My First Aquarium


Fish Fanatic
Aug 12, 2013
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Just like the Title says, my first aquarium. I'm posting some photos. Tank is fully stocked, not cycled fully quite yet doing a fish in cycle, and being very meticulous about it. Anyways here are some pictures all fish are doing stellar.
First off The Tank

Next is Hercules The Dwarf Gourami

Then Some Photos of Sunburst Platys

Then Some Glowlight Tetras

And last but Not least, Some of my Ghost Shrimp, All named Whiskers...(they all look the same to me)

And FYI, The wife loves Bright Vibrant Colors. I will build either a Natural Looking Cichlid tank or Guppy tank if all goes well.
Looks nice!  Your fish seem to be very healthy too. :) 
Looks great!
What size is it?

A black back ground would really make the colours pop!
20 gallon. And yeah I bought a black background, only problem is getting it on....tank is close to the wall will have to empty it all out to even attempt to move it.
Its a nice size!
Make sure you update with pics once you get around to putting the background on :)
Yeah, was thinking about doing it on Saturday. What is the best way just take a bucket (I have a 32gallon Bucket) to put the fish in with its water from the aquarium while I put the vinyl on? They should be ok for 10-30 minutes without a pump or filter shouldn't they? I also plan on rearranging the tank a little too, mostly to hide the damn aerator line lol.
Yeah, they'll be fine for anything up to about 3-5 hours (though it should be avoided).
I look forward to seeing the pics :)
Cool, I will post them as soon as I have them. It will be nice not to see all the wires in the back. May even do it today before work if I Can't sleep (I work 1900-0700). I have decided I Want to do a 120 gallon long planted tank after this, if this 20 gallon ends up being a success. So far so good, still not cycled but hopefully within the next couple weeks. Still see no nitrites or nitrates, only ammonia at this point. After over a weak of being operational, I would have expected some good bacteria (even used TSS at the start and use Stress Zyme every week).
Here is an update on the tank. Had to get rid of the Tetra's pretty sure they had NTD. Gourami and Platys seem to be doing just fine, all eating well and looking well.

Looks stunning now with that background!!!
Sorry to hear about your tetras, its all too common unfortunately :/
Hi, welcome to the forum and congrats on your first tank. Looks really nice especially with the background. I like your gourami. I had one like that but now I just keep guppies and rcs and Amano shrimp.

Your pictures are really nice too what camera are you using
Thanks for the replies, camera is a Cannon Rebel T3. Gourami and platies still doing good, STILL no nitrites yet, after about a month annoying definitely doing a fishless cycle for my next tank. here is a video update, all fish doing well, nitrites are showing up, just waiting for them to go back down before adding any more fish. My 45 gallon tank is already almost cycled, much quicker doing a fishless (a lot less stressful too!). Enjoy!

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