Betta And Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2014
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Hi guys :)

I have a group of tetra neon like 7 can i put in the same tank one bettA?

It all depends on your betta's temperament, some won't tolerate any tankmates. How big is the tank?
My betta almost killed a snail, it all depends on his temperament. Try to rearrange the tank when you add new fish to your betta tank, it will cause less trouble as he doesn't feel like it's his territory.
depends on the tank size. if it is a 10+ gallon then go ahead.
i find that when my beta chases the neons in my 20 gallon he can't catch them and he'll stop after 5 mins or so then do his own thing, usually happens once a week, but no big deal, he doesn't ever get the fish.
Short answer: NO.
Long answer: NO.  Bettas can be tempermental or easily stressed by fast moving tank mates.  Tetras can be nippy, especially with slow moving fish with long flowing fins.  There are some fish that can be kept with other tankmates, but tetras are almost never a good choice.  And even with some bettas, they won't have anything to do with other tankmates.
You may hear stories of folks who do it successfully, but that's abnormal.  Even neon tetras can be an issue with bettas and nipping.
Hmmm i see :( so what Fish i can put with Tetras? Tank 54L 60 cm
i'm surprised to hear people have kept neon and bettas and had problems. I must have a really well-tempered betta because I keep him with neons and female guppies (they might coexist well because my betta is quite young or just a runt)
A group of dwarf corydoras would work nicely.
eaglesaquarium mate can i put any fish of the family corydoras with the tetra?

I love the panda corydora and the albino aeneus cory cat .

I like molly , guppies.

If i could put tetra neon , panda corydora and some guppies that will be perfect :) :)
I have panda cories... and a 54L is the smallest tank I would suggest for them, so I'd say yes, but only a group of 6.  And a trio of male guppies would work, with that stocking as well...  That would be fully stocked (and maybe a bit over), so you'll need to keep up on the water changes...
Also, nothing can be added until the tank is fully cycled.  Pandas can be more sensitive than some of the other cories, so be sure that the tank is COMPLETELY cycled plus a few weeks to ensure that they will be safe.
Generally, tetras and guppies with a betta are a no. My betta ended up killing all the guppies i had with it in a 20 gallon. Go for panda cories!
Ok ok thanks for the advice. Hmmm my tank now is very well all value perfect. The colors of my tetra just perfect they stay together behind a rock :) :)
Don't get overly rambunctious.   Patience is the key with a fish in cycle, even more than a fishless cycle.
Male guppies are a no with Bett a, they are bright and have long fins, a Bett a will see it as another and go in for the kill.
I have however mine with Tetra. Cardinals and Ember, I have no fin nipping issues as I have them in a large group.

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