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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. DHJac

    Skimmers on brackish tanks

    Has anyone else tried running a skimmer on a brackish tank? What were you experiences positive or negative? My tank is drilled and I run a canister filter that has both the suction and discharge pulling from the bottom half of the tank through stand pipes so I noticed some of the waste...
  2. DHJac

    Mono Angels... Salt or Fresh

    Monos, while commonly sold in freshwater, do need brackish to full marine conditions as they age. The reason that they would not do well with your angels and discus is that they require hard water regardless of salt content and your fish prefer soft water.
  3. DHJac

    Acclimation Tips

    Since I have a brackish tank at about 1.012 SG and all the LFS keep them in fresh water, I have to drip acclimate over about 1 hr to give them time to adjust to the salt.  I put the fish and all the store water in a bucket and slowly increase the drip rate over the hour.  When I'm ready to add...
  4. DHJac

    Npt Betta Tank

    The tank has been up for about 5 weeks now and everything is just humming along.  The only plant that doesn't seem to be doing all that well is the bacopa at the front right of the tank.  Most of the leaves have melted and the new growth is extremely slow compared to all the other plants.  I...
  5. DHJac

    15 Gallon Upgrade

    Looks good like that.  Any plans for additional plants?
  6. DHJac

    Npt Betta Tank

    Thanks.   I was planning on putting some sort of floating plant in originally but the other plants have grown so much there's no need.  I haven't done any trimming lately because every time I get near one of them, it gets uprooted so I was hoping they would get anchored better before I messed...
  7. DHJac

    15 Gallon Upgrade

    Looks very nice.  Just get yourself some fishing line to tie that anubias to the wood and you'll be good to go.  What substrate are you using?
  8. DHJac

    Npt Betta Tank

    The tank is now fully stocked.  Met our new betta (my son hasn't named him yet).  He seems to get along fine with the shrimp.  One of the three seems to be missing but the other two hang out right next to the betta and he doesn't even give them a look.  He spent the first few days in the back of...
  9. DHJac

    Npt Betta Tank

    The tank readings have been zero ammonia, nitrite and nitrate for a few days now so everything appears to be going well.  Shrimp are a new thing for me and I noticed the largest one today seems to just be zooming around the tank nonstop.  One of the RCS molted but I'm not sure which one.  Is the...
  10. DHJac

    Npt Betta Tank

    I know Aussie humor when I see it   Well, we're about a week into the tank getting planted and I'm see very nice growth on just about everything.  I added three RCS the other day and they are doing a great job of cleaning up the leaves that didn't make it.     The point of this style of tank is...
  11. DHJac

    Npt Betta Tank

      Thanks Nick.  I had some shorter tweezers but they weren't cutting it.   I'm thinking of putting a black background up to make the plants pop a little more.  What do you guys think?
  12. DHJac

    Npt Betta Tank

    The replacement filter came as promised and I now have the tank up and running.  I made a trip to the LFS and picked up a bunch of stem plants and two nerite snails.  This was my first attempt at a planted tank and let me tell you, the combination of a small tank and large hands made it pretty...
  13. DHJac

    Npt Betta Tank

    Well I have an update on the filter issue.  I contacted Eheim first to see if they would just send me a filter but they said they were out of stock for 6 weeks!?!  I figured Amazon would want me to send the whole tank assembly back, which I didn't want to do since I already had my substrate in...
  14. DHJac

    Npt Betta Tank

    I'm hoping with as many plants as the tank will have, there will be enough cover.  
  15. DHJac

    Npt Betta Tank

    This will be the journal for my 6 gal NPT low tech Betta tank.  This tank is mainly going to be used as a learning experience for my 9 yr old son and, well, because he really wants a betta.  We have a 110 gal brackish tank that he loves but it's so big that it's hard to get him too involved with...
  16. DHJac

    Dechlorinating Brackish Water

    I mix up my salt water a couple of days ahead of time to allow all the salt to dissolve and add API Stress Coat (dechlorinator).  Then in order to get my desired SG, I fill the container with the desired amount of salt water and then top off with fresh water while adding additional Stress Coat...
  17. DHJac

    Best Way To Clean Plastic Plants

    I've struggled with keeping my plastic plants clean too.  The best solution I've found are snails.  I added olive and zebra nerite snails to my tank and now instead of scrubbing them every month which was my least favorite part of cleaning the tank, they keep them so clean I don't even bother.
  18. DHJac

    A Trip To The Dallas Aquarium

    I didn't take many pics this time.  Just some bad pics with the phone as you can see.   
  19. DHJac

    A Trip To The Dallas Aquarium

    No pics of the shark tunnel? My son and I were just there last weekend. Such a great place because of how open all the animal exhibits are, but like you, I was there for the fish.    
  20. DHJac

    Does Anyone Know How To Make A Pump Pull Water From Tank Below?

    Most aquarium pumps have limited suction head capabilities, which is the distance from water level you are drawing from to the pump impeller.  Have you checked the capabilities of your model?  I know they list the discharge head the pump is rated for on the box for most aquarium pumps (usually...
  21. DHJac

    New Fish Acclimation

    Here is a video of the tank.  The red scat at the beginning has been in there for about 5 mo while the green scat that shows up at the 17 s mark is the new one.  He is doing better but still is a little shaky in the higher flow areas of the tank.  I have been hand feeding him the last few days...
  22. DHJac

    New Fish Acclimation

    The tank is 48"Lx18"Wx30"H and all the water parameters are good.  All of the other fish are very healthy and active.  When I kept brackish fish in the past, it was the monos that I always had trouble with while the scats seemed almost indestructible.  I shudder at the thought of some of my...
  23. DHJac

    New Fish Acclimation

    Thanks for the papers TTA.  While I am far from an expert on the conditions hatcheries use for juvenile brackish species such as scats, it would not surprise me if they were raised in freshwater and had not been exposed to brackish water until they reached the customer's tank.  That being said...
  24. DHJac

    New Fish Acclimation

    All of the LFS here sell brackish fish out of freshwater tanks.  What is your acclimation method when adding fish to a tank with already elevated SG levels?     My tank has been running since last July and is currently at about 1.08. It houses scats, monos, mollies and a knight goby.  A pair of...
  25. DHJac

    Thinking About A Possible Brackish Tank-I Have A Few Questions On How

    You could do a GSP in a nano tank.
  26. DHJac

    Thinking About A Possible Brackish Tank-I Have A Few Questions On How

    Do you have any fish in mind for this tank?  Other than the fact that they all include some amount of sea salt, brackish tanks cover a wide range of water parameters depending on the type of stocking you want.  Many brackish fish need a SG <1.05 while others can go full marine or anywhere in...
  27. DHJac

    Stocking Has Begun!

    Since the tank was relatively new, I only added two scats to start but the LFS hasn't had any since then.  That's why I added the mono since they mix school well.  The goal is to take the tank to 1.010.  I've kept scats longterm at this SG before without issues and it will allow me to keep the...
  28. DHJac

    Stocking Has Begun!

    Well, I lost the smaller scat yesterday .  Not sure what happened to him.  He was doing pretty well before I added the chromides and mono except that the other scat chased him at feeding time.  After I added the new fish though he just stopped feeding and was hiding out all the time.  I thought...
  29. DHJac

    Stocking Has Begun!

    I agree Salty.  The Colombian Sharks were something my son really wanted to add but the other fish spend plenty of time scouring the bottom of the tank so I'm happy to leave them out.  Although, I think I'm going to have to start a smaller tank for him to pick out some fish now. And so it begins...
  30. DHJac

    Stocking Has Begun!

    I added a few new tankmates today.  I went to the the LFS looking for monos but they had a bunch of orange chromides so we got two of those to go with a mono argentus.     Chromides were not a fish I planned on adding but they are beautiful fish and a colorful addition.  I've read that chromides...
  31. DHJac

    Stocking Has Begun!

    Thanks for the input.  I think the current looks worse in the video than it really is.  None of the fish have a problem holding their ground or swimming into the current if they want to but the scats do provide a lot of surface area when they turn sideways so it will move them around a little...
  32. DHJac

    Stocking Has Begun!

    Hello all.  It's been a few years since I had a tank and when I did, I made the mistake of putting fish in that needed more space than I had to offer and thought all brackish fish could tolerate the same SG conditions.  Hey, info was hard to come by on brackish fish back then.  I learned along...
  33. DHJac

    Am I On Track?

    I understand.  The plan is to add two fish next weekend and two more a couple of weeks after that.  Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to new tanks.
  34. DHJac

    Am I On Track?

    Woohoo.  I had my son help me check the water this weekend and after a couple days of 0 ppm ammonia and nitrate, it looks as though my cycle is complete with all the fish happy, healthy and accounted for.  Now comes the fun part, I get to add a couple of scats to start.  LFS just got a shipment...
  35. DHJac

    Survival Of The Fittest

    It's 110g (48"x18x30).  I may try to do a mixed school of scats and monos and just do 3 of each if they are happy.   
  36. DHJac

    Survival Of The Fittest

    Thanks.  The plan is to add 3 scats, 4-5 monos and a couple of wild sailfin mollies along with something to hang out on the bottom of the tank, maybe a couple of Columbian sharks.  I was talking to the fish mgr at my LFS today and he said they have a guy who can supply wild mollies from Mexico...
  37. DHJac

    Survival Of The Fittest

    I'm about 4 weeks in to a new 110g tank that will be brackish but I started off with a couple of mollies to cycle it.  I was out of town for a couple of days about a week into it and when I came back, one of the mollies had given birth and there were a bunch of fry swimming around the tank.  I...
  38. DHJac

    Am I On Track?

    Thanks for the suggestions.  I forgot to add this in my OP but I did use Tetra Safe Start.  I've read some good things about Dr. Tim's but thought that was only for fishless cycling.     HandFeeder, I have a friend that swears by Prime for all water changes but doesn't that lock up the available...
  39. DHJac

    Am I On Track?

    First off, hello to everyone on this great forum.  I recently found it and have been enjoying all of the knowledge shared on here.   I am 22 days into a fish in cycle and would like to know if you have any recommendations.  I know, I know, should have done fishless, but it has been about 12 yrs...