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  1. argoma

    The Goddesses

    Yesterday i started a new project, the goddess tank. I haven't had coldwater fish in forever but since i had to give away most of my tropical fish because i went on holiday, i figured i could try myself in the coldwater fish world again. So I bought three goldfish that i have now in the tank, I...
  2. argoma


    They don't sell assasin snails in Portugal. Also, I don't mind these four baby snails but I just don't want a huge amount of them and that's what I'm afraid will happen.
  3. argoma


      Can you just explain to me how did one snail have babies when there's just one single snail?
  4. argoma


    Okay so my girlfriend just noticed that my sulawesi snail had babies. What do I do now? Should I take them out?
  5. argoma

    Tropical Pandemonium

    I've had this tank since christmas 2013 now and there have been about three bettas in there previously. Caspar, of which I have a journal on here: , and then Whisper who was a pearl veiltail with blue tips on this fins...
  6. argoma

    Betta Sorority

      Ok. Thats good. Makes me feel better   Just that we have two beautiful goldies that the fish specialist at the lfs says they are male and female and I would like to breed them. Guess I'll have to wait or get them a smaller pond for them. Also, can you keep two gouramis? I thought you...
  7. argoma

    Riccia Or Vesicularia Wall

    well i do have to put the filter somewhere and i'm not wanting to cover it so..
  8. argoma

    Riccia Or Vesicularia Wall

    Hi everyone, I'm intending to go buy some riccia or vesicularia to cover the background wall in my tank with it because I love the looks of it and they are having a sale on plants today in my lfs. The wall on my tank is 60x43 cm, and the pots they come in are like you can see in this link. How...
  9. argoma

    Betta Sorority

      Ok. Thats good. Makes me feel better   Just that we have two beautiful goldies that the fish specialist at the lfs says they are male and female and I would like to breed them. Guess I'll have to wait or get them a smaller pond for them. Also, can you keep two gouramis? I thought you...
  10. argoma

    Betta Sorority

      Ok. Thats good. Makes me feel better   Just that we have two beautiful goldies that the fish specialist at the lfs says they are male and female and I would like to breed them. Guess I'll have to wait or get them a smaller pond for them. Also, can you keep two gouramis? I thought you...
  11. argoma

    Betta Sorority

    I don't really know the types of gouramis we have in our lfs but I will check.   And no, it would not be permanent, it was just going to be a breeding tank. We keep goldfish in our pond.
  12. argoma

    Betta Sorority

    I have this 18 gallon tank that is soon going to lose some of it's habitants because I'm selling the baby guppies from my last breed. I will be left with 8 neon tetras and a bottom feeder. Is it possible to create a betta sorority in this tank? I've had previous experience with bettas and they...
  13. argoma

    Lethargic White Cloud

    Okay so two more fish look lethargic. One of them had been upside down heavily breathing for a long time, the other just stays there. Both of them still move around sometimes, more than the other from yesterday but I think they're going to die as well. What the heck is wrong with these fish or...
  14. argoma

    Lethargic White Cloud

    Yes indeed.   I did that as well with a airline tube as I always do, the others are fine, that's not the cause of the problem.
  15. argoma

    Lethargic White Cloud

      How many gallons is the tank please? 18 gallons How many fish and which type? About 20 at the moment, about to turn 14 because i'm selling the guppys. Guppy, pleco, neon tetra, white clouds and a snail. Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph. Just did a 100% water change to introduce...
  16. argoma

    Lethargic White Cloud

    I bought some neon tetras and some white clouds today as well as a snail, all of them are okay except for one of the white clouds which is laying on his side in one of the corners of the tank. I did proper aclimatisation which turned out to be good for all the fish but for this one. They all...
  17. argoma

    Algae Eaters And Plants

    I am looking for a algae eater that could help me when there is way too much algae. I usually clean up the algae from rocks and such once a week but there's times when algae grows so fast that it makes the tank look too dirty. I'm just looking for a little help in that area
  18. argoma

    Algae Eaters And Plants

    Hello, I have had goldfish before but then I gave up on them because they seemed to last only a few months. I now have tropical fish which are revealing to be very interesting but quite boring. My girlfriend loves goldfish so I am thinking of getting goldfish again. I'm thinking of three...
  19. argoma

    Guppy Fry For The First Time

    They are all whitish, there is a black one tho. The five whitish ones have black spots in the anal fin. The black one has a bent spine. About bent spines on fry, what can I do about it? This black one has a bent spine and seems to be the smallest one as it is not so developed as others.
  20. argoma

    Guppy Fry For The First Time

      They dont get too close to the filter. They are so tiny, so small and look so fragile but at the same time so energetic! They are about one week old, how long do they take to grow and get some color?
  21. argoma

    Guppy Fry For The First Time

    Hi everyone, so I had some guppy fry, they're six baby guppy. A friend of mine that has guppy got some fry because both of her females were pregnant and she had abour 40 fry or so. She has a small aquarium and can't keep all of them so I decided that I could keep some since my tank is basically...
  22. argoma

    Ich, Help!

      I raised one degreee each hour
  23. argoma

    Ich, Help!

    Hi everyone, I am in need of major help. I have a 18 gallon tank with 8 neon tetras, 1 betta and 1 pleco. Yesterday I noticed that they had ich and I rushed to add treatment to the water (EXIT is the name of the medicine). Today I also realised that the betta has fungus so I added medicin for...
  24. argoma

    Quick Question

    Okay, I did a betta with some neon tetras. The betta was too beautiful to leave behind. They're doing very well together.
  25. argoma

    Quick Question

    I'm going to be fast. 18 gallon with a pleco inside. Going to buy more fish today. Should I buy some female betta and make it a sorority or buy guppy or molly? And how many of each would be good for the tank?
  26. argoma

    The Pleco

    How often should I feed zucchini until I buy algae wafers or grow some algae?
  27. argoma

    The Pleco

        I think it is a bristlenose, it's one of those common ones. They had a bigger blacker one but she said this one was okay for me and for my tank size. Do they eat cucumber? What veggies can I give him/her until I buy wafers?
  28. argoma

    The Pleco

    Hi everyone, so I had a little crisis with algae as my tank was full of it everywhere, even the plants. I went to the pet shop with a snail in mind but they have very little. I asked the woman that runs the place for advice as I saw that they had tons of shrimp. She soon told me that shrimp was...
  29. argoma

    Plants Turning Brown

      I'm going to try that now. I will try, thank you
  30. argoma

    Plants Turning Brown

    Should I cut the brown leafs off or just try to take it off? Is it bad for the fish?
  31. argoma

    Plants Turning Brown

        here is a pic of the tank so you can see what plants there are. this was taken the day I planted the tank, now the plant's are mostly brown and with quite a lot of a fuzzy thing over the leaves and also those on the background have grown enough to cover a bit of the filter. I'm not...
  32. argoma

    Casper's Brand New House

      I read that they are from the same biotopes so I thought it would be fine to add any rasboras? But I was thinking of harlequin rasboras, are those okay?
  33. argoma

    Plants Turning Brown

    Hello guys, I recently bought some live plants, about two weeks or so ago and I planted my 18 gallon tank. The plants were looking great for the first week, now this week, the lower part of the plants started to go brown and is growing some sort of fuzzy stuff on the leafs. This brownish...
  34. argoma

    Casper's Brand New House

    Today I put in some rocks, here's how it looks:     Casper seems to love the plants, sometimes goes through them and sometimes stays there just looking at them like he's so proud of his little garden. For now this is how it's going to stay. I'm going back to school tomorrow after holidays and...
  35. argoma

    Betta And Tetras

    My betta almost killed a snail, it all depends on his temperament. Try to rearrange the tank when you add new fish to your betta tank, it will cause less trouble as he doesn't feel like it's his territory.
  36. argoma

    Office Betta Tank?

    2,5 gallon is the minimum size tank for bettas so 3 gallon is a good option. Usually filters are not used in that small kind of tank but you need to do a lot of water changes but if you want a filter, I usually tend to buy filters for tanks that are double of the size the tank I have.
  37. argoma

    Emergency! I Need Help

    Will it eat cucumber?
  38. argoma

    Casper's Brand New House

    Okay so it's bee about 5 hours since Casper is in the tank and it has cleared out nicely. He seems very curious about everything new, he tries to go trhough the plants but then he gets scares. I guess he's not too sure about it yet but it's lovely to watch him, a little blob of redness in the...
  39. argoma

    Casper's Brand New House

      Cabomba caroliniana
  40. argoma

    Emergency! I Need Help

    Okay so how do you deal with a loach? I just came to my room and he was burried under the gravel, I went there with a fishnet thinking he was there and it started moving, I dont understand this fish!