fishless Cycle In My Tank, What Next?

    you could start aquascaping, I'm pretty sure that live plants are not harmed by ammonia spikes and stuff but beware of hitch hiking snails.
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    Is Glazed Ceramic Ok?

    well I don't really see the harm, as long as it is cleaned and has no cracked or sharp pieces on it then it would pretty much be the same stuff the walls of your aquarium is made of.
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    Can Platy Fry Eat Baby Snail?

    so my platy fry are about a week old and I put a fairly young snail in with them (not so sure what kind of snail maybe mystery or common pond) but I think it has laid some eggs. They look like little jelly balls with white dots and I am wondering if it is possible for my fry to eat the snail...
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    Stocking Question For A 20G Long

    I'd say get the rainbows because female dwarf gouramis are pretty blan in color and hard to find. and also make sure to have enough serpae tetras in your school or else they will nip a lil bit. and make sure your corys are in good condition when you buy them because if the store has been keeping...
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    Lemon Tetras And Another Question.

    thanks for the replays. I have decided to go with 20 serpae tetras as my petsmart only had sad looking bleeding heart tetras and sick looking lemons. but they seemed to have gotten a new shipment not too many days ago of serpae tetras and they looked young, lively and healthy.
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    Lemon Tetras And Another Question.

    yep :) I decided to give my CPDs to my cousin because he wants to try and breed them. I was thinking about emperor tetras but I have a black substrate and black background so a black colored fish might blend in too well. I've taken a liking to the flat, tall and wide look of a discus but I've...
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    Lemon Tetras And Another Question.

    So I've been thinking about putting a new active schooling fish into my tank and I found a few species I might pick from like lemon tetras and serpae tetras but I was wondering if there were any other types of fish that are colorful and large bodied like them. I was also wondering how yellow...
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    What To Breed?

    zebra danios? emperor tetras?
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    Not A Platy After All...?

    I actually think swordtails look better then platys just that they need more space and males don't like each other much. But I do really like the derpy look the platy has being all plump and big eyes.