The Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2013
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Hi everyone,
so I had a little crisis with algae as my tank was full of it everywhere, even the plants.
I went to the pet shop with a snail in mind but they have very little. I asked the woman that runs the place for advice as I saw that they had tons of shrimp. She soon told me that shrimp was not a good option because of my betta and since the betta had already killed a snail, it was probably not that good of an option either. She directed me to a tank with many plecos and she said that they were the best option.
So I got one and some plants.
Now I have a pleco and I know nothing about this fish. At first I didn't really like them cause they are a bit scary but I have realised that it does help with the algae and also the betta won't even touch it, he's probably scared.
Since I got new plants, I had to do a 100% water change and clean up most of the algae. Now I have almost none. Also the pleco is hidding under my filter wich I suppose is okay since I read they need hidding places. So what are some alternatives to bottom feeders pellets? I have no possibility to run back to the LFS any time before next friday.
What are some things I need to know about this fish?
Plecos grow pretty big, the biggest one I saw was a foot and 2 inches. They poo a lot too, and produce quite a bit of ammonia (in my experience.) I usually go for BN plecos or other ancistrus. For me, they are the gods of algae eating, and don't grow too big.
If you got just a common pleco, you're gonna need a BIG tank... BN are good. But all plecos poop ALOT!
As far as food supplement, algae wafers. And depending on what kind you have... shrimp pellets. Most places need wood in their diet. And veggies are also good for them.
CoryFever said:
Plecos grow pretty big, the biggest one I saw was a foot and 2 inches. They poo a lot too, and produce quite a bit of ammonia (in my experience.) I usually go for BN plecos or other ancistrus. For me, they are the gods of algae eating, and don't grow too big.
lrhodes said:
If you got just a common pleco, you're gonna need a BIG tank... BN are good. But all plecos poop ALOT!
As far as food supplement, algae wafers. And depending on what kind you have... shrimp pellets. Most places need wood in their diet. And veggies are also good for them.
I think it is a bristlenose, it's one of those common ones. They had a bigger blacker one but she said this one was okay for me and for my tank size. Do they eat cucumber? What veggies can I give him/her until I buy wafers?
I feed my BN plecos parboiled zucchini as a staple. Just plop some zucchini into boiling water for 12-15 minutes. My BN's love them. Keep them in the fridge until you want to use them. Also, algae wafers are great too.
CoryFever said:
I feed my BN plecos parboiled zucchini as a staple. Just plop some zucchini into boiling water for 12-15 minutes. My BN's love them. Keep them in the fridge until you want to use them. Also, algae wafers are great too.
How often should I feed zucchini until I buy algae wafers or grow some algae?
I usually feed them the zucchini every other day. Try to mix up their diet, it can only be good for them. (Herbivorous foods of course) Also, add some driftwood. They like to gnaw on it and it adds fiber to their diet, aiding digestion. 
OP, how big is your tank and can you get a picture of your plec?
I'm afraid the most commonly sold plecs are not bristlenoses, they're commons or gibbiceps, both of which grow very large indeed. I don't want to worry you, but it is very likely you've been sold a potentially huge fish.
As for feeding in the meantime, almost any firm fruit or veg will do; apple (in slices), melon rinds (make sure there's only a very little flesh left), blanched lettuce (blanched just means it's had boiling water poured over it, to soften it slightly) or even cooked peas (with the 'shell' taken off)
I thought you weren't suppose to feed them apples and fruits with a lot of acid?
Oh, I've never heard that!
I know someone told me not to feed tomatoes, as they're too acid, but my plecs had already been eating them for over two years :/
Might be OK?
Maybe its just for water quality purposes?
Don't want fishes swimming in acid!!! Ha.
Do not take a fish home until you:
A) Know something about it.
B) Know what it eats and have a ready supply.
You should have asked these questions at the pet store before you even considered buying the fish. The likelihood is that you now have a fish that is totally unsuitable for your tank in the long term and (in reality) will do little to cure your algae problem.
Sorry to come across as being grumpy and negative, but this kind of post-purchase questioning really doesn't show a responsible attitude to fish (or any other pet) keeping!

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