Search results

  1. BriansAquarium

    45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer

    I was looking at mega clowns, kinda looks like that. And thanks, can't wait for my fish to get better. All water params are good, ph 7.4 ammonia nitrite and nitrate are all 0. I also have black skirt tetras (added them before I knew about the Ich) and they are fine, as well as my 6 peppered...
  2. BriansAquarium

    45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer

    hey guys little update. Sailfin still has that white stuff around its mouth, from all the reading I've done it is a virus that will eventually go away? The rams I bought from a store I've never bought from before and brought in Ich, so I'm treating it with malachite green, salt (always have salt...
  3. BriansAquarium

    Daize's Planted Photo Journal - 64L 1Wpg Low Light

    From all the information I've read, algae grows when there is an abundance of nutrients as the plants can't absorb it all so algae grows to "eat" the rest. I'm a first time planted tank, 45 gallon, and I dose Flourish Excel Daily and have a Photo Period of 12 hours, and have no issues with...
  4. BriansAquarium

    45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer

    well I only have a 45 gallon tank, hope I don't have to get rid of him, knew I should have trusted my know how. He is only about 4 inches right now so if he gets too big I'll just sell him, I really, really like him though.
  5. BriansAquarium

    45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer

    I was told it was a clown pleco, I thought it was a sailfin at the store, but was assured it was a clown pleco and wasn't going to get much bigger, and that it is probably full grown already.
  6. BriansAquarium

    My First Aquarium

    Platy Fry at 3 weeks, all 6 are still alive and tank is fully cycled now, YEAH!
  7. BriansAquarium

    45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer

    Alright Guys, here is a picture of the tank with fish. A lot of the plants have melted, and are now growing back, so excuse the shabbiness.
  8. BriansAquarium

    45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer

    Hey guys, been a few weeks, finally got my wood soaked, and plants in. Here are some pics of the tank with no fish. Hopefully I'll have some pics with fish up today. I have put in so far, 6 peppered corys, One Clown Pleco, and 2 Electric blue rams. Will be putting in a school of Harlequin...
  9. BriansAquarium

    My Tank Story - Pics!

    Liking it a lot
  10. BriansAquarium

    My Tank Story - Pics!

    Looking good!
  11. BriansAquarium

    87L & 24L Planted Soil Tank Journal

    Looking really really good. I see no algae, that is a good thing. Can't wait for it to grow in more!
  12. BriansAquarium

    45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer

    Think it is red moor. Not sure was in a bin and I liked it so I grabbed it. It was 40 bucks so I'm thinking red moor since bogwood is not that expensive.
  13. BriansAquarium

    My Tank Story - Pics!

    My piece of wood like that in my 45, which is almost water logged, is till a red color. So it may go brown eventually but it looks like it is going to keep its color for a while.
  14. BriansAquarium

    My First Aquarium

    Thanks, I like it but aesthetically it's more for the wife then for me. The 45 to the right is my project. Putting in plants soon.
  15. BriansAquarium

    45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer

    Thanks guys, I can't wait either!
  16. BriansAquarium

    45 Gallon Planted Tank Journey, First Timer

    Alright guys, finally got my lighting in, and here are some pics. The wood is still not waterlogged, but going to add plants here very soon, placing an order for a bunch this weekend. I will just keep the bag of pebbles on it until it is logged, it looks bad I know but hey, what do you do...
  17. BriansAquarium

    My First Aquarium

    Water is finally looking crystal clear!!!
  18. BriansAquarium

    Approaching Snowdon

    Looks great so far, would love a more updated picture though!
  19. BriansAquarium

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    keep dosing ammonia and wait it out. Doses should be very small though, just feeding doses, at least that is what i'm doing with my 45 gallon, and it seems to be working well.
  20. BriansAquarium

    Cycling A Cold Water Tank

    takes a little longer from what I have read, but you do it the same.
  21. BriansAquarium

    Dwarf Puffer Tank Journal

    That or, like my tap water, it has ammonia in it. My tap water has 0.50ppm ammonia in it, so unless the water has been in there for a day or two, I will always show ammonia after a water change. If the tank is empty I would add some ammonia to it, check it, then  in 24 hours and see what the...
  22. BriansAquarium

    My First Aquarium

    Here is a video of the tank at night time.
  23. BriansAquarium

    My First Aquarium

    So my platy/platies had some fry at some point, could only find 6, the rest were probably eaten. Anyways put those 6 in a breeder box, hope to keep them alive and sell/give them away. Here is a short video, will try and update weekly.
  24. BriansAquarium

    Why Is My Platy A Fatty?

    I use baking soda, they die in less than 15 seconds, just make sure you stir it up in water real good first let it settle for a minute and put the fish in. Had to do this with some tetras with neon tetra disease, they all died almost instantly.
  25. BriansAquarium

    My First Aquarium

    Hehe thanks. Yeah I love the platies, some of my favorite fish, the will eat out of your hand if you let them, super friendly and really vibrant beautiful colors, looks better than my Gourami if you ask me lol. Gourami is a little grumpy was going to get him a female counterpart but the LFS...
  26. BriansAquarium

    Too Many Issues To Have An Accurate Topic Title

    Im using prime in my fish in cycle, and I works great. Be prepared to do 50-75% water changes every few days though as Prime only works so well ( will work better and better as your bacteria colonize). Also, DO NOT CHANGE YOUR FILTER. Your ammonia will peak, then come back down, then...
  27. BriansAquarium

    My First Aquarium here is a video update, all fish doing well, nitrites are showing up, just waiting for them to go back down before adding any more fish. My 45 gallon tank is already almost cycled, much quicker doing a fishless (a lot less stressful too!). Enjoy!
  28. BriansAquarium

    Dwarf Gourami With Black "spots"

    Ok. You van see it best at one second of the video near the back. Harder to see on camera than in person.
  29. BriansAquarium

    My 220 Litre Return To The Hobby.

    Looks really good, love the setup.
  30. BriansAquarium

    My Tank Story - Pics!

    Sorry you lost your fish  . Can't wait to see the new piece of wood up and running!
  31. BriansAquarium

    Dwarf Gourami With Black "spots"

    so my Dwarf Gourami has these black patches, looks internal. Fish is acting normal and eating normally, poop is fine, no stringiness or anything like that.  Video here, it is better seen at the tail section.
  32. BriansAquarium

    Glo Fish Spot

    Looks like ammonia burn to me, but not sure, what is your ammonia level?
  33. BriansAquarium

    New 250L Planted Tank Build!

    Looks really good!
  34. BriansAquarium

    Show Me Your Tank(S) :)

    That picture makes me have vertigo LOL.
  35. BriansAquarium

    The 'older' Generations Aquarium

    I have a woman at work who did me the same way. you have to remember though in the 70's most people just had gold fish, a VERY VERY hardy fish that could withstand a fish in cycle most of the time. They would have only one or two of them, so they didn't' have to do all that "water change...
  36. BriansAquarium

    Added Fish 5 Weeks Into Fishless Cycle

    Just reading this. Your tap reading, like mine shows 0.50 PPM ammonia, so no way to get it less than that, only the bacteria will lower it more, so every time you water change and your ammonia is less than 0.50ppm, doing a water change will actually raise your ammonia levels. I'm doing a fish in...
  37. BriansAquarium

    Platys-Which Are More Peaceful

    if you get a mix you wont have to deal with fry, cause they eat their own, as soon as a fry spawns in my tank it gets eaten... :(
  38. BriansAquarium

    Platys-Which Are More Peaceful

    I have five platies and they are wonderful fish, mine are sunburst wag platies. male to female ratio 1:2 for platies (mine is 3 males and two females, but didn't know this rule before I bought them and they are fine, very hardy fish).
  39. BriansAquarium

    Guppy Tank

    See cycling a tank up top next to General Rules and Algae Removal on the banner of the site. Has all your answers.
  40. BriansAquarium

    87L & 24L Planted Soil Tank Journal

    I'm doing a semi aggressive tank. But I think I will add my c. Julies and my Leopard  Fish first, then go from there. I really want a dinosaur bichir but I think I need a bigger tank for him